Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1237: The Boiling Prison! unbreakable barrier

Just entering the sea, I saw Alice with long sea blue hair fluttering!

The pupils burst into blue light, and the two big white legs turned into an illusion!

They merged into one fishtail!

Only a small skirt is left to dance in the sea with Pangci!

"Heck~ I know the way, come with me!"

While speaking, he swam towards the depths of the Lantis ruins at an extremely fast speed!

Everyone hurriedly followed, but swimming in the sea in human form was still extremely slow!

Jiangnan paddled twice, and couldn't help frowning slightly!

⁽⁽꜀(:c꜂ ꜆)꜄⁾⁾

The small leather whip on the spine protruded fiercely, exuding scarlet light!

The five vines were evenly distributed, and the next moment they spun violently, stirring up the water flow!

Pushing Jiangnan's body and rushing out at an extremely fast speed, he can move freely in the deep sea!


The startled Clegg opened his mouth wide and spit bubbles!


Why does this guy have his own propeller?

Even in the deep sea environment, can't it limit its performance?

Almighty god of war by sea, land and air?

Is there anyone?

As for Yao Hong, she is no stranger to it, no matter what the circumstances are for this southerner.

They can adapt immediately and give full play to their advantages!

The Jiangnan Coke is broken, and Fujiwu really didn't raise it for nothing!

Small leather whip brand propeller, diamond-level horsepower, zero-to-hundred-acceleration only takes 2.7 seconds!

Only one small ginseng is needed for fuel consumption per 100 kilometers!

Thousands of frogmen also dived into the deep sea. As they got deeper into the ruins, Jiang Nan's eyes gradually adapted to the dark environment!

Only then can I see clearly that the entire ruins are extremely huge!

There are ruined buildings everywhere, dilapidated walls, which have been corroded by seawater for thousands of years!

You can vaguely see the exquisite patterns carved on it!

And the whole ruins just lie so quietly in the deep sea, giving people a sense of deep silence!

Relying on the propeller, Jiangnan ran around in the ruins, looking forward to finding some treasures!

However, no treasure or anything was found. The further you go in, the more serious the damage of the ruins will be!

You can even see large deep pits that have been blown out, even after thousands of years of ocean currents, they still haven't been healed!

Craig looked at the diving computer, frowning deeply: "Do you still want to go in? Go further! But it's a restricted area for life!"

"Burning Prison!"

Human voices can't travel too far in the water, and Jiangnan who wandered around didn't hear them at all!

However, at this moment, a group of razorfish rushed diagonally towards Jiangnan and the others from the side at a terrifying speed!

There are a lot of them, and the silver fish bodies are swimming in the sea, exuding dazzling silver light!

Like a piece of sharp blade!

"Be careful! It's a herd of spirit beasts!"

Jiang Nan raised his hand and released the space barrier in front of him!

"Clang clang!"

There was a sound of gold and iron colliding, and countless razorfish hit the space barrier, and their flesh was bloody!

And the huge school of fish completely blocked everyone's sight and was completely filled with silver light!

But suddenly there was a cry from Alice in the distance!

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth: "Damn it!"

Immediately, a safe house was built with six space barriers!


The next moment, Alice and Jiang Nan changed drastically!

As soon as the replacement was completed, Jiangnan found himself entangled by a giant squid over 50 meters in size!

I was grabbing myself and sending it to my mouth!

"Eat me? This dish is tough!"

I saw that Jiangnan raised his hand to condense a large jade steel wire ball with a diameter of over 10 meters, and the high-speed spinning silk spun the sea water!

Being slapped on the face of the king squid by Jiangnan!


The spirit silk exploded, and the sea water was stained red with scarlet blood!

I saw Jiangnan's small leather whip piercing into the body of the king squid like a spear!

"Thorn whip!"

The vine branches full of barbs messed up the king squid's flesh and blood, and injected it with fierce poison!

Immediately launch the "drinking blood" fierce sucking!

Soon, the diamond three king squid turned into dried squid, and Jiang Nan's complexion became extremely rosy!

Just as Jiangnan wanted to check on Alice's situation!

Hearing a roar from the razorfish school!

"Spirit of the Sparrow Tail!"

Behind Clegg, the sparrow tail unfolded, frantically shaking, emitting piercing sound waves!

The school of razorfish that was still swimming wildly at the last moment exploded with blood mist!

Like pieces of silver leaves falling on the bottom of the sea, the world suddenly became clean!

I saw Alice being protected in the safe house with a look of shock, but she was fine!

Jiang Nan frowned: (˵ớ~ờ) "Why are there herds of spirit beasts in the sea?"

And the level is not low!

Clegg: ( ◞·̀д·́) "Although the Lingxu on the bottom of the sea is rare, it is not impossible!"

"Ahead is the Bumping Prison, and there are a lot of sea beasts inside. If it is not necessary, it is better not to go deep!" "Besieged by a large number of sea beasts in the sea is not an interesting experience!"

"Are you sure that the ancient country of Lantis is here?"

Alice nodded seriously!

(๑·̀ ◠·́)و "I'm sure!"

Jiang Nan asked: "Don't stay too far away from us!"

As everyone went deeper, they encountered more and more sea beasts!

Although it is a restricted area of ​​life, with Clegg's suppression, everything is not a problem!

And Jiangnan was thinking about why it was called the Boiling Prison at the bottom of the sea!

The next moment, Jiangnan will know!

I saw a red light in the distance, and there was a large submarine volcanic area in front of me!

On the seabed, crimson magma spewed out, constantly clashing with the sea water!

The magma was cooled by the seawater, forming a layer of black lava shell, and the seawater above was boiled and boiled to evaporate, triggering a violent explosion in a small area!

Blast open the cracks in the lava shell, exposing the crimson magma inside, and the cracks are like red lightning bolts criss-crossing!

The sound of "boom boom boom" is endless!

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched: "Are you sure you live here?"

If you really live here, this special meow is a pot of boiled fish soup, right?

Because of the great pressure of the deep sea water, the sea water in the volcanic area has long been heated to over 100°C!

Alice couldn't help nodding, her face was full of excitement: "It'll be there soon!"

Everyone looked at each other, and now they can only bite the bullet and go inside!

Everyone plunged into the submarine volcanic area, but Jiangnan is not afraid of cooking! But he is hot too?

Condensing the glazed armor to cover the whole body makes it feel a little better!

Not long after entering the submarine volcanic area, Jiangnan glanced casually to the north, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

(∗❛ัꇴ❛ั)☛ "Brother Jiangnan? Where are you looking!"

Heidi pointed excitedly at a magma lake in front of her!

On the magma lake, there is a protective shield exuding dazzling white light!

Over 30 kilometers in diameter!

Like an upside-down glass bowl, there are 12 huge black stone pillars standing here and there!

Some are standing in the magma, some have been crooked, and half of the column body is immersed in the magma lake!

However, it is engraved with dense and complicated incantations!

The mantra shone with aura, constantly absorbing the aura around it!

And among those 12 stone pillars!

There stands a huge black door frame!

The height alone is hundreds of meters high, and there are faint spatial fluctuations coming from inside the door frame!

Alice was overjoyed: "This is it, huh? Why is there a cover here?"

Craig's eyes were full of shock!

"It turned out to be the energy barrier of the curse array, Neptune's guess is actually true!"

"The main center of the ancient country of Lantis was not built outside? Was it built inside the Lingxu?"

"That's why we can escape the wrath of the sky?"

At this moment, Jiang Nan couldn't help but rub his eyes!

٩(o﹃o٩) goose box~

Inside the space gate is the ancient kingdom of Landis?

Not to mention anything else, those 12 black stone pillars look very valuable, don't they?

Just one root, the number of mantras on it has exceeded one million!

And the level of complexity is no worse than that of a star gate!

Is it because of these 12 stone pillars that the glazed cover is formed?

As expected of the ancient Su civilization, just this protective shield is beyond what humans can research today!

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin, his eyes flickering: "This energy wall of the curse array should be similar to the role of the mountain protection array!"

"Only by opening it can we really enter the interior of the Lingxu?"

Craig twisted his neck and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Let me try!"

While speaking, he raised his hand and slammed it against the protective shield!

"Instant Fist!"

I saw Clegg's arm shot out like a spring!

The iron fist fell heavily on the protective cover! "boom!"

There was a bang, and the surrounding sea water instantly vaporized due to the impact of terrifying power!

He rushed fiercely around, even shaking the magma lake under his feet!

The frightened Jiangnan quickly took people to teleport far away, for fear of being affected!

However, with a punch down, the protective cover rippled slightly, nothing happened!

Craig: ? ? ?

My punch! With 20 years of skill, can it withstand it?

Xingyao was hammered to death! Ordinary Daotians dare not take it hard, but this protective shield can't even shake it?

"Piston Instant Fist!"

I saw Clegg's fist smashing out phantoms, and each punch was more powerful than the previous punch!

The whole person is like a ruthless boxing machine!

The fried seawater vaporized, and magma splashed everywhere!

However, the protective cover cannot be shaken at all!

Craig was extremely angry: "Fist gun!"

Its two hands make a shooting posture, and output wildly at the protective cover!

In the sea, the power of Craig's fist gun is much higher than that on land!

But the protective cover can't be moved at all!

It's like an indestructible object in the game!

The corners of Jiang Nan's eyes twitched slightly, and he clicked his tongue!

This protective cover is simply awesome, isn't it? Daotian level attacks are so easy to withstand?

At this moment, Jiang Nan seemed to understand why Bombardier threw out the mermaid and lured him over!

I'm afraid Bombardier has been here before and tried countless times, but he couldn't do anything about this protective cover, right?

Then Clegg probably has enough!

I left a spatial imprint on Bombardier's body, and as long as he is planted with the imprint, as long as he is within a range of 100,000 meters, Jiangnan can sense his specific location!

At this moment, Bombardier is lying on his stomach 70,000 meters away!

Do you want the praying mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole to follow?

Tsk tsk tsk ~ I'm bothered!

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