Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1561 Formulate a counterattack plan

Several Daotians suffering from Nanshen Stress Syndrome looked at the little Maza slapped on the table, and couldn't help but chug in their hearts!

Batty's head was hidden under the table in the shape of an ostrich, Pierce tilted his head and dared not look at it!

Badr rubbed his forehead and grinded his teeth, Odin put his hand on his forehead with a dark face!

The magician turned his head to face the wall...

The grievance value has reached the peak!

Shente Miao has basically used a pony to open a ladle, you are quite proud?

Watching the round table meeting that instantly returned to silence, Yang Jian couldn't help but wink at Jiangnan and pull his cuffs!

(??????﹏??) "Take it easy!"

Are you not afraid that others will team up and beat you to the ground?

How dare you mention this?

Half of the people in this room are victims of Maza. If we are really in a hurry, we can't stop them!

However, Jiangnan simply didn't give him any face!

╧╧?(?°?д°?) "If you have an opinion, I don't mind filling in the number of openings. Maybe I can get the achievement of Blue Star Opening King!"

All of a sudden, the grievance value went crazy!

Yang Jian's forehead was covered with cold sweat...

(?????????) "Aha~ahhaha~ My Jiangnan family is still young, a child, not sensible!"

"Everyone, don't take it to heart~"

However, Pierce and the others were even more angry, the ghostly young is still a child!

Opened by a child? It's even more embarrassing, okay?

Odin's face was dark: (????????????)? "He opened too many dippers! He said so!"

Even Odin let go, and the rest wanted to see what Jiangnan had planned!

I saw Jiangnan leaning on the round table with both hands, his expression gradually became serious!

"The most important issue at present is the crisis of the moon eye! We must break the obstruction of the one-eyed species before the dawn of the moon's back, get rid of the star-eating giant insect, and fill the moon eye!"

"And all of this must be done within 11 days!"

"During the Dawn War, everyone saw the strength of the one-eyed species! The strength of a grapefruit-level one-eyed species is already comparable to that of Xingyao! There is no way to deal with it, and it can even fight against ordinary Daotian Gang!"

"Hundreds of thousands of one-eyed species! How can they all be dealt with in a short period of time? Even if there are anti-pupil weapons, how many people will be involved if they are dealt with?"

Speaking of this, everyone's hearts sank!

It's not just a human problem, even if Bombardier is exhausted, he can't manufacture so much equipment in a short period of time!

Jiang Nan's eyes were serious: "I'll figure it out! Even if a million people die in battle, they may not be able to eat all the one-eyed species!"

"Even if we win! Millions of people died in battle on the moon, is that called winning? Such a large number of high-end human combat powers died? It must be a generation, and then what?"

"The moon crisis is resolved, shall we continue to play or not? The holy star will not stop, and if there is any trouble, what will human beings do?"

"It's different or lose? The counterattack is head-on against the one-eyed species. No matter whether you win or lose, you lose! I don't think you want your friends and brothers to fall on the moon, do you?"

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Sun Hall suddenly became heavy!

Batty gritted his teeth tightly: "Don't want to! Never want to!"

Koronov clenched his fists tightly: "This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, so what should we do?"

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth curled up!

(?ˉ? ? ˉ?) "Since you can't be tough, let's recruit the one-eyed species! Instigate them!"

"Let him help us in turn!"

For a while, everyone looked at Jiangnan like a fool!

(?д? )Eh~

Instigate rebellion against the one-eyed species? Are you out of your mind?

Everyone can't beat the opponent, so join!

You're fine, if you can't beat it, you just pull the opponent to join?

Senbon Sakura opened her mouth wide!

(*???) "I have to say! Boss Jiang, you are handsome! What you think is beautiful!"

Pierce rolled his eyes: "You didn't do that in Daydream, did you? How could the one-eyed species help us?"

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (¬~¬) "Don't let your thoughts limit your actions! How is it impossible?"

"A long time ago, the pupil clan was like Blue Star, having its own home planet and freedom, but it was developed into a star market by the Holy Star, and the entire race was marked as a slave!"

"Enslaved by all races and used as mining tools, people squeezed harder than the donkeys of the production team!"

"If you were allowed to work 24 hours a day and not get paid all year round, would you be willing? Now that you have the opportunity to be free from oppression, are you willing to take a gamble?"

When everyone heard this, they swallowed their saliva at that time, good guy, the director of the black factory didn't do this, did he?

It's too miserable to be marked as a slave, isn't it?

Pierce frowned: (??ˇ_ˇ?) "From what you said, it seems reasonable?"

Jiang Nan smiled all over his face: "No one likes to be enslaved, because the strength of life lies in disobedience!"

"As long as the yearning for freedom in the hearts of the one-eyed people has not disappeared, there is a chance that this matter can be manipulated!"

Quinn's eyes brightened: "Oh? How to do it? Since you brought it up, you should already have a plan, right?"

Jiang Nan frowned, and then smiled freely: "Not yet, but everyone can think about it!"

"Once the one-eyed species becomes our battle force, then our charging treasures will come in handy!"

At this moment, Odin and Batty's faces turned dark, can they be called differently?

We don't want to lose face, do we?

Bombardier rolled his eyes: "I didn't plan to talk about der? Are you just daydreaming? Let's talk about something practical!"

Jiang Nan shrugged and brought the topic back to the alliance base!

But Yang Jian frowned, he knew exactly who Jiang Nan was, if he wasn't absolutely sure, he wouldn't mention it at all!

But Jiang Nan was unwilling to reveal his plan in front of everyone...

What is he guarding against?

Do you still suspect that the plan may be leaked?

At this moment, Jiangnan began to talk about the content of the counterattack one by one!

"The most important thing at present is to complete the construction of the matrix alliance base as soon as possible, and initially equip it with anti-pupil weapons!"

"Elite personnel led by Daotian from various countries will form multiple guerrilla groups to harass and attack the moon-eyed one-eyed species!"

"The enemy advances and retreats, the enemy retreats and advances, harassing in many ways, holding the hands of the one-eyed species, so that they have no time to focus on the mining of the moon's eye, and delay the speed of the moon being gnawed!"

"Everyone should agree with this point, right?"

Everyone nodded, this is an effective tactic that can be used when the enemy is strong and we are weak, and the effect is remarkable!

Moreover, the harassment attack in this situation can also greatly reduce casualties!

Jiang Nan changed the subject: "Also! My little brother and the magician don't go to the moon. Once the counterattack starts, Boss Pang, as the core figure, will definitely be attacked!"

"Let's stay in Blue Star and guard Boss Pang. With the abilities of the two of you, you can definitely protect him!"

Bombardier's face turned pale, shit! Is Lao Tzu so dangerous?

Odin frowned slightly, then nodded with a smile!

-`(? ̄? .? ̄?)′-"Yes! I will keep him alive!"

At this moment, Odin doesn't want to show up too much, he also has his own considerations!

Jiangnan's arrangement was exactly what he wanted!

"The counterattack is indeed going to be fought, but we can't completely ignore Blue Star. After all, this is our hometown, and we still need to keep a part of Daotian to guard our home!"

"Then there is the Alliance Matrix base stationed on the moon. Under the harassment of many parties, it is not impossible to provoke Ruisen and launch a large-scale attack on the base again!"

"Although all the families have joined forces to resist the one-eyed species, but if you can't fight it, don't fight it, and do it in a way with the least casualties!"

"So we still have to run! Even if the alliance base is built on the moon, it can't be bloated, and it still needs the ability to chase night!"

Musashi was shocked!

=????(??? ????) "Hiss~ You plan to make the alliance base into something floating in the air!"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ?( ?′??`)? "What's wrong? In this case, the core of the space system Lingxu has become the biggest key! What you have in hand is not enough!"

"If everyone thinks it's feasible, after the meeting, I'll pick a group of people to take a walk with Lao Tzu in several space system spirit markets, and bring back some spirit market cores!"

"Bai Kou, your half of the core of the Hanshan Lingxu may have to be requisitioned!"

"I think this little matter is not a big problem for these space systems present, as long as they work together!"

At this moment, both Baldr magician Qianben Sakura and others also nodded!

Especially Qianbenying, she was very excited, maybe she could get a Daotian-level space-type spirit orb or something!

why not go

Pierce also agreed, after all, this matter is also for his own good!

The base can go night by night and can greatly reduce casualties!

At this moment, Jiangnan couldn't stop talking about the plan, detailing everything, even making detailed arrangements for everyone present!

Make the most of the resources in your hands!

From time to time, other people made rebuttals. If they were right, Jiangnan would gladly accept them!

After all, no matter how detailed Jiangnan is, it can't be perfect!

King Dalei of Ye Town looked at Jiangnan who was talking on the round table, not to mention how handsome they were!

In fact, Jiangnan is already the planner of this counterattack!

It's not that other daotians obey Jiangnan, what Jiangnan says is what!

It's just that the planning method mentioned by Jiangnan is undoubtedly the best solution at present, and everyone is not stupid!

Naturally, they wouldn't listen to an unreliable action plan!

To some extent, Jiangnan at this moment is carrying the banner of counterattack!

Rush to the forefront of this era!

Bai Kou looked at Jiangnan's side face, and for some reason, the panic like rootless duckweed disappeared in his heart, and he felt inexplicably at ease!

Perhaps in the Sun Hall, Jiangnan is the one with the lowest rank!

But Jiangnan like this is currently formulating a counter-offensive plan that will affect the future of mankind, and has won the approval of most people!

It is never strength that determines whether a person can lead an era!

It's the personal charm emanating from the invisible, which has been recognized by everyone step by step, and inadvertently, he finally stood in that position!

It is the direction of the heart, the trend of the times, and the choice of an era!

Some people are like this, no matter where they throw him, they will shine brightly, and they will always be the most dazzling one!

Now Bai Kou can be sure!

Jiangnan... must be that person in this era!

However, Yang Jian showed a pensive expression, although Jiangnan's arrangement was right!

But every time he mentioned the most critical action plan, he would naturally avoid it!

He didn't say how to fill the moon eyes, clean up the star-eating giant insects, or even instigate the one-eyed species, the burning star!

But obviously, Jiang Nan has a plan in his heart!

What is he hiding?

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