Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1182 Die repeatedly?

It all happened so fast, almost in the blink of an eye!

The snipers fired at the same time, giving no time to react!

Uzi watched the wound on Jiangnan's forehead heal, and his pupils shrank!


Is there a mistake?

Anti-material sniper rifle, high-explosive armor-piercing bullets, this thing is used to hit tanks!

Even diamond-level powerhouses can break defenses!

When Jiang Nan's head was exploded, only the skin was broken?

Blocked by the skull?

With a diamond level of three, a ricochet can penetrate the thigh, which is enough to prove the power of the bullet!

What kind of brain is Jiangnan? Iron head?

Still pulling me over to block the gun? I ate two peanuts!


[Resentment value from Uzi +1000! ]

Sha Xia, who was lying on the ground, was dripping with blood on her shoulders, her skin was torn apart, she also looked at Jiang Nan in horror!


If I hadn't been replaced by Jiang Nan, I would have been headshot!

Saxia was shocked into a cold sweat!

Even I want to kill? Who did it?

Her eyes fell on Uzi for the first time, and her eyes were full of coldness!

But seeing Uzi clutching his chest and kneeling on the ground vomiting blood, he couldn't help frowning!

Bitter tricks? Get rid of suspicion in an injured way?

Or does it really have nothing to do with him?

Is that Heidi?

Is it her counter action? There were no bullets hitting her just now!

Sasha's complexion is extremely ugly!

Three people were injured, and the scene suddenly became chaotic!

The onlookers screamed and ran away, the drum band rushed forward with their heads in their arms, and the bodyguards rushed up immediately!

Protect Uzi, Sasha, and heal her injuries!

Uzi shouted: "Don't be afraid, everyone put their heads on the ground, look for the nearest bunker, there are snipers!"

"The royal guards will protect your safety!"

Heidi ran to Jiangnan with a worried face, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood on Jiangnan's forehead!

(°ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ~ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀)۶ "Are you okay? Does it hurt? I..."

Jiangnan was silent, just looking at the building in the distance!

Uzi covered his chest!

(っ ͡ಠ 利 ͡ಠ) "Brother Nan! Hurry up and hide, I have sent guards to seal off the nearby city!"

"A thorough investigation of all surrounding buildings that may serve as sniper points! Search for the murderer!"

"Assassination of a member of the royal family is a crime that should be punished! Even implicating the Huaxia Jiedu envoy, this is a blatant challenge to the majesty of our Yu Kingdom!"

"I, Uzi, swear, I will definitely make him pay the price!"

Jiang Nan sneered, hurt me?

Are you afraid that they came after me?

"What a national gift to welcome! I don't need you, I will do it myself!"

"Robert, five sniper spots! You go to the clock tower building at 3 o'clock, and the Ferris wheel at 11 o'clock!"

"Leave the other three to me, Mira will protect Heidi!"

After speaking, a teleport disappears!

Without saying a word, Roberte's legs suddenly exerted strength, and there was a "boom", and the ground of the airport was trampled!

The whole person flew towards the Ferris wheel like an anti-aircraft gun!

His eyes are full of arrogance!

Uzi's expression froze, and then he said loudly: "Guards! Cooperate with Brother Nan's actions, and the killer will be brought to justice!"

At this moment, Jiangnan has appeared on the rooftop of a building!

There was a sniper in black lying on the ground, half of his body was corroded!

Bursts of foul-smelling white smoke came out of him!

Jiang Nan squinted, is he a dead man again?

Finish the mission after firing the gun, and commit suicide directly?

Jiangnan's sniper skills are also full, even though it was just a moment ago!

But Jiang Nan remembered clearly the shooting angles of the five bullets!

As long as factors such as wind speed, humidity, and gravity are considered, the ballistic trajectory can be reversed after rigorous calculations!

So as to calculate the sniper location!

Jiang Nan didn't delay, grabbed the man's body, and rushed straight to the next sniping location!

But they were all in vain, no one was seen at all, and they had obviously evacuated!

However, Jiangnan stayed for a moment, and the person had already appeared on the last Murphy Tower!

On the iron tower ladder, a blond man with a big gun on his back was climbing down the ladder!

The moment he saw Jiangnan, his pupils shrank!



Are you a devil? I just finished shooting, so I didn't have time to fart!

It's so far away from you, how did you find it?

Without saying a word, the blond man threw two spirit-binding grenades at Jiangnan!

Jiangnan raised his hand and used the void black hole, compressing the two grenades that hadn't exploded yet into black beads!

The body has come in front of the blond man, and the big hand is pressing straight towards his head!

The blond man's eyes are crazy!



With a bang, the high explosives that had been placed under the iron tower exploded!

The iron tower with a height of hundreds of meters was tilted towards the square!

And on the lawn of the square below, there are still many men and women picnicking and walking!

Seeing the iron tower fall, they screamed in fear!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of coldness, it's cruel enough!

Can the people of your own country do it?

But Jiang Nan didn't care about the fallen iron tower, and pressed his big hand directly on the blond man's face, hitting the steel frame of the iron tower hard!

The angle irons are bent!

Jiang Nan took out the paralysis ring and was about to put it on his hand!

The blond man vomited a mouthful of blood, and even corroded Jiangnan's palm to smoke!

The blond man's cheeks began to sag, and the breath of life was passing away at a rapid rate!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes, and the moment he saw himself appear, he had already gritted his fangs, was he about to commit suicide?

Blowing up the tower is just to fight for the chance to die?

"Dead or not! It's not up to you!"

While speaking, a small leather whip stuck out from behind, and four vine branches stabbed hard into the blond man's body!

Stuffed a small ginseng into his mouth!

"Drink blood!"

The little whip drank his own blood, frantically repairing the blond man's injuries! Keep it alive!

The blond man's expression was extremely painful, and he rolled his eyes!

[Resentment value from Spud +1000! ]


Seeing that the iron tower was about to hit the square, it was already at an angle of 30 degrees from the ground!

Jiang Nan tied up the blond man with a small leather whip!

A teleport came to the lawn, with both hands aimed at the iron tower that fell down!

"Void Black Hole, Drum of Hell!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The left and right hands snapped their fingers, and the black hole continued to grow, making a deafening roar!

In less than a second, the collapsed Murphy Tower was eaten up!

The black beads hit the ground like raindrops!

The iconic building that has stood in the capital of the fish country for more than a hundred years has been demolished!

Before the masses could see why the iron tower was gone, the Jiangnan people had already teleported away!

Not because of anything else, because the blond man is dead!

Half of his face was corroded, and his appearance was extremely terrifying!

The recovery speed of drinking blood is far inferior to the corrosion speed!

At the airport, Jiangnan suddenly appeared!

Throw the blond man and another killer's body on the ground!

"Mila! Restore this guy, he just died! There's still time!"

Needless to say, Jiangnan, Mira's beam of recovery light has already hit the blond man!

I saw that his corroded and unrecognizable cheeks began to recover rapidly!

Sasha and Uzi on the side stared wide-eyed!

=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪(·'口'· ۶)۶

What the hell?

I'm afraid you didn't have 30 seconds when you went, right? Just catch two?

And what about Murphy's Tower?

gone? That meow is the iconic building of our fish country!

Just torn it down?

Uzi's eyes were filled with excitement immediately: "Haha! Good good good good good good good good! As soon as Nan Shen makes a move, he will know if there is one! We must never let this group of lawless people go!"

But the palms are already full of cold sweat!

Everyone is dead, so it shouldn't be possible to save them, right?

This matter must never be revealed!

Find a scapegoat afterwards and you'll be fine. If you identify him on the spot, it's over!

His plan was quite thorough, who would have thought that Jiangnan would arrest him on the spot?

The blond man opened his eyes violently, gasping for breath!

( ′゚口゚)?

What the hell? Should I hang up?

Restoration beams stop!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: (ꐦ°᷄优°᷅) "Who ordered you? Tell me!"

The blond man was about to speak, but his face was corroded again, spit out a mouthful of old blood and kept kicking his legs, eyes full of pain! Hiccup directly!

(꒪ͦཀ҉̛꒪ͦ҉̛҉̛)! ! !

Didn't say a word!

[Resentment value from Spud +1000! ]

Mira pouted: (๑ớ ₃ờ) ☛ "Recovery!"

The blond man's cheeks recovered again, and he opened his eyes again, his eyes were bloodshot!

( ͡⚆҉̛ 口 ͡⚆҉̛)

Nima! Why is Lao Tzu alive again?

The beam of light dissipated, and the blond man's face was filled with smoke, screaming in pain!

Eyes full of horror, died again!

[From Spud...]

Mira has a stubborn face!


Spud was enlivened again, looking at Mira with fear in his eyes!

Be human!

Is my father dying forever?

Does it hurt to be corroded? Death is scary, isn't it?

Don't make me experience this feeling repeatedly!

[Resentment value from Spud +1000! ]

But Mira didn't stop at all, and more than a dozen recovery light beams fell down, causing Spud to die repeatedly!

The whole person will be tortured and go crazy!

At this moment, Shaxia's pretty face is pale, is there a more brutal punishment than this?

Really, you can't live, you can't die!

The corner of Uzi's mouth twitched: (/﹏\) "Brother Nan? Why don't we forget about it? It's the same when we compare fingerprint information!"

Jiang Nan squatted in front of Spud with a bright smile on his face!

(ꐦ°᷄◡°᷅) "Want to die? Point out who ordered you to do it, and I will give you the right to die!"

"Otherwise I can play with you like this for a day!"

Spud:! ! !

To Temeow's loyalty, I just want to die!

This man is from the devil!

[Resentment value from Spud +1000! ]

Spud subconsciously glanced at Uzi with blood-red eyes!

He raised his hand tremblingly and pointed in the direction of Uzi!

Uzi's face was completely gloomy, his golden eyes became brighter, and his pupils shrank into needles!

I saw that Spud's arm began to tremble, and he changed the direction halfway!

Finally, it pointed to Heidi next to Mira!

Sha Xiabei clenched her teeth: (งᵒ̌得ᵒ̌)ง "Little girl! It really is you! How could you do this?"

"In order to keep your position as crown prince, do you even hesitate to attack your relatives?"

"Come on! Catch Heidi!"

All of a sudden, bodyguards rushed towards Heidi!

Heidi was at a loss, her eyes were full of astonishment, and she hurriedly explained!

:;(∩′﹏`∩);: "No...not me! He lied, I didn't do this! I..."

Mira was released for a time stop, blocking all the bodyguards rushing over!

Brother Jiangnan let himself protect Heidi, so no one can touch her!

"Get out of the way! This is a family matter of our royal family, please don't..."

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: "I see, which of you would dare to touch her?"

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