Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1461 Am I coming? I'm leaving again! (plus more)

But the orange light that bursts out from time to time is extremely annoying, even if Jiangnan has stacked a bunch of buffs, he dare not resist it!

If you are not careful, it will be carbonized into slag!

Hart's abilities are too aggressive!

Whenever this time, Jiang Ning will come to resist Ruisen!

After all, the orange light cannot hurt Jiang Ning!

At this moment, all kinds of Jiangnan's spiritual skills went crazy, and he threw the split saw blade wildly!

Wherever people go, void and black holes will appear!

The little whip turned into two hands, took over the two cracked angle grinders, and slashed wildly around his body!

The Void Barrier slashed non-stop, and was accompanied by the slashing of the Jiangnan God Killing Knife from time to time!

The power in the body seems to be endless!

Teleporting again and again, trying to get close to Ruisen, and slashing with a knife!

At this moment, Jiangnan is a ruthless zoom-in machine, but no one on the surface of the moon that passes by is flat!

One person is comparable to an engineering team!

The reason why Jiangnan's output is so wild is that he can't hold back. The most important thing is that Jiangnan knows that he can't last long in the space environment!

Even with a small leather whip to repair it, the impact of the high-intensity One Thought Shura plus the Tears of the God is already the limit!

Also deal with pressure from the environment!

The lung lobes seemed to explode, all the body fluids were boiling, and the skin seemed to be burning!

Humming in both ears, loss of balance!

This is simply terrible, the speed of repair is far less than the speed of destruction!

Therefore, Jiangnan must use the shortest time to produce the most aggressive output!

At this moment, David's eyes were full of excitement, and the camera pointed at Jiangnan for a burst of shots!

Damn! Humans vs aliens!

No one will believe this, right?

Nanshen is always a god, so aggressive!

The figures of Jiang Ning Ruisen and the three of Jiangnan flashed so fast that the camera couldn't keep up with the flashing speed of the few people!

Sometimes the ground is blasted out of a thousand-meter pit, and the figure disappears without even being caught!

And the existence of the huge pit shows that they have been here!

In just a split second, there are countless times of offensive and defensive transitions!

These images were all transmitted to the main control hall of Tianchen Bureau!

Everyone stared at the picture with bated breath!

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao's heart was in her throat, even though Jiangnan had sucked the tears of the God of God!

But now in the environment of the moon, what we are facing is still a Bose body!

It seems that Jiangnan is extremely strong, but the two know Jiangnan from the bottom up, how can they not know that Jiangnan is supporting him?

Mira hurried around in circles!

If you bring yourself there, Brother Jiangnan will definitely relax!

Wang Dalei grinned: (?? ﹏?) "Without a spacesuit, shirtless and flesh and blood against the space environment on the moon, I fought against the Bose body for more than three minutes!"

"I'm afraid Uncle Jiang is the first person, isn't he alone?"

Is this a fairy? It's normal to hang up already, right?

Jiang Tianchen clenched his fists: "The spacesuit is still not strong enough to adapt to high-intensity battles! There are too many restrictions, damn it!"

Humanity's home court is Blue Star, but now they are forced to enter space to fight!

Ye Zhenguo's face was gloomy: "The characteristics of the Bose body make most methods useless to it!"

"Brother Jiangnan got on the diamond, and finally brought out the aggressiveness of the space system, but it's still not enough against the Bose body, and he can't form a crushing advantage!"

"You're on a horse! It would be great if Lao Li was here!"

There was bitterness in Yang Jian's eyes!

"Did you still encounter a Bose body? I hope Jiangnan can handle it!"

At this moment, Jiangnan is desperately on the moon 380,000 kilometers away from Blue Star!

But there is nothing to do at home, only to worry!

This feeling is so powerless!

"Notify the re-enactment team! Things must be prepared quickly. Since the holy star Bose is incarnate, we must prepare for the future! Speed!"

Nightingale nodded, and looked at the screen reluctantly!


Although it is very thrilling, but I have to say, Jiangnan like this is too handsome!

It's hard to overlap with him who is squatting on the street and selling slippers, isn't he?

But I didn't dare to delay, so I hurried to do it!


Meanwhile, on the moon!

Jiang Nan's body suddenly replaced with a piece of moon rock, and appeared behind Rui Sen!

With a single slash, Rui Sen rushed forward, trying to dodge!

But the space wormhole opened up, and the God Killing Knife cut in, but it appeared in front of Rui Sen, drawing a hideous knife wound on his shoulder!

Ruisen was furious, and Bose particles blasted wildly!

Jiang Nan had already teleported away, came to Li Bing, poked his head into Li Bing's helmet and took two sharp breaths!

Li Bing anxiously said: (???﹏??)? "If you continue like this, you will die, and your iron body can't hold it! You...!"

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth: (#°?皮°?) "If you can't do it, you have to do it!"

Li Bing stomped his feet anxiously, just when Jiangnan was about to leave!

Grab Jiang Nan's shoulders and don't let him go!

Pouting his mouth, he went crazy on Jiangnan's face, kissing him like an illusion!

(o????? 3???)(???#)

It is Li Bing's innate spiritual skill: Meme!

A large amount of cool and vigorous energy poured into Jiangnan's body, reducing the pressure on the little whip!

Frantically repairing Jiangnan's injuries!

Li Bing's lips were burned red by the high temperature emitted by Jiangnan, and he suspected that he was blistered by the heat!

Can't help but exasperatedly said:

(??ε???) "Do you want to be so passionate?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Who do you think made me so passionate? Thanks!"

At this moment, Hart was shocked!

Fuck wow! Half of you still have sisters?

This is the first time I have seen this way of cheering up!

You are really good, you?

Rui Sen in the distance was furious, did he not take Lao Tzu seriously?

In such a serious battle, do you have a sister on horseback?

It's just a humiliation for Chi Guoguo!

[Resentment value from Ruisen +1000! ]


With Li Bing's blessing, Jiang Nan really felt better!

Just going back to fight another wave!

At this moment, moon dust billowed in the distance, and a beam of thunder flame rushed towards it at an astonishing speed!

Risen's eyes lit up!

(??????????) "Yege? Let me destroy them!"

Everyone noticed the rushing figure, just the frightening aura and the energy fluctuations that were so powerful that the space distorted already made people feel cold physically and mentally!

The one-eyed army rushing behind him made Hart and the others turn pale!

The so-called beginning of hell is nothing more than that, right?

Jiang Nan's eyes fell anxiously on the star whale!

The huge star ring has been formed, and it is being inlaid with tears of the gods!

But Yego had already jumped into the air with a huge jump, and his single eye the size of a washbasin was aimed at the location of Jiangnan and his party!

The eye mask is opened, and the surging energy gathers!

"Yes! My lord, the envoy!"

Jiangnan:! ! !

"Momo! Baa baa~"


At this moment, Jiangnan clasped his hands above his head at an angle, and Momo immediately understood what Jiangnan meant!

The glass imprint on the lower abdomen on the right side is shining brightly!

The space is torn open violently!

A black argali with a size of more than 300 meters poked its head out from inside, looking around cautiously!

Where is this?

Shouldn't be so unlucky to meet that devil human again?

However, its eyes instantly saw Jiangnan standing in place!



Then I shrank my head and went back to run!

But Jiangnan would not give him this chance at all, so he teleported to the bottom of the argali!

Squeezing its neck, he grabbed it from the crack in the dimension, carried it on his shoulder, and the void chain wrapped the argali round and round!

It was directly tied into rice dumplings!

The 600-meter sword is directly on its neck!

(? ?? ?? ??)つ¤=]=????=????=????=????=????=??? 7

"Sarcasm! Hurry up and open it! Otherwise, I'll cut your head open!"

argali:? ? ?

Momo: (?﹏?)! ! !

Isn't that how contracted beasts are used? Shouldn't you persuade them to fight for you in a gentle way?

You're being too rough, aren't you?

They are already threats!

Argali was frightened and cried, but with the sword on his neck, he had to bow his head!

Even running is useless, maybe he will be summoned back?

As a result, the spiral glazed horns on the top of its head began to highly compress the space, bursting out with gorgeous glazed light!

At this moment, the purple light on Ye Ge's one-eyed eyes has reached the extreme!

It looks like it's about to launch!

"Destroy it! Lightning fire form? Star pupil cannon! Send..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiangnan suddenly appeared beside Yego carrying a huge black argali!

Without further ado, he hit Ye Ge hard on the waist!

Space catapult, let's go~

Ye Ge's star pupil cannon hadn't had time to fire, and his whole body was already blown away!

Almost instantly disappeared in place!

At a tangential angle, it was directly ejected and flew out of the moon, into outer space!

In the space, a purple beam of light with a thickness of one thousand meters blasted out, shining extremely brightly!

The expected destruction scene didn't happen, Ye Ge quickly withdrew his supernatural powers to save energy!

He looked around in a daze!

Where is this Temeow?

When I turned my head again, I saw a lonely silver-white planet beside me...

Yego:? ? ?


At this moment, the arena was like deathly silence!

The Cyclops braked one after another, looked up into the space, and looked dull!


what's the situation?

Wang Shang just left the stage?

Do you want to go so fast? This is much faster than when it came!

Rui Sen's face turned black!


Just came to a helper, and was bounced away before it was warm?

It is estimated that some people have not seen what he looks like, right?

At this moment, Jiangnan is also full of excitement!

This tool sheep is unexpectedly easy to use, isn't it?

I can't beat you, why don't you just leave the head office? As long as the star ring is activated, it will be ok, right?

As a result, Jiang Nan's eyes couldn't help falling on Rui Sen's body, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a perverted arc!

If I don't remove some parts from you today, it won't be over!

Seeing that Jiang Nan looked ruthless, he raised his hand and ate a mouse biscuit!

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