Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1124 Meet the Rainbow! eat the rainbow

Zhou Yuqing's eyes widened, and she quickly jumped off the stage to apologize!

People (☍﹏⁰.) "I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to, are you all okay? I'm sorry~"

The few freshmen who were foaming at the mouth couldn't help backing away, with a look of horror on their faces!

This looks pure and cute, is it so terrifying that a soft and cute girl with no combat power starts to rush?

My head hurts like it's about to explode!

Even Zhao Dezhu was relieved, even though he was anti-perverted!

But for the brain wave attack of the spiritual system, there is really no strategy to deal with it!

It can only be resisted by the body, which is also the reason why the electric wave system is precious and rare!

I didn't expect to find a good seed this time!

Jiang Nan was also quite pleasantly surprised. Once this type of spiritual warrior grows up, it will be quite terrifying!

If Miss Monroe found out, she would be so happy, right?

Testing is still going on!


There is a sink in the bathroom, and Wang Zhan and Xiangzu are standing side by side!

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms crossed, posture in place!

Just open the valve!

The kinetic energy is superimposed to the limit that the fire hydrant can bear, and the water is fully discharged!

Just hearing a "boom", two high-speed jets of water blasted out!



Hit hard on the porcelain sink!

The two lowered their heads and widened their eyes!

(›ଵ口ଵ‹ ) "Oh, this baby is really fierce. Is this catching up with industrial cutting water jets?"

∑(°口°๑) "Good guy, I've grown so big, I've never been so fierce? Who will say that if I adjust my shoes with the wind, I will face the wind for a thousand meters!"

Where were the two shocked, but the moment the high-speed jet hit the porcelain wall, due to the super high impact force, it exploded into countless splashes!

Splashing away in all directions!


Wang Zhan Xiangzu looked terrified, watching the water splashing towards his face!

Subconsciously close the valve!

But under the water with all its strength, how can it be closed if it is said to be closed?

The two couldn't help but quickly retreated, standing three or four meters away from the pool!

Dodged the splashing water, but the high-speed jet still landed on the pool accurately!

It's that powerful!

Wang Zhan Xiangzu suddenly got excited!

"Haha, you can't do it either? I can still reach the compartment door!"

"What are you? It's fine for me to stand in the cubicle!"

And at this moment, Xiao Chuihuo pushed the wheelchair into the bathroom!

His eyes widened suddenly, his face full of horror!


I saw two high-speed jets hitting the sink in the bathroom aisle!



Block the entire aisle!

Under the reflection of the sun, the blasted water splashes reflected two gorgeous rainbows!

At this moment, Wang Zhan Xiangzu held the fire hydrant and looked at the principal who entered the door, his expression froze!

(٥・᷄ㅂ・᷅)٥ ·́w·̀)…

Xiao Chuihuo was stunned, did these two brothers spend so much time?

What the hell is this high-speed jet that is comparable to an industrial water jet?

It is said that one small step forward, one giant leap forward for civilization!

You two are awesome? Blocked the aisles?

This is the legendary encounter with the rainbow, is it the rainbow?

"What's the matter? Toll for blocking the road?"

"Squeeze the water! Happy you and me! Shake it afterward! Shake it clean before leaving!"

The two also looked like they had seen a ghost. How did they meet the dean?

∠(o﹏′*) "Yes! Dean!"

Do you want to be so unlucky? Fortunately, it was over, and the two hurriedly packed their equipment!

But because Xiang Zu was too nervous, he pulled the chicken frame door, directly opened the kinetic energy superposition, and pulled the lock with all his strength!

Hearing the sound of "zi~", Xiang Zu's hand pulled out the phantom!

Σ(Ŏ口Ŏ|||) "Howling~"

An earth-shattering scream came from Xiang Zu's mouth!

It made both of them tremble with fright!

I saw Xiang Zula pulling his hips, his face was livid, and his facial features were twisted together!

( ‧̣̥̇˃᷄ ‧̣̥̇ benefit ‧̣̥̇˂᷅‧̣̥̇)

"What's wrong bro?"

Xiang Zu was sweating anxiously: "The skin is caught in the zipper, hurry up! Unzip the zipper for me!"

Xiao Chuihuo shuddered when he heard it, how painful was that?

Wang Zhan quickly lowered his head to look for it: "Damn! Where are you zipping? Why didn't you zip it?"

I saw that the zipper was directly pulled off by Xiang Zu, and he was still holding it in his hand!

[Resentment value from Xiang Zu +1000! ]

You shouldn't be going to the damn toilet!

"Don't worry about it, squeeze it down for me! Quickly squeeze it!"

Wang Zhan didn't care about the spiciness, he grabbed the zipper with his hands, and tightly held it with his big hands!

Xiang Zu:! ! !

(Ŏ′0`Ŏ ‧̣̥̇) "Ahhh~ Don't! Don't..."

Just listen to "chi la"!

Xiang Zu screamed again, and Wang Zhan couldn't help but squeezed all his strength, tearing off the piece of fabric and some odds and ends!

Good pants, suddenly turned into crotch pants!

Xiang Zu clasped his hands together and lay down on the ground, his face turned pale...

It's not as counterproductive as you!

Xiao Chuihuo's eyes widened, without further ado, the wheelchair turned around in a hurry, pushed it and rushed out of the bathroom!

A look of seeing a ghost!

(◞ ͡ಠ ﹏ ͡ಠ)…

This freshman class... really ruthless!


"Dragon Feather!"

At this moment, in the stands, Ye Xingxuan was in a half-dragon form, with scales all over her body, shining like stars!

Zhao Dezhu grinned: "A little girl from the Ye family? Come on! See if you're being lazy?"

Ye Xingxuan's body accelerated rapidly!

"Nine clouds and dragons appear!"

With the horsepower fully turned on, after nine brief accelerations, Ye Xingxuan's speed was so fast that it was blurry!

"Astral vortex!"

A beam of starburst blasted out with Ye Xingxuan's dragon claws, and ruthlessly hit Zhao Dezhu's chest!

The collapsed Zhao Dezhu took half a step back to relieve himself!

When the starlight cleared, the skin on Zhao Dezhu's chest was flushed, and there were three red paw prints on it, the skin was not broken!

Ye Xingxuan gasped!

Is this the only level of horse biscuits and green sticks? Is this the background of Huaxia Dragon Armor?

I saw Zhao Dezhu laughing out loud!

(◞ˊᗜˋ◟) "Don't be discouraged, it's pretty good to have such an attack power!"

"Anyway, I am also a Huaxia Dragon Armor. If you want to break through my defense, you have to practice for another two years. Pass, let's go!"

Ye Xingxuan seemed a little disappointed, but fortunately she passed the test, and she turned around and was about to step down!

However, at this moment, the effect of the horse biscuits passed, and an uncontrollable instinct spewed out!

Ye Xingxuan's legs couldn't be controlled at all, and kicked backwards with a kick!

Immediately came a dragon wagging its tail, kicking its legs with all its strength!

Zhao Dezhu was still laughing at Gada, but Ye Xingxuan's foot had already kicked in the middle of his big characters!

Just listen to "bang"!

Zhao Dezhu shivered violently, the smile on his face froze, and he stood on tiptoe and gasped!

( ‧̣̥̇›ಥжಥ‹‧̣̥̇)

The face is blue!

This kick is impartial and hits the target!

Comparable to Jiangnan's dead son and grandson, Da Fei's knees!

All the male compatriots present subconsciously bowed their waists and took a step back when they saw this scene!

I feel a chill down my spine!

Jiang Nan covered his face!

(ノ)﹏(ヾ) Damn! Is it such a coincidence?

Do side effects occur at this time?

Ye Xingxuan obviously realized what she had done!

Why can't I help kicking my legs backwards?

And also kicked the vice president?

Ye Xingxuan's face turned red, she hurriedly turned her head!

(˃᷄﹏˂᷅๑) "I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on, I just did it subconsciously! I..."

Zhao Dezhu was sweating profusely on his forehead, no matter how hard he was, he was afraid of being cheated!

I feel like I'm going to be throbbing in pain!

But with so many freshmen watching, they must not show it, otherwise, wouldn't Huaxia Dragon Armor's face be lost?

( ‧̣̥̇・᷄‧̣̥̇ᗜ‧̣̥̇・᷅) "Cough~ everyone, don't laugh, on the battlefield, any method, as long as it allows you to gain an advantage, kicking, warding, and grabbing hair can be used!"

"Girl Xingxuan's kick is very accurate, very unexpected, even I didn't expect it!"

"But this is a test, you have already passed the test, students, please stop attacking strange parts!"

At this moment, the freshmen looked at Zhao Dezhu with admiration!

As expected of the Huaxia Dragon Armor? Can you handle this leg?

It is really powerful in 360° all-round and no dead angle!

Ye Xingxuan hurriedly ran off the stage, almost dying of embarrassment!

I still don't know why I suddenly made a move?

The three cat food sisters secretly gave Ye Xingxuan a thumbs up!

(˵ಡ‿ಡ) "Miss Xingxuan is amazing, how dare you kick the vice president?"

Ye Xingxuan covered her face, don't mention it anymore?

I'm so ashamed!

At this moment, Jiangnan is also shocked!

And it has to be my master Zhu, who can withstand kicking and kicking with all his strength?


The next one is Luo Changge. Since the horse biscuit has expired, I will eat another piece of this biscuit and continue it!

After taking the stage, Luo Changge was also unambiguous, I did pull the physical test!

Attackability test? Look!

"Frenzy! Power up!"

The two auxiliary skills are superimposed!

"Surrender a blow!"

Hip steps, punches, all movements are done in one go!

The horsepower is fully turned on, and the kinetic energy is infinitely superimposed, reaching the limit that Luo Changge's bones can bear!

Because of his spiritual muscles and bones, Luo Changge's limit is much higher than that of ordinary people!

Coupled with the physical attack blessing of the green stick, the power of this punch has reached a perverted level!


Before the sound boom came out, the fist had already hit Zhao Dezhu's chest!

The powerful punch even blasted a hurricane in the stands!

This blow just reached Luo Changge's limit, so that his bones would not be broken!

Zhao Dezhu slid back after being bombarded, and his feet even made brake marks on the stands!

I saw a fist mark on the chest that was bright red, even a little blue!

There were bursts of exclamations from the audience, Luo Changge is the first person who can blow Zhao Dezhu so far!

How powerful is this punch?

Jiangnan is so thorny at the moment, this spiritual muscle and jade bone is a perfect match with the horse biscuits!

I saw Zhao Dezhu spit out the turbid air in his chest, came to Luo Changge's body, and grinned!

(›′w`‹ ) "It's not bad, boy, you have the momentum of your cousin back then, pass! Go down!"

Luo Changge looked excited: "Thank you, Vice President!"

Turning around abruptly...

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