Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1571 Don't bully the boy with small eyes

The little walnut was trampled on the head!

But the one-eyed walnut is still staring at the one-eyed cute girl, with scarlet sockets and a sad face!

"I'm so good to you! Why are you doing this to me! I can be stronger, I can be better!"

"He has 10 points, and I will only give you 1 point! I have 10 points, and I can give you all!"

"Are you going to do eye exercises for him behind my back? Why!"

The one-eyed cute girl dodged her eyes, but when she looked at Xiuka beside her, the unbearableness in her eyes finally dissipated, and she became disgusted and disdainful!

"You are enough! Don't bother me anymore! Can you give me everything? Heh~ But everything you have is worthless in my eyes! It's not as good as him!"

"Master Xiuka can give me origin energy and make my eyes bigger! Can you? I don't want to live a hard life of moving bricks with you every day!"

"You and I were really close when we were young, but your eyes have never grown since you were a child! And I am already an orange-level existence!"

"You and I have never been in the same world. I will become an orange-level existence sooner or later! Don't be wishful thinking, I am not something you can get!"

The cute one-eyed girl who spoke out all the words in her heart had a relieved expression on her face, and she snuggled into Xiuka's arms!

Little Walnut gritted his steel teeth and hammered the ground hard, his eyes were full of disappointment!

"Is the size of the eyes everything? I haven't seen him for a long time!"

Shuka sneered: "Yes! That's everything! Become stronger? A joke! You are born to be a waste!"

"Standing on the horse to become stronger? Even if you use the origin fire to beat you to death, your eyes won't be as big as my fist, right? Hahaha!"

Little Walnut's eyes were sharp: "Thirty years in Hedong! Thirty years in Hexi! Don't bully young people with small eyes!"

Xiuka narrowed his eyes: "How about just bullying you? Rubbish like you, if I trample you to death, I will wash away the shame of the pupil clan!"

"Trash orange level! No matter how many people die, no one cares!"

As he said that, he was going to trample the little walnut to death!

But the one-eyed cute girl still couldn't bear it, so she said coquettishly, "Master Xiuka, don't get your feet dirty~"

"It's still early, why don't you let me go back and give you a full set of eye exercises?"

Xiuka's heart suddenly became hot: "Hahaha! Let's go! Let me see if your technique has improved!"

As he said that, he kicked Little Walnut in the face, kicked it flying far away like garbage, smashed through several brick walls, and walked away gracefully with his big-eyed cute girl in his arms!

Little Walnut is covered with scars, and finally he is willing to use super regeneration to repair the fracture and trauma, and maintain his most basic mobility!

Kneeling on the ground at this moment, looking at his blood-stained fist, his nails piercing into the flesh and blood, he still doesn't know it!

His eyes are full of disappointment and unwillingness!

The one-eyed species next to him also talked about it!

"He also wants to climb 3838? It really is a toad who wants to eat swan meat! Why are the small eyes so embarrassing?"

"Go for fun if you take a life, it belongs to the patrol team! You can kill him with one finger, right?"

The contractor looked at Little Walnut impatiently!

"I haven't done much work, so I'm going to cause trouble for me! The wall that collapsed will be doubled for me tomorrow! Get out!"

Little Walnut walked out of the construction site in a daze, and walked towards her little hut!

Qianbenying was full of anger: (??????)? "Bah! Then 3838 is really! He is so ruthless to the little walnut!"

"By the way, what do they mean by eye exercises?"

At this moment, Qianben Sakura was full of doubts. Looking at the experience of Little Walnut, she felt like she was watching a TV series!

Jiang Nan covered his face: (?)′-﹏-`) "I... I'm also quite curious, let's follow up and have a look!"

The three of them followed Little Walnut all the way back to the small broken house!

I saw that there was no roof in the dilapidated house, and the walls of the house were bare!

Little Walnut, covered in wounds, lay on the stone bed and looked at the starry sky, letting tears flow freely on her cheeks!


At the same time, the energy-absorbing mode is also turned on. Although the back of the moon is in the dark, it can still absorb the faint starlight!


Little Walnut, who punched the bed with a fist, turned over and got up, her eyes full of firmness!

"No! No! I have to work harder!"

While speaking, he got up directly and came to the yard!

He actually tied the rope to his eyelashes, and there was a huge stone pier hanging under the rope, it felt like his eyelids were about to be ripped off!

Everyone in Jiangnan opened their mouths wide open!

∑(°口°(o口o(??? ????)

He... what is he doing?

Just listen to the roar of the little walnut!

(?????)? "Aha!"

He opened his eyes in an instant, and with his eyelids alone, he lifted up the huge stone pier!

"Aha! Aha!"

Accompanied by Little Walnut's cries, the stone piers tied to his eyelashes followed his blinking movements, one up and one down!

Qianben Yingguang was blown up watching this scene!

(?д??) "Hiss~ he...doesn't it hurt? His eyelids lift stones? And this unique skill?"

"Is he trying to make his eyes bigger?"

Jiang Nan had a look of astonishment on his face, this guy is also a talent?

But are you sure it can make your eyes bigger? Instead of practicing swollen eyes for yourself?

After practicing for a while, Little Walnut rubbed his sore and swollen eyes!

He came to a stone pot without stopping!

And the stone pot is full of black gravel!

I saw little walnut's eyes were full of determination, and the eye mask was opened, revealing the one-eyed body!

Striding on horseback, with a roar, he poked his head into the iron pot with his eyes wide open, smashing the pot like crazy!

"Hey! Hey!"

The one eye was directly polished by the black gravel, the painful little walnut shed tears, and the one eye was red!

But he didn't stop at all, poking his eyes into the iron pot again and again...

Jiang Nan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

(?'口'? ?)? "I've heard of iron sand palm! I've never heard of iron sand eye!"

"Not all parts can be exercised!"

Jiang Nan was directly shocked by Little Walnut's operation, but this is far from over!

After training the iron trachoma, the little walnut began to practice vision locking, long-distance tracking and other abilities!

He even used one-eyed pestle to practice handstand!

This really works? If you let it go, this guy will have to practice blindness sooner or later, right?

Jiangnan finally knew why Little Walnut didn't use super regeneration to heal all his injuries. Did he want to save his energy for exercise?

Qianbenzakura elbowed Jiang Nan!

( ′? ~?`) "Hey, let's choose the little walnut! He works so hard! It's just missing a chance!"

Jiang Nan still shook his head: "Be careful, this is asking him to betray his own race!"

"Little Walnut is indeed hardworking and persevering enough, but this kind of person has his own opinions and beliefs, which are not so easy to control!"

"At that time, if we stab us back and sell us, it will even directly affect the victory or defeat of the counterattack!"

"The future of mankind is now in our hands, and we cannot be too cautious!"

Qianben Sakura could only nod: ('?~?) "Okay! I'll listen to you!"

I saw that Little Walnut was exhausted after exercising, her one eye was red and swollen, and she couldn't stop crying!

But he hurriedly took out a stone ruler from the house and measured it on the one-eye, measured the diameter and drew a mark on it!

Looking forward to the imprint!

But the imprint is still the same one before, I don't know how many times it has been measured, but it hasn't changed every time!

The little walnut completely exploded, crushed the stone ruler with one hand, and kicked the stone pier!

He raised his fist and slammed it in his eyes, the tears from the smashing were soaring, and the blood flowed endlessly!

"Why! Why is this! I have put in so much effort, but there is still no change!"

"Why is someone destined to be brilliant after birth! Why is everything determined by nature! The future should be in your own hands!"

"I can work harder than everyone! But in vain! Is it all in vain?"

Little Walnut knelt on the ground, looking at the starry sky with red eyes!

"Grandpa! I don't understand! I can't imagine the beautiful homeland you and I described, mother planet..."

"Eyes shouldn't be used to decide everything! Hitomi clan shouldn't be like this! Huh~"

Little Walnut cried weakly and curled up in a ball in the yard!

Jiang Nan glanced lightly, raised his hand and reached into the alien space, fiddled with it, then took it out and stuffed it under the gravel of the stone pot and buried it!

"Let's go! It's more than half of the time, and there are other news I haven't inquired about!"

Qianben Sakura came over curiously!

(?????) "Hey~ You chose him, right? You don't talk about your body but you are honest! What did you hide just now?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "I won't tell you! Guess it yourself!"

"Oh, just tell me!"

"No no no!"

The Jiangnan trio continued their on-the-spot investigation!

At this moment, Zhang San has almost swayed the entire pupil city!

With a notebook in his hand and a pen in his mouth!

The topographic maps of the city in the books are all drawn in sevens and eights!

At this moment, Miyazaki and Musashi are following Zhang San, their brains are still buzzing!

Just followed Zhang San and even ran around the most heavily guarded warehouse, okay?

There was even a photo taken, it was lawless!

The two of them are small butts, open your eyes!

But at this moment, the three of them wandered into an extremely lively neighborhood!

It can be said that this is the most lively place in the whole Tongcheng!

The streets are bustling with people, and all kinds of stone signboards stand on both sides of the street, which are extremely conspicuous! They all use the Beimian Pu language!

It says everything on the signboard!

"Dizzy flagship store!"

"Go to the eye disease! The hands are fast! The eyes are fast and the hands are Miaomiaowu!"

"Star Eyes is a century-old store! Just to meet you!"

"Happy house with cute girls with big eyes! Brand new technique, the best experience! The boss is super beautiful! I regret not coming!"

On the street, many one-eyed girls fluttered their big eyes and pulled grapefruit-level one-eyed girls into the house with a smile!

At this moment, Zhang San and the three of them opened their mouths wide and petrified in place!

(???????)(????????)(っ °Д °;)っ

no? Is there such a place in Tongcheng?

The three of them looked at each other!

Zhang San: ( ?? ~?? ) "Let's go?"

Miyazaki: (???~??)? Go!

Musashi: (#?ˇ~ˇ?) Go!

Sometimes it takes only one to go! That's enough!

The three of them walked directly into the happy house of cute big-eyed girls! This is just to collect task information, there is no other purpose at all!

However, Zhang San and the others didn't know it at all! Taking this step directly opened up a whole new world for them!

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