Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1181 Do you really think I'm easy to bully?

I saw a young man with a height of 1.9 meters, wearing a white suit, and gold-rimmed glasses standing in the front!

The water-blue hair adds to the temperament, and even a small hairpin is tied at the back of the head.

He's so handsome!

A pair of eyes are extremely deep, and they are actually golden pupils!

There is a faint spell imprint on the brow!

Many girls in the crowd behind were screaming, hoping to attract his attention!

This man is the eldest prince!

Uzi Atlas, in Yuguo, is a national husband-level figure!

Regardless of family background, appearance, or strength, they are all impeccable!

But Uzi seemed a little anxious at the moment!

ᥬ( ・᷄~・᷅) "It's been so long late? Did you encounter high-altitude turbulence?"

"The crew can't get in touch, why haven't the girls arrived yet?"

Beside him, stood a girl with a devil figure!

A head of dark blue long hair hangs down to her hips like waves!

There are shell earrings on both ears, and the skirt hangs down to her knees, revealing her white legs!

The beauty of the facial features makes people sink, as if no matter where they go, they are the focus of the audience!

It looks like a ripe blueberry, just one glance makes people drool!

It is the eldest princess Sasha Atlas!

At this moment, standing next to Uzi with a sun umbrella, the corner of his mouth curled up!

An ethereal voice sounded like a fairy sound.

(∗❛ั‿❛ั) "Don't worry, this little girl can still do it well! Why are you in a hurry?"

Sasha sneered in her heart!

return? I'm afraid that only one corpse will come back?

I have something to do tonight!

However, at this moment, a royal guard in suits and leather shoes walked up to Sasha!

A whisper!

The smile on Saxia's face remained unchanged, but her fingers were slowly clenched!



Such a flawless assassination plan failed without even taking a single injury?

damn it!

Fortunately, everyone has been dealt with cleanly, leaving no tail behind!

[Resentment value from Saxia +1000! ]

And at this moment, exclamations came from the crowd!

"I'll go~ Look at the sky! The car? Is it flying? Is it my eyes?"

I saw an open-top off-roader dive down from the air at high speed and land on the airport!

It flicked its tail 180°, leaving a semicircular tire mark on the ground, with white smoke coming out!

Heidi's face was puffy, she poked her head out of the car door and vomited!

(◦`ཀ′◦) Ugh~

What a crazy car skill!

Everyone's eyes widened, didn't they pick up the plane? Why did you come here with a car?

Jiang Nan is a little confused!

(๑·̌~·̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣Who is Saxia?

Seeing Uzi with a bright smile on his face, he quickly greeted him!

Stretched out his hand towards Jiangnan!

ԅ(ᵔᗜᵔ*) was about to speak!

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, as if he was a little confused, and then threw the car keys in his hand to Uzi!


"Don't stop for me, fill up the gas, add 98, I will drive it when I go back!"

At this moment, Uzi held the car key and froze in place to petrify!

What's the meaning?

Did he ask me to park for him?

And Jiang Nan has already led Mira, and walked over in a sideways way!

Heidi slammed her face into Roberte's chest, her shoulders were trembling!

( ‧̣̥̇ ˃᷄ ж˂᷅)(草|

And the corners of Robert's eyes twitched, his toes slammed on the ground crazily, almost a set of three bedrooms and one living room was dunked on the insole!

Shente Meow plus No. 98 gasoline!

That's the big prince! Not a parking attendant!

[Resentment value from Uzi +1000! ]

Jiang Nan frowned, what's wrong? Isn't it a national gift?


I'm not willing to hack him for a tank of gas?

As expected of a prince, Uzi casually threw the car keys to the bodyguard and said loudly, "Go! Give my Brother Nan a box of 98! Fill it up!"

Then the smiling face caught up with Jiangnan, stretched out his hand again, and grabbed Jiangnan's big hand!

٩('ヮ' ๐) "Introduce yourself! Uzi Atlas! Prince, you can call me Uzi!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, shit!

Is this from the prince? Didn't you say it earlier?

୧( ૢ⁼̴ ꇴ ⁼̴) "Ahahaha~ I have admired you for a long time, let me just say, you have the temperament of a prince!"

The corners of Uzi's eyes twitched, can you be more fake?

Who just mistook me for parking? Is this person so thick-skinned?

[Resentment value from Uzi +666! ]

Uzi smiled and said, "Didn't you go to the private plane to pick you up? Why..."

Jiang Nan said casually: (。·︠ˍ·︡ 。) "Ah~ the plane exploded, and I met a few bombers to assassinate me! A group of rookies, nothing to worry about!"

Uzi was shocked: ∑(°口°๑) "What? Did you encounter such a thing? The pick-up plane from Yuguo dares to do it?"

"Why do you take my royal family of Yu Kingdom seriously? Go! Check it out for me! Brother Nan, don't worry! I will give you an explanation for this matter!"

Jiang Nan shrugged, thinking he was farting.

Can you check the yarn? Those who arrange the pick-up are all members of your royal family!

Obviously the assassination was arranged by his own people, maybe it was done by a certain prince or princess!

And Saxia at the side also greeted her, with a beautiful smile on her pretty face!

(๐ᵒ̶̶̷̀ ◡ ˂̶́)۶ "Giggle~ I originally wanted to kiss and hug, but it seems that you don't need kisses~"

"My name is Sasha, and I'm from the eldest princess, how are you?"

Said and held Jiangnan's hand!

Jiang Nan was startled, then raised his eyebrows, leaned forward, with a fierce face!

(ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)☛ "You are the only one called Sasha?"

The big hand holding her also worked hard!

Sha Xiadai frowned slightly!

(ˀ̣ˀ̣・᷄~・᷅) "Yeah? What's wrong? Hehe~ I see, you must like my song? I..."

Jiang Nan squinted: (๐ ̄́д ̄́) "Did you send those killers on the plane?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions froze!

Roberto was even more shocked!

Hiss~ Why did you ask this when you came up?

These are all things that cannot be said on the face of it!

Sasha was shocked!

Damn, exposed? impossible! Those two captains are dead!

Kunsha also escaped smoothly, and will not leave any evidence!

But what about Jiangnan...

I saw that the smile on Saxia's face remained the same!

(๑ớ ◡ờ) "Master Jiedushi, do you really know how to joke?"

"What killer? You can't talk nonsense about these things!"

As long as there is no evidence, it cannot be found on me!

[Resentment value from Saxia +1000! ]


Jiang Nan sneered, it really was this woman who did it!

Uzi rolled his eyes at Shaxia, and then his face was full of seriousness: "Brother Nan! I know you are aggrieved, so leave this matter to me! I will definitely investigate it strictly!"

I saw that Shaxia's eyes were red and she was sobbing!

( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́﹏ก̀ ) "Well, in order to pick you up, I specially organized a concert, just to accompany Lord Jiedushi well!"

"Don't you appreciate it?"

The people in the rear began to discuss it one after another!

"Oh, the Huaxia Jiedu envoy made our eldest princess cry!"

"Those who engage in assassination are really hateful, but our eldest princess is so cute, and she is also a national idol singer. How could she do such a thing?"

"That's right~ Nanshen isn't a gentleman at all?"

I saw a bright smile reappearing on Jiangnan's face!

( ·̆ ◡ ·̆ꐦ) "Just kidding~ Don't cry, don't cry!"

Saxia smiled, with tears in her eyes, not to mention how pitiful she was!

He kept hammering Jiangnan's chest with his fist, and said coquettishly!

(°ˉ᷄◠ˉ᷅۶)۶ "You are bad~"

Uzi laughed and said, "A misunderstanding! Let's go! The family held a grand banquet for you!"

"We're not going to talk about business today, we must have a good time and let you clean up!"

As he said, he put his arms around Jiangnan's shoulders, looking extremely enthusiastic!

Heidi and Roberto also followed!

The drum bands on both sides of the red carpet played cheerful music!

The salute next to it sounded even more, making a "booming" sound, and the row was quite spectacular!

Even journalists started recording and filming!

But at this moment, Jiang Nan, who was still smiling a moment ago, had a cold look in his eyes!

Raise your hand into the air, and the space wormhole unfolds!

A sniper bullet flying at high speed was diverted and hit the ground! -

`·′-꒨(¬_¬)۶꒨ ·━=͟͟͞͞

With a "bang", the powerful force blasted a big hole in the ground!

But the bullet is far more than this one!

At the back of the head, six space barriers unfolded at the same time, blocking the second bullet!


However, the third bullet has already flown to the heart!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Use the roar of the salute and the trumpets of the band as a cover to cover up the gunshots?

Shoot and snipe at the same time!

Hitting vital parts everywhere, in order to draw out my defenses?

This is a well-planned, well-coordinated, purposeful assassination!

can kill me?


In the next moment, Jiangnan suddenly switched positions with Uzi, who was beside him with his arms around his shoulders!

Uzi:! ! !

Seeing that the bullet was about to penetrate his heart, Uzi slammed into his chest!


The bullet pierced Uzi's chest in an instant, bringing out a handful of blood and exploding on the ground!

[Resentment value from Uzi +1000! ]

After switching positions, Jiangnan thought it was safe!

But a bullet hit his shoulder!

Jiang Nan's eyes froze!

What the hell?

The position has been switched, that is to say, the bullet was originally aimed at Prince Uzi?

Hit the shoulder?

Tsk tsk tsk ~ Interesting!

Change again!

The next moment, Saxia felt that she was replaced next to Uzi in a blink of an eye!

Just when they shook hands, Jiangnan left a space imprint!

Before Saxia can react, what's going on!

The bullet had already hit her shoulder, and her body was blown away by the huge impact force, and she fell to the side!

Sasha:? ? ?

And Jiang Nan, who changed to Saxia's position, was stunned!

And bullets? How many snipers have been arranged on this horse?

This bullet was originally aimed at Sasha?

And it's still the first!

When Jiang Nan reacted, the bullet had already been shot in his forehead!


With a muffled sound, Jiang Nan tilted his head and sparks flew everywhere!

The bullet pierced the flesh and hit the skull, sparks burst out!

A bullet hole was made on the skull, and it was bounced off immediately!

Shot in Uzi's thigh!

In an instant, it was dripping with blood!

Jiang Nan shook his dizzy head from the shock, the blood from the forehead was flowing down the brow bone, and the wound was healing rapidly!

His expression was completely gloomy, and his eyes were full of murderous intent!

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

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