Afraid of waking Jiangnan up, Xia Yao covered her mouth and fought back!

Can't help grinding my teeth for a while!

Well, Xiao Nan, I was so moved that I was thinking of rewarding you for biting your face like a wolf!

Was it revenge for my morning mustard sandwich?

Sprinkle pops on watermelon?

Thank you for thinking it out!

[Resentment value from Xia Yao +666! ]

Under the refreshing of the resentment value, Jiang Nan slept very sweetly!

Early the next morning, more than 20,000 freshmen who had been promoted came to the playground early to gather!

Many people have two big dark circles on their eyes!

( ๑◉~◉๑ )… Remember the URL m.42zw.\\ncom

Obviously due to yesterday's post, I was worried that I didn't sleep well in the attack power test!

At this moment, the freshmen's eyes widened and they looked around, as if they were looking for someone!

Bei Bei pouted!

(。・᷄3・᷅) "Brother? I asked you to have dinner with me this morning. Why can't I get through the phone?"

Beifeng has a dark face!

(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿ꐦ)̄ "Siri smoked in my phone, blowing up my phone!"

Beibei:? ? ?

At this moment, I saw a teleportation from Jiangnan appearing in the stands, and there was no street stall!

Instead, leaning on the railing with his elbows, he leaned on his chin and looked at the playground, looking a little lonely!

(。˘·~·˘) Alas~

The freshmen are in a hurry, why doesn't Nanshen sell the baby today?

Are we still waiting to pass the test with the green stick with the horse biscuit?

The passage of time every minute and every second!

Jiang Nan didn't move yet, he just looked into the sky and sighed!


The freshmen finally couldn't hold back anymore, and a group of people discussed it!

Immediately, led by Wang Zhan Xiangzu, a group of freshmen came together!

A burst of flying eyes!


Wang Zhan: "Nan Shen? Why don't you set up street stalls anymore? Are we still waiting to buy your baby?"

Jiang Nan sighed: "You don't believe me anymore, besides, I don't have any baby to help you pass the attack power test?"

Xiang Zu waved his hand and laughed!

(︶.̮︶*)ノ"Nanshin, don't hide it, you have horse biscuits, right? The kind you ate in Qingshi! Full power?"

"Yes, yes! There is also a big green stick, why don't you buy some from us? You sold it yesterday!"

As soon as the two opened their mouths, many freshmen booed!

Jiang Nan couldn't hold back his joy, yesterday's advertising girl was in vain!

No, I have to be serious and not give away!

Jiang Nan was stunned!

Σ( ° △ °|||) "Hiss~ How do you know such details? Who told you?"

Wang Zhan Xiangzu snickered, is the tip of that post accurate enough?

But Jiang Nan looked embarrassed!

(๐・᷄~・᷅) "It's not that I don't want to sell you, it's just that I don't have much myself!"

"This stuff is scarce, I don't have enough for myself, I keep some to save my life!"

The north wind in the distance can't stand it anymore!

(乛乛ꐦ) You act! Go on?

Nanpo sells melons! Self-promotion?

Ye Xingxuan said: (งᵒ̌~ᵒ̌)ง "Just sell us some? We promise not to tell! Are you ready for the small money?"

"That's right, do you have the heart to watch us fail to be your school girl? Please, otherwise you really don't have confidence?"

Seeing the pleading faces of the newbies, Jiang Nan finally relented!

"Then I'll sell you for 100 million points. Let me tell you first, you insisted on buying it yourself. What happened has nothing to do with Jiangnan!"

Seeing that there is a connection, the newbies will be energetic at that time!

"Then you can't blame me Nan Shen? It's too late for us to thank you!"

Jiang Nan had no choice but to take out the green stick and horse biscuits with a "reluctant" face!

Eyes full of reluctance: "The effect of full power is only 30 minutes, so save it!"

It was sold out in no time!

Everything in Jiangnan sells for 100,000 yuan, but the freshman at the moment is not too expensive at all!

Rushing to buy, for fear of not being able to buy!

In the blink of an eye, another group of people surrounded the stall!

As soon as he got the item, Wang Zhan couldn't wait to drink the biscuits and ate them with his head up!

The rest of the freshmen looked at Wang Zhan expectantly!

Xiang Zu swallowed: "How is it? Does it work? Give me a try?"

I saw Wang Zhan's face flushed with excitement, he raised his hand and punched Xiang Zu with a hammer!

The power of this punch was fully activated, and the kinetic energy superimposed infinitely, until the limit that Wang Zhan's arm could bear!

At a very close distance, two sound booms were blasted out, plus the 300% physical attack bonus of the big green stick!

(。・ˇ得・・)ᓄ( ̄#)ε ̄)


There was a muffled sound, before Xiang Zu could even react, his chest completely collapsed, and a mouthful of old blood spewed out!

The whole person flew far away like a cannonball, lying on the playground and kicking his legs!

(#꒪ͦཀ꒪ͦ#) "Old Wang... are you fucking dead?"

Wang Zhan's eyes widened, and he gasped!

My own ability is copy and paste, and it is not aggressive on weekdays, but can I exert such a terrifying attack power with just my body?

This is too fierce, right?

"Niupai Niupi! Nanshen! Give me some more dollars!"

So Tanshou went to pull the zipper of the trouser pocket, trying to take out the phone!

However, with this pull, the horsepower was fully turned on, and the zipper was pulled with all its strength!

There was a chirping sound, and Wang Zhan tore off the whole trouser leg, revealing a black hairy leg...

The corner of Wang Zhan's mouth twitched slightly, and he picked up the phone's fingerprint to unlock it!

As soon as your finger is pressed, the kinetic energy is superimposed, and you poke the phone screen with all your strength!

Hearing a "click", a hole was poked in the phone, and the phone was smoking...

This little love classmate died unfortunately!

"Fuck! Isn't it?"

Wang Zhan, who was a little crazy, grabbed his hair and activated his ability again!

Pull your hair with all your strength!

Hearing a full roar, the hair on both sides of Wang Zhan's temples was pulled down!

Only the top of the head is left, dark cloud cover! like an old kappa...

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched slightly!

(︶﹏︶(ヾ) "Don't move around, eat horse biscuits, no matter what action you use, you will use all your strength!"

Wang Zhan:! ! !

Is it okay to strike with all your strength at all times?

The rest of the freshmen are excited, right?

Whatever it is? You just need to control yourself and not make random movements, right?

The effect is real!

Horse biscuits and beer? Maca beer!

It's even more awesome than a beef batch! Horse batch!

With Wang Zhan doing the experiment, the freshmen have the bottom of their hearts, and they are crazy about buying!

Even Xiang Zu crawled back with a dark face, not only bought green sticks and horse biscuits, but also bought a little ginseng to heal his wounds!

Luo Changge didn't even hold back, seeing the great potential of the horse biscuits!

The strength of my own bones is astonishing. If you use horse biscuits, you can really reach the limit, and the burst of strength will definitely reach a terrifying level!

Drink while eating cookies!

"What's wrong? Brother Feng won't eat?"

Beifeng curled his lips: "You still dare to eat food from Jiangnan? Do you think it will take a long time? I won't eat it!"

But seeing the effect of the horse biscuit and the green stick, I have to say that my heart is itchy!

But the problem is that you have no money? Let Jiangnan go to the pit!

That's nothing, not even breakfast!

You can't always eat Luo Changge's...

Jiang Nan, who sold another wave of goods fiercely, is in a good mood!

I'm such a marketing genius!

Although buffs have been given to the freshmen, Grandpa Zhu is a Chinese Dragon Armor!

This level of attack should be able to withstand it, right?

"Ah Cha~"

Zhao Dezhu, who had changed into tight-fitting half sleeves, sneezed, faintly feeling a cold wind blowing from behind!

Can't help wondering: ୧( ◞·̀д·́) "It's a hot day, can I still catch a cold?"

Seeing that all the freshmen had arrived, Zhao Dezhu came to the stage and said loudly!

"You guys have talent in your data, so don't test it. Now let's test the attack power!"

"The rules are simple! Hit me! I think it's okay, if you're strong enough, it counts!"


Hearing a chirp, the tight-fitting short show that Zhao Dezhu had just put on was bursting out of his muscles!

Rags are flying all over the sky!

ᕦconvex(ꐦಠٹಠꐦ)convex ᕤ

Zhao Dezhu smiled triumphantly, and looked down the stage, only to find that no one was looking at him in shock!

On the contrary, each of them has little eyes of anticipation!

Zhao Dezhu frowned, what's wrong?

Is it because I think I can't cover it? Thought it was a good time?

As soon as he turned his eyes, he saw Jiangnan in the stands whistling and watching the excitement!

(′◔ ₃ ◔`)♬♩♫♪

His right eyelid twitched wildly, and he couldn't help but think of the scene where he was chased and beaten by Jiangnan with a bench!

This year... there shouldn't be such perverted freshmen, right?

"Cough~ let's start!"

The attack power test begins, freshmen show their skills!

Obviously, Jiangnan's worries are unnecessary, given the level of freshmen!

Even with the blessing of Arima biscuits and green sticks, it is still difficult to shake Zhao Dezhu!

After all, that is the Huaxia Dragon Armor!

What should be shaved is still shaved!

But Zhao Dezhu was a little puzzled, are the freshmen this year quite energetic?

Are today's young people so irritable?

At this moment, Wang Zhan Xiangzu and the others felt a little regretful, they seemed to have eaten the biscuits too early?

The action time seems to be only half an hour, right?

According to such a chakra, I don't know when it will be my turn?

Can I just eat some biscuits when the time comes?

Waiting is boring, the two looked at each other and couldn't help walking towards the bathroom!

"Zhou Yuqing!"


Zhou Yuqing, who was wearing this white half-sleeved dress, came on stage, she seemed a little nervous!

( ๑ŏ ﹏ ŏ๑ )

Zhao Dezhu smiled and said, "Attack with all your strength, don't be afraid!"

Zhou Yuqing looked around and saw Jiangnan in the stands, and saw Jiangnan making a cheering gesture, his expression gradually resolute!

(๑·̀◠·́)و "Then... Then I will start!"

"Spirit boost!"

After using a magic skill, it seemed that the scene around Zhou Yuqing's head began to distort!

"Infrasonic brainwave!"

The next moment, many freshmen under the stands felt a splitting headache, swollen ears, almost deaf!

He couldn't help lying on the ground rolling over with his head covered, his expression painful, and he couldn't help bleeding from his nostrils!

Zhao Dezhu frowned, his expression seemed a little uncomfortable!

୧(˃᷄依˂᷅๑)۶ "Stop, stop, stop! Stop now!"

Zhou Yuqing then withdrew her magic skills, with a nervous expression on her face, as if she was about to cry!

(☍﹏⁰.) "I...I can't do it?"

Zhao Dezhu rubbed the center of his brows, and smiled wryly: "Passed! You are excellent! Mental attacks can hardly be defended by physical means!"

"If you don't believe me, look back?"

I saw a few freshmen lying on the ground, rolling their eyes and spitting white foam, obviously lost their minds!

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