Qianbenying is hammering Jiangnan, and suddenly saw a one-eyed species moving bricks on the construction site!

(*???)? "Ah! Look, where is there a deformed one-eyed species~"

Jiang Nan was immediately attracted, and looked in the direction Qianben Sakura was pointing at!

I saw a thin one-eyed species with a body size of only more than two meters, sweating profusely carrying the giant moon rock bricks that were just mined!

Other people's one eye, no matter how bad it is, is the size of an orange!

And this one-eyed species, the one-eyed cat on its face is only as big as a walnut!


It seems that the face is still a little empty, and the eyes are pitifully small, okay?

Jiang Nan felt that Qianben Sakura's eyes would be bigger than this guy's eyes any further!

He couldn't help opening his mouth wide, his face full of astonishment!

∑(°口°?) "Damn! There are really walnut-level one-eyed species? This directly refreshes the lower limit of the race, okay?"

Not only the eyes are small, but even the body size is a bit smaller than other orange-level one-eyed species!

But others move one brick at a time! It actually moved two yuan at a time!

His legs were shaking under the heavy pressure, and he was sweating profusely!

However, Little Walnut stared at the front with his eyes wide open. Every time he took a step, he would do a lunge squat, just walking step by step!

Freya scratched her head: ?(???~??) "He...is he exercising?"

There was a strong look of interest in Jiangnan's eyes!

(?? .??) "Interesting! Let's go and have a look~"

The three of them couldn't help getting closer to watch the excitement, but for the one-eyed people on the construction site, the three of Jiangnan didn't exist at all!

The other orange-level one-eyed species looked at Little Walnut with disdain in their eyes!

(乛;) "Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk, you little trash, what are you doing with such small eyes?"

(¬?) ​​"Moving two pieces at a time? Doesn't it look like you're capable? Doesn't this guy want to run out of energy early and leave work early?"

"Pfft~hahaha! Look at your small eyes, my eyes are bigger than yours! Drink up~"

A mouthful of saliva smeared onto Little Walnut's cheek!

He gave the orange-level one-eyed species a cold look, and didn't speak!

That one-eyed man became anxious: "Standing on the horse and daring to stare at me? Can't it be moved? I will move it for you!"

As he spoke, he flicked it lightly, and the giant moon rock brick on his back flew over and threw it to Little Walnut!

The bricks on the back of the little walnut turned into three pieces!

He couldn't straighten up under the weight, and his knees were slightly bent!

But Little Walnut didn't care, and squatted forward with firm eyes!

Because the weight exceeds the capacity of the body, every step shakes like chaff!

Just like that, it moved under the building step by step!

The one-eyed man who built the wall stared and scolded angrily: "Could you please slow down?"

"The bricks brought here can't be used by me, trash!"

"For such a long time, there has never been a trash as small as your eyes in the pupil clan! It's embarrassing to the pupil clan!"

"Why don't you die?"

While speaking, he kicked the past!

Little Walnut quickly raised his arms to defend, but where is the opponent of the orange-level one-eyed species?

He was kicked straight out and smashed down a brick wall!

"Do you still dare to block the horse?"

The wall builder rushed up and kicked the little walnut violently!

The others who didn't like Little Walnut also rushed up to beat him, laughing at his small eyes while beating him!

Little Walnut gritted his teeth tightly, shrunk himself into a ball, didn't say a word, just got beaten in silence!

Qianbenying frowned: (*??~??) "Isn't it a bit too bullying? You've been beaten like this, why doesn't Little Walnut yell?"

"Not fighting back? Isn't it too spineless?"

Jiang Nan's expression remained unchanged, as if he was an outsider!

"Sakura sauce, you are very talented, and you are also a space department. You should have been a star since you were a child, and you haven't been bullied much, have you?"

Qianbenying was stunned for a moment, and then her face was full of arrogance!

o(︶^︶)o "Huh! Who dares to bully me?"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "That's it! Little Walnut can't even stop someone from kicking him sideways, how can he fight back? He might be beaten to death if he fights back!"

"As for shouting? That will only make them more excited and strike harder!"

"That's why they only give up when they get bored with the fight!"

"I guess this has happened more than once, but every day?"

Qianbenying looked at Jiangnan in a daze!

(???~??) "You..."

Jiang Nan smiled: "A long time ago, I was beaten like this more than once!"

"Because the talent is bad, but the supernatural power is a rare space system, and people are jealous and jealous, and because they have no background and are poor, they can be bullied at will!"

"This will allow them to vent their accumulated bad emotions and get some kind of distorted satisfaction in their hearts! Little Walnut is the one everyone vents on!"

"Didn't you see that the contractor didn't care about it? Everyone vented their emotions on the little walnut, and there are not so many complaints about the tiring work!"

Freya looked at the contractor, and he was really watching from afar

Qianbenying felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. In her perception, Jiangnan is a good group?

There is nothing he can't handle, but even such a Jiangnan, did he experience such a thing when he was weak?

(?????~????) "You can still laugh? It's not a good thing? Then you have become so strong now, have you learned your lesson?"

Jiang Nan shook his head with a smile: "The reason why I can say this with a smile is because I have become stronger!"

"It's so powerful that they can't see my back even if they raise their heads and widen their eyes!"

"As for going back with a lesson? Is it necessary? Wouldn't I be as rotten as those rotten people?"

"I have proved myself to them! Every miracle about me in this world is my strongest response to them!"

"I still think so! We are desperate to become stronger, not to change the world! But to prevent the world from changing our original appearance!"

Qianben Sakura stared blankly at Jiang Nan, getting goosebumps all over her body!


Is this still that Jiang devil?

Why didn't she expect Jiang Devil to have such a side?

There is... There is a handsome guy with a billion points!

( ′? ?? `) "Why do you suddenly feel very passionate? A little inspirational~ Did you change your account? Jiang Lizhi is online?"

Jiangnan raised his hand and gave Qianbenying a headache: "Bah! You don't understand even if I tell you, go go go~"

Freya also looked at Jiangnan in surprise, did she become stronger to prevent the world from changing her original appearance?

She was suddenly curious, what kind of world is in the heart of a person who can say such words!

"So you want to choose Little Walnut as the object of instigation?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ?? ˉ?) "There are many one-eyed people who have been bullied and suppressed, and Little Walnut is not the only one!"

"Whether he can get this opportunity from me depends on himself!"

"Hope you don't disappoint me!"

At this moment, I saw that the little walnut who had been beaten was covered in blood and was in a mess, and the arm protecting his head felt like he couldn't hold it!

But the contractor shouted: "What are you doing? Let me go back to work!"

With a loud roar, everyone spit out and continued to work!

Little Walnut wiped the blood off his face, got up unsteadily, and clenched his fists!

Bow your head and walk towards the brick pile silently!

Continue to carry bricks and put them on your back, and don’t forget to do two bent-arm cleans and jerks!

But just put the bricks on!

I just noticed a pomelo-level one-eyed species, walking by the construction site with a slender, curvaceous one-eyed cute girl on her arm!

She is wearing a ponytail, and her eyes are close to the size of oranges!

The actions and manners are very intimate, and the two are talking and laughing!

Little Walnut froze, his eyes fixed on the one-eyed cute girl, his eyes were full of anger!

He couldn't help but put down the brick and rushed straight in front of the two of them!

"3838! You... Didn't you say that you don't want to give people eye exercises? Why are you walking with him?"

"We are childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, we have played together since childhood! We made a promise to stay together forever!"

"You promised to wait for me...wait for me to become stronger! I..."

Little Walnut spoke incoherently, his eyes were full of unwillingness!

The one-eyed cute girl dodged her eyes, avoiding Little Walnut's gaze!

"3613? Why are you here, I..."

But before he finished speaking, he saw the grapefruit-level one-eyed species hugging the one-eyed cute girl into his arms!

"What the hell are you? Pfft~hahaha! Eyes are so small? Are you a pupil? You're laughing so hard!"

Speaking of this, the smile on the face of the pomelo-level one-eyed species gradually changed!

(???) "I grew up playing with you? Coincidentally! She is also my growing up! Hahaha!"

While talking, his hands on the one-eyed cute girl became dishonest!

The one-eyed cute girl looked shy: "Master Xiuka! You hate it!"

Small walnut:! ! !


I saw his one-eyed blood red, his body rushing violently, and a star-pupil cannon shot towards Xiuka without hesitation!

Immediately, he raised his fist and slammed it violently, the muscles of his thin and small body swelled, and it was no less powerful than the explosive power of the orange-level one-eyed species!

But Nashuka dodged the Star Pupil Cannon with a slight tilt of his head!

Little Walnut's rushing body was directly locked in the void by Xiuka's vision, unable to move at all!

"You dare to be disrespectful to Lao Tzu? Do you want to be punished for gouging out your eyes?"


Immediately, he raised his leg and slashed violently, kicking the little walnut's sky cap fiercely!

He stepped on the ground heavily, and his big feet crushed the little walnut's face!

It seemed like he wanted to crush his head!

Qianbenying was puzzled: (??~??*) "The power of this little walnut is not weak, similar to those orange-level one-eyed species. Why didn't they fight back just now, and now they fight back?"

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin: ( ?° ? ?°) "A man! It's normal to get angry and become a beauty!"

"It's just... so bloody? Sure enough! Since ancient times, bamboo horses can't compare with heaven!"

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