Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1661 Impossible! absolutely impossible

I saw Jiangnan's face was full of fierceness, and he raised two fingers to poke his own eyes!


His eyes were red, and he burst into tears on the spot!

Then a teleport came to the edge of the Pioneer Basin!

Sure enough, the four Bobcats were already standing there waiting for them!

Without hesitation, Jiangnan plunged into Shanmao's arms with a swoop!

─=≡Σ(((つ??????w???????)つ "Sister Shanmeow! I miss you so much~"

"If my longing turns into tears, then the tears converging into a river are enough to make people drunk ~ I..."


The imaginary warm and fragrant nephrite appeared, Shanmao had already used the iron block, Jiangnan bumped into it, and his face was deformed!

Nose bleeding!

)??????? ????????(

Is this the legend that my chest is as iron as iron and indestructible?

However, Shan Mao tilted his head: (??~?) "Miss me? I don't think you miss me too much! You don't even call me when you are safe!"

"The Jiangnan I knew is dead, you must be a fake, go, go, don't stick to me!"

"Do I know you well?"

While speaking, holding Jiangnan by the back of the neck, he picked him up and put him aside, then turned around and ignored Jiangnan!

[The resentment value from Luo Tianhong +777! ]

Jiang Nan shuddered fiercely, it's over, it's over, he's really angry!

So another teleport came to Shan Mao, without saying a word, just looked at Shan Mao pitifully, tearfully!

(????????~???????) na~

Shan Mao turned his head again: (?~??) "Don't look at me like that, candy for crying children? This trick doesn't work for me anymore!"

"I don't feel sorry for you!"

At that time, Jiangnan looked at Platelet and Tieniu as if he had been struck by lightning, and winked wildly at Platelet and Tieniu as if they were begging for help!


Tie Niu spread his hands, expressing that he was helpless!

╮(〃︶?︶〃)╭ "My meow! Coax me! Scumbag!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Platelet looked serious: (???~??) "When you died, Team Meow didn't even have the heart to attend your funeral, but followed the Dark Night Army to kill the Celestial Group!"

"Like crazy, I paralyzed myself with killing, I was seriously injured a few times, and I almost disappeared!"

"If it weren't for our persuasion, saying that Jiang Nan didn't want to see you like this even if he was alive, Team Meow would have carried it over here!"

"When you found out that you were suspended animation, Team Meow was the happiest! They even collapsed a dozen mountains to celebrate!"

Liu Mang: (?? д ??●)!!!

You call this a celebration?

Jiang Nan's expression darkened, Shanmao glared fiercely at Platelet, Platelet shrank his neck, and dared not speak at that time!

Tieniu snorted and said: (??へ?? ) "The Meow team has been waiting for your news, and they didn't even look at their phones before!"

"From then on, I refreshed the chat interface on my phone whenever I had nothing to do, and waited for you to report her safety!"

Shan Mao blushed suddenly, and couldn't help staring at Tieniu:

o(????﹏????)o "Nonsense... nonsense! Who is waiting for his news? I... I just check if there is any task information in time, it's not..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiangnan hugged Bobcat into his arms from behind!

"I'm sorry~ I didn't give you any news, I...I was afraid that you would blame me for lying to you, and then you would beat me up, so I stayed away!"

( ′?﹏?`) "Will you hit me! Don't be angry, okay? I'm not very good at coaxing people~"

Bobcat struggled non-stop: (??~???) "Let go! Don't want you to hug me! Go away!"

However, Jiang Nan will not let go!

"No! Don't spill it! If you don't forgive me, I'll stick to you!"

Shanmao stomped his feet angrily, and kept looking at the eyes of others, his face turned red!

How could she be really angry with Jiangnan, and she also knew that Jiangnan faked his death in order to escape, and then rushed to the moon to be busy there!

It's not anger, it's just that my worries didn't get his response, and I feel like I've been forgotten by him, and I wonder if I'm not that important in his heart!

It's a little unbalanced, a little grievance!

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "You let go! I will forgive you if you let go! There are so many people watching! Are you ashamed?"

Shan Mao's face turned even redder, and Jiang Nan's eyes sparkled brightly:

(??? ???) "Really? Not angry?"

"Don't be angry if you let go!"

But as soon as Jiangnan let go, Shanmao turned around abruptly, pinched both sides of Jiangnan's cheeks and kept pulling, grinding his teeth for a while!

"Afraid of being beaten? Now you are not afraid, are you? If I don't come this time, are you going to hide for the rest of your life?"

Jiang Nan's face was twisted and deformed, and he begged for mercy:

( ?)??﹏??( ?) "The main reason is that I was really scared of being beaten! I came back from the moon, and I was beaten all over~"

Shanmao burst out laughing, and rubbed Jiangnan's face: "It's what you deserve! Who is to blame for the trouble I caused!"

Where are you willing to pinch hard?

Platelet teased:

( ?? .? ?? ) "You said you can't coax girls? Isn't it good to coax girls?"

Liu Mang had a learned expression on his face:

(? ?° ?? ?°) "As expected of Nanshen, this move is absolutely perfect, scumbag!"

"As expected of a southerner who can cheat several times at the same time!"

Jiang Nan stared: (??? mouth??)? "What cheating? Don't talk nonsense! Be careful, I will sue you for slander, you?"

"Hiss~ By the way, Liu Mang, why are you still so dark? You just came back from a mission in the Philippines?"

Liu Mang's expression froze directly, with a look of grief and indignation:

(??Yi?)σ "You still have the face to say it! Do you remember how many black garlic you fed me, don't you?"

"I came out of the Void Sea on a horse and never came back in vain! Now I am really not afraid of the dark! My mother doesn't know me when I go home! Don't let me in the house!"

It's so dark that even my mother doesn't know her anymore!

[Resentment value from Liu Mang +1001! ]

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (¬?¬????) "Hey~ has it been... so long?"

At this moment, Tieniu shouted happily!

=????=????(????) "Honey!"


His figure disappeared instantly, and it turned out that it was Zhong Yingxue, Wu Liang and the others who came over!

I saw Wu Liang yelling in surprise: "Kang is busy! Miaomiao!"

The golden light flashing on his body, what a barbaric collision, his spiritual muscles and bones, and the golden bell cover of his spiritual gauze have been used all over the place!

He even took a stride in a restored way!


With a loud noise, Tieniu plunged headlong into Wu Liang's arms, and the powerful impact made him slip back hundreds of meters while holding Miaomiao!

But they carried it down, and hugging each other was a burst of crazy bobo, and they all kissed sparks!

Jiang Nan swallowed:

( ?? ﹏ ?) "Why are younger brothers and sisters still so vigorous after becoming slim?"

Platelet's mouth twitched: "Sister Tieniu has never lost her muscle training, you'd better not see her second form!"

Zhong Yingxue and others also came over to hug Shanmao, after all, it's been a long time since we last saw each other!

As for Liu Mang, this guy is also an old friend, a brother who has crossed the void sea together!

Jiang Nan changed the subject: "Didn't Brother Jian say that scumbag Yuan dreamed about me? You are here to send news, right?"

"And what's the matter with saying that I cheated?"

Mentioning this, several people all looked contemptuous, and even Shan Mao's expression became solemn!

(?`~′?) "I didn't expect you to do such a thing!"

Jiangnan: (·??????)?

"What did I do to me?"

Liu Mang laughed straight: (????) "You cheated! You're still with several girls!"

Upon hearing this, before Jiang Nan could refute, Xia Yao sneered!

?(??????)? "Ha! Cheating? Xiao Nan? He can still cheat? Bah! He wasn't on the track from the beginning, okay?"

He even had a couple of romances according to the order, and after coming back for so long, he still hasn't moved. He knew about the training, and everyone was almost swept away!

Xia Yao believed everything else, but she didn't believe this one!

Jiangnan: (?_? )

What kind of weird confidence does Great Wolf Mie have in me?

Why do I feel as if I've been insulted, but I can't find a reason to refute it?

But immediately became stiff:

(︶~︶〃) "Exactly! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Liu Mang stared, and patted himself on the head: "Can there be a fake? I brought all the evidence! It's already confirmed!"

Jiang Nan laughed: "You broadcast one and I'll watch it! I really want to see how I cheated! Study hard!"

Liu Mang was startled: (??? д ???) "Really... it's really broadcast here? The content is amazing! Aren't you afraid others will see it?"

Mira ran directly behind Lan and covered her eyes!

(?????? ????) "Children are not allowed to watch the explosive content!"

However, Lan was dissatisfied:

(?~?) "Then you are also a child, how can you watch?"

Mira: (?????) "I'm 28 years old, did I say I'm a child? I'm just pretending to be young!"

Lan: (???Dish???)?Damn it!

Jiangnan has been broadcast, how can Liu Mang be polite? Just project it!

It was exactly what Ziyuan had dreamed before, which was stored in Liu Mang's mind, and he brought it all the way here!

Everyone looked at it intently!


Under the projection, everyone seemed to be there!

I saw a dark room with the curtains drawn tightly!

The air conditioner is blowing cold wind outside, and the cicadas are singing crisply outside!

Jiang Nan appeared in the room abruptly, wearing shorts and short sleeves!

(?????) "Tsk tsk tsk~ It's quite emotional!"

Immediately, he sat down on the bed and looked around, looking forward to it!

However, not long after, a slender woman pushed the door open and walked into the room!

High heels, Barty's family, plus a black skirt!

The upper body is a loose shirt, with short inward hair, and a golden hairpin pinned to the top of the head!

She has fair skin, unbelievably exquisite facial features, and a small red mole on the corner of her lips, which looks extremely charming!

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ"Stop! Pause!"

Jiang Nan hurriedly greeted him, and the projection screen was tentatively suspended!

At this moment, all eyes were on the woman in the projection!

Jiang Nan was even more disbelieving: "Damn! Isn't this Vivienne? Is this just Heisiwei? Or Fakawei?"

"I... Me and Vivienne and her..."

A small black room full of emotional appeal, with a big bed? air conditioner?

Something is wrong with this development?

I saw Xia Yao's wolf paw directly across Jiang Nan's neck, with a kind smile on her face!


As an existence who has interrogated Vivienne, no one knows her better than Da Lang Mie, okay?

The woman in the projection must be Vivian!

A secret tryst between Jiang Nan and Vivienne?

"Xiao Nan! If you didn't cheat, you might just join the enemy, right?"

"Danger should be killed in the cradle! Shark!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

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