Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1236 Four Thousand Meters Under the Sea

In the ruins of the Kumquat Building, Clegg's eyes twitched!

(◞ㅎ优ㅎ) "Tomorrow will be tomorrow! I will accompany you this time to ensure that there will be no more accidents!"

"I will contact you to make follow-up arrangements!"

If there is any further delay, those major forces who are staring at Landis' treasure will definitely make a move!

Before the night passed, two battles had already broken out!

If it drags on for a few more days, who knows what the Emperor will be dismantled into?

Where did Jiangnan go?

This is really here to cross the catastrophe, right?

[Resentment value from Clegg +666! ]

I saw Jiangnan rubbing his little hands and laughing!

(ㅅ⁼̴ ꇴ ⁼̴) "Well, look at my building, do you have to help me repair it?"

Craig stares: ( ͡ಠ 口 ͡ಠ)? "You broke it, why do you want me to pay for it?"

Jiang Nan's face straightened up!

(。・᷅~・᷄) "Then you are wrong!"

"Aren't I forced to act to protect Landis' clues and Princess Heidi's personal safety?"

"Just now Alice was snatched by a hundred million points! Heidi was killed by a hundred million points?"

"The personal safety of my own princess is threatened. It's your royal family's lack of protection. I act out of righteousness. It's not too much for you to build a house, right?"

Heidi leaned on her chin in thought, and nodded for a while!

(。˘ก˘) "I think brother Jiangnan is right!"

Craig: ? ? ?

Princess, you can't turn your elbows out, can you?

He couldn't help saying with a dark face: "Okay, okay! I'll fix it for you!"

[Resentment value from Clegg +666! ]

Yao Hong couldn't hold back his joy, and secretly gave a thumbs up to Jiangnan!

At this moment, Damon crawled out from the rubble, and everyone couldn't help shaking when they saw it!

A nausea, almost did not throw up!

I saw a big shoe print on Dimon's face!


Make the already unsightly face even worse!

Dimon:? ? ?

Why did you throw up again? I managed to be a person for two days!

Kicked back to my original shape by Rhodes?


Rhodes! I, Damon, are at odds with you!

"Nan you still sell your beauty pill?"


At Lafite Hotel, Liuhua played with the silly old man with a hand rope, looking a little absent-minded!

Sakura sauce has been gone for so long, and you haven't come back yet?

Wouldn't he be caught and hung up by Devil Jiang?

At this moment, Senben Sakura teleported back to the bathroom, turned on the faucet and rubbed her face for a while!

"Damn it! What the hell is this? Why can't it be rubbed off? Ahhh~ I'm so pissed off!"

Liuhua rushed to the bathroom like a gust of wind, only to see Senbon Sakura frantically rubbing her face with soap!

I saw her pretty face, as if it had been splashed with ink, it was pitch black, and even her pink hair was stained a lot!


Rhodes spat ink on his face, and his vision was blocked. Although his vision has recovered now, the ink on his face can't be washed off!

Liuhua glanced at it, and laughed out loud!

(✽థжథ) Pooh~

At this moment, Senbon Sakura looks like a Siamese cat!

Senbon Sakura is really dark!

(✹°᷄皮°᷅) "Why are you laughing? Don't laugh!"

Liuhua shrank her neck, but looking at Qianbenzakura, she was inexplicably angry!

Big eyes whirled and rolled, so he ran back to the room, took out a ballpoint pen, and drew in the palm of his hand!

Then he ran back to the bathroom with a worried look on his face!

(✽・᷄~・᷅) "Can't you wash it off?"

Qianben Sakura said angrily: "It's so ugly! That broken octopus is disgusting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liuhua slapped Qianben Sakura on the head with a big slap!

Qianben Sakura turned her head from the beating, her expression froze!

(ರ△ರ✹) "Liuhua! Even you hit me? Are you floating?"

Liuhua hastily spread out her palms to show Senbon Sakura!

( ‧̣̥̇′゚ㅂ゚)っ҉̛

"Look! It's a mosquito! I'm afraid that the mosquito will bite you, it's for your own good!"

I saw a small black dot on the palm of Liuhua...

Qianben Sakura scratched her head: ୧(✹·᷄ࡇ·᷅) "Next time, use a little more strength and roar~"

Liuhua was overjoyed, the feeling of playing cherry sauce was so refreshing, so relieved!

Sure enough, she didn't notice it, so I'll go draw another one!

However, at this moment, Liuhua looked at Senbon Sakura in astonishment!

"Sakura-chan, is there grass growing on your head?"

Qianbenying was stunned, and looked at herself in the mirror in astonishment!

(꒪ོ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)?

Why is there grass growing on top of my head? What's this?

Liuhua reached out to pick it up: "I'll help you pick it up!"

Qianben Sakura hastily teleported to dodge and protect her head!

Do not! Something is wrong!

He couldn't help but think back to the way Rhodes fought hard even when he knew he wasn't his opponent!

It looks so good that I got the taunting skill, maybe it's the ghost of this idiot!

Was it made by Jiangnan? In order to let himself take Rhodes away? Help him share the pressure?

"How can it be repaired~ This grass can't be picked, you know? Something's wrong!"

Liuhua looked disappointed, and let out a weak oh!

(✽・᷄~・᷅) Oh~

"Then you successfully snatched back the Lingzhu?"

Qianben Sakura froze: (✹・᷄ㅂ・᷅) "Ah..."

Immediately, his face was filled with pride: (︶.̮︶✹) "Hmph~ I almost succeeded by a hundred million points! If Clegg hadn't come, Jiangnan's wave would have fallen into my hands!"

"He's not that difficult to deal with!"

Liuhua: (乛_乛) Hey~

But your Siamese cat face is not convincing at all!

"Then what shall we do?"

Qianben Yingxiu clenched her fists and gritted her teeth!

"Hmph! Just wait! When Jiangnan goes to hunt for treasure, we will follow behind!"

"As soon as the treasure comes out, let's come directly with a praying mantis, a cicada, and an oriole! Grab the treasure and leave!"

"When the baby is in hand, you can talk to Jiangnan any way you want. If you want the Lingzhu, why don't you obediently give it to me?"

This plan is perfect!


Early the next morning, in Yuguo Blue Moon Harbor, a large cruiser docked on the shore!

There are three destroyers around!

There are thousands of Yuguo frogmen Lingwu troops armed to the teeth on the ship! They are all elite-level existences!

And Yuguo frogman troops are also very famous in the world!

Very good at underwater combat, and is on standby on the cruiser at this moment!

There is even a deep-sea nuclear submarine parked beside the harbor, which is on standby at the moment!

Standing at the pier, Jiang Nan twitched: "Do you want to make such a big scene?"

Take troops and cruisers? I am traveling light this time!

The people from Dandelion brought Yao Hong one!

Damon Heidi also followed, and Heatherine Roberto also accompanied as a guard!

All that's left is Emma Yuna, Mira and Lan!

And of course Alice!

Clegg boarded the submarine: "Master Neptune attaches great importance to this matter, because he knows little about the current situation of the ancient Landis!"

"It's better to be prepared and get on the submarine!"

Jiang Nan shrugged, it's up to Clegg!

A group of people boarded the submarine and sank into the sea, and the cruiser escorted them straight to the ruins of Lantis!

Jiang Nan kept looking around in the submarine, his eyes were bright, is this a good thing?

It's just so big, it takes up too much space in the alien space!

And as soon as the Jiangnan exploration team set off, there were many informants from various forces at the pier to report back!

After all, there are not a few forces that are interested in the Landis treasure!

Leaving aside other things for the time being, as long as you can get some stone slabs engraved with mantras, it can be regarded as Gusu's legacy!

It's also worth a lot of money on the black market!

As soon as we act here, a large number of forces hide their whereabouts and follow up!

The submarine traveled underwater for half a day!

It has dived to the seabed at a depth of 4,000 meters!

The sun's rays on the sea can't penetrate this depth at all!

So the sea is pitch black and visibility is extremely low!

Only the submarine lights illuminate the dark deep sea!

Jiangnan looked bored: (꒪ͦᴗ̵̍꒪ͦ ) "How long will it take to reach the Landis ruins?"

Heidi excitedly said: (∗❛ั◡❛ั∗) "We'll be there soon. The Landis ruins are huge. They're located on the edge of the territorial waters of our fish country. They haven't been explored yet!"

After all, it is a deep sea area, and it is extremely difficult to explore!

Four thousand meters underwater, the water pressure here is a full 40Mpa!

Equivalent to 400 atmospheres!

Ordinary humans exposed to this environment without protection will be crushed by the water pressure in an instant!

Don't mention how excited Heidi is at this moment. Going to the deep-sea ruins to find treasures or something, shouldn't be too handsome, okay?

At this moment, the submariner reported: "We have reached the ruins of Lantis, where should we go next?"

Jiang Nan was startled, this is it, it's pitch black outside, you can't tell the scenery at all, okay?

All eyes are on Alice!

I saw Alice frowning!

(๑・᷄◠・᷅) "I can't recognize it in this tin can, I have to go outside!"

Clegg nodded, and took out a bag of platinum-level Pihaizhu to distribute to everyone!

"Those who don't have the ability to breathe underwater, use this bead! Remember to inject spiritual power!"

Jiang Nan hurriedly took one over and stuffed it into his pocket, then took out a bigger one!

It was the star-level Sea Pihai Pearl that Uzi gave him at the banquet!

Lan is also holding the Pihai Pearl with a baby face, her big eyes are bright!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and shot out the chains of the void to wrap around everyone's waists!

"Are you all ready? We're going out!"

Yao Hong was startled: "How come..."

In the next second, everyone has appeared in the deep sea outside the submarine!

The strong water pressure made Heidi Robert and others extremely uncomfortable!

But for Jiangnan, the water pressure of 4,000 meters in the deep sea is nothing more than sprinkling water!

Spiritual power is poured into the Pihai Pearl, and the pearl emits a faint blue light!

The sea water was repelled instantly, forming a ball of bubbles in the sea!

Oxygen is constantly gushing from the pearl to supply breathing!

For the convenience of movement, everyone basically only covers their heads with air bubbles!

The body is exposed to sea water!

Hold the water pressure with physical strength alone! And because Lan only has silver, his physical strength is not strong enough to resist the water pressure!

So you need bubbles to cover your whole body, but with teleportation, your actions will not be affected!

As for Craig, Damon's beastly form can directly breathe in water!

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