Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1462 Death Cross Country

As soon as the mouse biscuits were eaten, Jiang Nan was no longer a human being!

Directly enlarge yourself by 100 times, and become more than 180 meters in size!

Carrying the argali, the big knife rests on the neck, and goes straight to the Risen shark!

Everyone looked at Jiangnan in horror!

Fuck wow!

what is happening? Can Nanshen change in size anywhere?

How many unique skills will he have?

What the hell is this Shura-like giant?

The bigger the body, the more convenient it is for Jiangnan to carry the argali, and it is more comfortable to use!

Once you spot Ruisen, you teleport towards the shark over there!

Risen covered his shoulders and sneered!

(?  ̄? ~  ̄?) "Heh~ it's just stupid! What's the use of becoming so big? Physical strength and oxygen consumption will be greatly increased, and the body will withstand the bombardment of cosmic rays in multiples!"

"The stress of resisting the space environment has also increased exponentially, and all the movements you are doing now are anaerobic exercise!"

"Are you confused? I see how long you can hold on?"

Risen finally figured it out!

What is the fight with Jiangnan? It's over when it's exhausted, won't it be good for Ye Ge to come back to help him?

This group of ants can be wiped out with one shot, so why not take the opportunity to kill other small characters!

Disgusting and disgusting Jiangnan!

But as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Nan appeared in front of Rui Sen carrying the black sheep!

The goat's horns slammed into his head and went away violently!

Ruisen:! ! !

Even if you get hit by this skill, you will be bounced far away. The compressed space is no joke!

So he quickly fled into the void to avoid it!


The ram's horns hit the ground hard, and a huge bottomless pit was instantly ejected from the ground!

It's useless to not use it to dig wells and drill!

The spirit threads were thrown out and combined into words in the air!

(o?`з?′o) "I'm big! I'm big! What's the matter? I am willing! Don't hide if you have the guts?"

Rui Sen looked unhappy!

[Resentment value from Ruisen +1001! ]


Jiang Junan did feel that he was about to suffocate to death, but his body became bigger, and the feeling of making the violent space force rush to explode was lessened!

If the body is a container, can it be understood that the container becomes larger when it becomes larger?

So one tear of the oracle is not the limit?

Can I get another one?

( ?° ?? ?°)?

Jiang Junan's mind immediately became hot!

Come on!

Anyway, I couldn't last long in the space environment!

Do as much as you want!

He did what he said, so he took out another drop of tears of the gods and sucked it...

Li Bing hugged his helmet with a look of horror!

?(??口???‖)? "Ah!!! You can't do this, you! You... God!"

Originally, one is already the limit, why are you still sucking two?

Don't you think about the consequences?

If something really happened, Li Bing wondered if he could be saved!

At this moment, Jiang Junan folded two tears of the gods, and the whole person went berserk, and his whole body exploded with blood!

The manic power of space leaked out of the body blasted the space into rags!

The next moment, four air-cracking saw blades condensed at the same time, grasped by the small whip, and swung wildly behind Jiang Junan, like a wheel of gods!

Carrying the argali and chasing towards Ruisen fiercely, more than 20 black holes in the void around him appeared at the same time!

Du Temeow caught up with the hanging whip!

The spiritual pillar appeared in the air, and turned into a single sentence!

(?°?口°?) "I will chop you up alive!"

With a frightened expression on his face, Rui Sen turned his head to hide, confronting this thing? Unless you are stupid!

Although you are of the space department, you are not as good at spiritual skills as you are, right?

How long is the blue bar?

999 tube?


Jiangnan is fighting with Jiang Ning, and Ye Ge is still on his way back!

However, the goose country space force is in a huge crisis!

Although Ye Ge was sent flying, the one-eyed army came to kill him!

As soon as they came into contact, more than 30 people were directly killed by the one-eyed species. Coupled with mind control, their companions killed each other, which triggered a new round of riots!

The line of sight is locked and the star pupil cannon is added, and a lot of them are wiped out!

The goose country's space force directly suffered a big loss, if it weren't for Alice and Li Bing's ability to raise some one-eyed species!

As soon as you touch it, you will be wiped out by the group!

Everyone was shocked, what kind of perverted combat power does this one-eyed man have?

It's hard to beat one, right? As a result, all members of the Cyclops are so strong?

tens of thousands? This doesn't give people a way to live, okay?

They suddenly remembered that Jiangnan had brought 108 souvenirs before!

At first, Jiangnan gave three of them, but everyone didn't care!

What kind of gift is this? We can catch it ourselves!

But now it seems that it is completely different from what I imagined. Hey!

Cyclops is so strong! How did Jiangnan capture 108 one-eyed species alive among the thousands of troops?

Turning his head to look at the 100-meter blood-colored Shura monster, chasing Rui Sen and hacking!


Well, there is nothing to doubt, it's normal and normal...

Fairy! It is also understandable to be able to do some things that humans cannot!

Now the star ring has been installed, and the tears of the gods have all been inlaid!

But why the team has been surrounded by Cyclops?

Momo can only take the team to keep teleporting and dodge, and use the butterfly prism to protect the star ring from being destroyed!

Hart also went crazy after recovering blood, but found that the one-eyed species couldn't be killed at all?

Can you believe that a body can grow again after the head is pulled out?

Although it can last for the time being, the connection of the two star rings requires a stable space node!

Once the position of the star ring changes, the channel will break!

However, under the siege of the one-eyed species, there is no strength to keep Xinghuan in one place at all?

The Space Force is still losing manpower and burying corpses on the moon!

Hart said urgently: (#?口●) "Nan Shen! Give me a hand! This side is about to fail, Xinghuan can't move if he wants to connect!"

Jiang Junan: (#?????#)????? ? ?

What the hell? Are these two star rings divided into China Unicom and China Mobile?

Are you still picking it up?

Can't connect to the Internet?

It was so advanced more than a thousand years ago?

Combination text of Lingzhu:

(??ˇ~ˇ??) "You tell Xinghuan! Let it try telecom! The telecom network is good!"

"When things are tough, stop picking and choosing!"

Hart almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

God Tama Telecom Network is good! You know it's tough?

Stop joking at this time!

(?)′-义-`) "I can't move! You have to fix it!"

Jiang Nan quickly turned his head to glance, only to see that the 300-meter-high star ring had twisted into a vortex, and the curse array on it was brightly lit!

But every time I wanted to connect, I was interrupted by Momo's mobile! You can't hide, the one-eyed species' attack is too fierce!

Jiang Junan sent another barrage!

"Sister Ningning, you fight first, I'll go back and help them clear the wave line!"

While speaking, he teleported towards the one-eyed army!

Space Force is on the brink of collapse!

"This is a one-eyed army. Can Jiangnan withstand such a fierce attack? The Star Pupil Cannon is too powerful!"

Hart gritted his teeth: "You can always trust the hot southerner! He can do it!"

Jiang Junan, who teleported into the one-eyed army, was stunned for a moment!

Now that I have sucked two tears of the oracle, I can condense four hollow saw blades at the same time!

Doesn't that mean that his deadly bicycle can be upgraded?


Jiang Junan, who burst out with crazy ideas in his mind, couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately put it into practice!

Looking at the argali on his shoulders, his eyes are shining!

Argali: (?′??Д???)! ! !

Seeing the smile on Jiangnan's face, it gave a jolt, and a bad premonition arose in his heart!

Don't come here if you are walking!

Momo led someone to teleport again, her pretty face was pale, and she couldn't hold it anymore!

A star ring bloomed in Hart, and many one-eyed species collapsed, but soon there were densely packed one-eyed species rushing over!

Another round of star-pupil salvos was fired, and with hundreds of eyes locked on, the only thirty or so people left in the team froze!

Even the wings of the Void Spirit Butterfly are immobilized and cannot be stirred, and it is impossible to teleport even if you want to!

Seeing the Xingtong Cannon coming, Momo tightened Hart's hand and closed his eyes!

Prepare to be judged by fate!


At this moment, I saw a giant steel pipe off-road vehicle crashing at an alarming speed!

Bounce all the one-eyed species that are pressing up!

Everyone's pupils constricted, and they looked at the off-road vehicle speeding past in horror!

=????=????(●???● |||)=????(?o?o ?)?

Σ(°Д°━=????(??? ????)

The brain almost died on the spot!

Nima! Why are there Bigfoot off-road vehicles on the moon?

And it's too big, right?

I saw that the thick spiritual pillars were combined indiscriminately, directly forming a huge body frame!

Even the roll cage is directly made, and the most stable triangular structure is used!

The saw blade with a diameter of more than 500 meters is directly connected to the center of the circle with a spiritual pillar, forming a wheel!

At this moment, it is spinning crazily counterclockwise, cutting extremely deep ruts on the surface of the moon!

Moondust planed out Lao Gao!

What's even more frightening is that the giant argali with a size of 300 meters was directly stuffed into the engine compartment by Jiangnan!

It was tightly tied to the car with void chains, and two spiral-shaped glass horns were stuck on the front of the car!

Blast into the one-eyed army!

But any one-eyed species in front of the front of the car, once it is hit, it will directly fly into space!

And Jiangnan even made the windshield of the off-road vehicle by Temiao!

The six space barriers turned into windshields, protecting Jiangnan's cockpit!

At this moment, Jiangnan was sitting in the cockpit, kicking the argali's ass violently!

It's like stepping on the gas pedal!

Argali bleats and bleats, crying wildly, crying like a water gun, and can only keep opening it!

On the roof of the off-road vehicle, three sword rain spell formations are directly erected, with 360° output without dead ends!

The epee spirit pillar shoots out as if it doesn't need money!

Wherever the off-road vehicle drives, the void black hole will be placed there!

The "boom boom boom" compression sound is very similar to the exhaust sound of a wrc racing car when it is ignited at a certain time!

At this moment, Jiangnan was driving a large off-road vehicle, and they drifted directly around Li Bing Mo Mohat!

After making a big circle, all the one-eyed species that were pressed up were ejected into space. Under the cutting of the wheel, the stumps and arms flew around!

It looks like an invincible doomsday chariot galloping among the zombies!

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