Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1562 A Family Portrait

Yang Jian was beating drums in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask more questions at the meeting!

You can only suppress the doubts in your heart first!

But he firmly believes that Jiangnan definitely has his purpose in doing this!

Thinking of this, Yang Jian couldn't help laughing.

Have you learned to play with your mind?

Jiangnan: (?°?口°?)? "What are you doing in a daze? Those two classmates! Why don't you hurry up and take notes?"

"Still sneaking away? Don't you know how to listen to the lectures? You can't figure out whether the planned action fails or not, can you pay for it?"

Bruce Andy's faces were dark, I'm bewildered, why do I still have the feeling of being lectured by the teacher in class, hey!

Jiang Nan cleared his throat: (??ˇ?ˇ?) "That's the plan, do you have anything to add?"

"If not, just follow this, and the specific details will be followed up with each other!"

"Now we only need to formulate a preliminary counterattack policy. No amount of it will be useless. After all, the plan will never keep up with the rapid changes!"

At this moment, the council members in the room nodded subconsciously, and then were startled!

Just... just formulate it like this, and then complete the alliance?


But looking back and thinking about what Jiangnan said, there is indeed nothing that can be optimized. Where else can I raise my opinion?

In the end, he was still shown off by Jiangnan! hateful!

But the current situation, this is indeed the situation that everyone wants to see!

Don't care about anything else, let's talk about winning first!

Jiang Nan saw that no one was talking, so he went on to say: "Since everyone has nothing to say, let's do it first!"

"I created a group, and everyone can scan the QR code to join the group, and it will also facilitate communication in the future and the progress of the action!"

As he spoke, he took out his phone and showed the group chat QR code!


At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded!

(?_? ????) "Isn't it? Did you make a mistake? Join the group chat?"

"We are at the top of Blue Star anyway, the joint counter-offensive is such a big business, why don't we just chat in the group?"

(¬志¬?) "Can you be taller? Do you want to be so down-to-earth, you? It's too low!"

God special meow plus group ah?

Even Yang Jian couldn't bear to look directly at him!


Is "Blue Star Daotian Chat Group" okay?

If someone joins in by mistake and sees a bunch of bigwigs chatting inside, wouldn't you be confused?

If you talk about it, you might get on the line, and then rely on this to start a wonderful counterattack in life, maybe?

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (??~?) "What's wrong with the group chat? Where is the low approval? Satellite database, the news will not be leaked, and it is convenient for everyone to communicate!"

"I like to add or not! The first five people who join the group will be given to the administrator!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Daoyi stretched out his mobile phone to scan the QR code, that action was so quick!

Although few of the Lao Tzu present were able to fight, but thinking about being able to manage them, I was a little excited!

( ??? .?.? ??‵) Goose box~

After Chen Daoyi, Pierce also teleported over with a swipe and scanned the code directly!

(? ?д???) "Administrator! We agreed!"

Even Freya's eyes lit up, maybe this is a new way to make money? So rushed over to join the group!

Seeing that everyone started to join the group, they also scanned the QR code to join the group in desperation!

As soon as the big guys joined the group, their faces turned black!

I saw that the name of the group chat was impressively called "The Hope of the Whole Village" group!

The soil is exploding!

What village? Is it Blue Star Village?

No one would have guessed that there are a lot of Daotian-level bosses in this group, right?

Even Quinn and the others joined the group, but they didn't get along with the administrators!

"Cough~ The counterattack plan has been preliminarily formulated, and the round table meeting is almost here!"

"In the next operation, I will appoint a correctional officer and a peace force to supervise each operation from a neutral position!"

"In order to prevent each family from making trouble, making trouble, and refusing to cooperate, which will cause friction and conflict and destroy the joint operation!"

"Once this happens, all the joint members will be sanctioned. How about it? Do you have any opinions?"

Although everyone frowned, they also agreed. After all, this joint model is not stable, and it is easy to have problems in the process of cooperation, causing fights!

In the end, it might be counterproductive, and it would be nice to be supervised by people from the Lingwu Alliance!

It's just that you have to be watched for everything, and you will feel a little uncomfortable!

The round table meeting is almost here, and everyone stands up and prepares for the next action!

Don't want to waste any time!

And Jiangnan wants to pick a wave of people to build the core of the Space Spirit Market!

Just about to take action, Bai Kou remembered something and raised her hand to propose!

(????)? "Everyone, wait a minute... How about taking a photo to commemorate before taking action?"

Everyone was startled: ( ??~?? ) "Do you want to take a group photo as a souvenir?"

Bai Kou's expression darkened, and he gave a wry smile!

"My lords! The difficulty of this battle is obvious to all. Regardless of victory or defeat, after this battle, maybe some of us will not be here..."

"Let's just take a photo, it can be regarded as a memory, at least it proves that we have all gathered here to fight for the future of mankind!

At this moment, needles could be heard in the entire Sunshine Hall, and everyone fell silent!

Maybe someone won't be here anymore?

But... so what?

Some things have to be done after all!

There are always some things in this world that people value more than their lives!

friend? family? promise? An old house, even a girl's expectation...

Maybe everyone is different, but there will be!

if not in...

Then it's not there!

I saw Jiangnan grinning!

(o???o) "Just try not to be the one to fall! Take a picture and take a picture!"

While speaking, he teleported to the round table, and sat in the middle with a small maza!

"Big group photo? That must be to grab the position C!"


At this moment, many members of the discussion group smiled freely, boarded the table and lined up!

Some squatted, some stood!

Mi Ye even grabbed the seat next to Jiangnan, and Bai Kou also stood on the other side of Jiangnan!


Qianbenying quietly slipped behind Jiang Nan with a smirk on her face!

(?? .???)

Everyone stood up, and the two meeting recorders pointed their cameras at everyone!

"The filming is about to start! Hey ~ don't be so lifeless! Isn't it a posthumous photo? Be cheerful!"

"That's right, how can there be so many opportunities to get together to take pictures on weekdays?"

Odin's face was black: (????????????)? "You also know that we are Daotian? What are you calling? Eggplant? We don't want to lose face?"

Just standing together and posing for pictures is already embarrassing, okay?

Jiang Nan looked pensive: (?ˇ?ˇ?) "It's a bit shameful to call eggplant, or call Nanshen Niu Bian, I think this is very good!"

[Resentment value from Odin +1000! ]

[From Quinn…]

Is it more shameful to step on a horse?

Can you be more narcissistic?

Everyone took a group photo together, why are you calling me awesome?

However, at this moment, Bai Kou's pretty face turned red, she clenched her fists, closed her eyes and shouted!

(???????)? "Humans! Victory!"

In the hall, only Bai Kou's voice echoed. At this moment, Bai Kou's face became redder than an apple, almost smoking!


Everyone was startled by Bai Kou's shout, but Jiang Nan grinned and raised his hands high!

??(??口??*)?? "We must win! We must win!"

Following Jiangnan's roar, Daotian, who couldn't save face, for some reason, also stirred up in his heart!

With a smile on your face, will you win?

Then fight it and come back with a big victory!

"Must win!"

At this moment, all Daotian roared, and the eyes of the two little meeting recorders were bright!

exactly! This is it!

"321! Triple shot and take you away!"

The flashes flashed continuously to record this historic moment!

In the picture, Qianben Sakura behind Jiangnan made a mischievous face, and even raised her hands on top of Jiangnan's head!

Y(* ??? * )Y?*

Among all the Daotians, only Koronov had the loudest voice, and with his roaring roar, all the strength in his body involuntarily came out!

Just after taking a photo, the round table shattered, and the entire Sun Hall was directly shaken by the roar of the crowd, and the huge beams fell directly towards the crowd!

The scene was chaotic, and the people who were still posing for pictures were tilted because of the shattered round table, terrified and swearing!

And these were all recorded by the second and third photos of the camera!

Amidst a burst of cursing and dust, the group photo was taken, and the Blue Star roundtable meeting ended "perfectly"!

Jiangnan also specially found the two children and asked for photos, and took the best-looking one to make the hope group chat profile picture of the whole village!

As for the remaining two, of course they are collected, and this is all due to the trick!

( ???) Jie Jie Jie ~

Afterwards, Daotian present was divided into three groups!

A group of Blue Stars stayed behind to provide backup, a group went to the moon to build a base, and formed a team to harass the Moon-eyed Cyclops. Mi Ye went to the City of Silver Moon, and Bai Kobaty and the others did the same!

With this level of combat power, it is better to have more on the moon!

And Jiangnan also selected a group of people!

Most of them are space systems!

Among them are Pierce Martin, Bader, Senben Yinghong Kingdom Mission and so on!

Even Freya followed to supervise the actions of each family and prevent mutual strife!

It was she who applied to follow her, after all, the debt with Jiangnan has not yet been settled!

Badr frowned: "Which space system do you want to go to? The Void Sea in Huaxia? Has it been closed long ago?"

Pierce curled his lips: (¬д¬?) "Where are you going? I will take you! Your teleportation distance is so short, okay?"

It's not easy to have the opportunity to mock Jiangnan, the precipice can't let it go!

Jiangnan looked left and right, and there was no one around in the empty Pacific Ocean!

Can't help but rolled his eyes: (??д??*) "Hey, hey! Don't you? Do you really think that I chose you to come here to engage in the core of the space system spirit market?"

"No matter how big the base is, the half of Bai Kou and I are almost enough. Even if it's not enough, Huaxia still has the core fragments of Void Sea!"

The smile on Qianben Sakura's face froze!

(??w?? ?) "Huh? Difficult... Isn't it baa?"

I came here for the Lingzhu! Damn!

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