Chapter 219

“I think you haven’t been beaten!”

The blood elf prince broke out.

In the small world of blood elves,

As the only invincible master,

The home court advantage is huge,

He has the shelter of the origin of the small world!

Ordinary invincibility,

Will be suppressed by the origin of the small world.

One increase and one decrease,

Let the blood elf prince have the confidence to challenge anyone!

Xeon, Demon God, Cthulhu level,

They cannot enter the small world at all.

The blood elf prince is the invincible among invincibility!

He was confident that A went up.



Office workers are very polite,

“Thank you.”

Accepted the opponent’s hand.

Blood Elf Prince:…

You look like I’m so pretty.

“I have no grudges or grudges against you,

What do you want to do? ”

The blood elf prince wanted to shake people.

He wanted to shake the two strong human races over.

The blood elves have a fairly good relationship with the human race.

Some human elders who have reached the end of their lives,

Will take the initiative to come to the world of blood elves,

Convert the race to blood elves,

In exchange for a longer life.


Terran invincible entered this place,

In case you become the strongest in the small world,

Blood elf prince blood loss!

He decided to struggle again.

The office worker took the other’s hand,

The attitude has softened a lot,

“My blood is getting me into trouble.

I hate trouble the most,

I want to borrow the blood elves’ blood pool,

Change your bloodline. ”

The corner of the blood elf prince’s mouth twitched.

20 Just for this little thing,

You beat me an invincible master to half to death? !

He forgot, it was his first hand.

The blood elf prince said,

“Isn’t there an official channel to enter the blood pool?

Go get a number, line up…”

The office worker interrupted,

“I’m going to change my blood now,

Also, your arm is bleeding, don’t you need to be treated? ”

are you crazy!

The blood elf prince almost blurted out.

The blood elf prince can’t keep up with the brain circuit of the mental patient.

In view of the fact that I can’t beat it,

The chat can’t continue,

The blood elf prince can only continue from his heart.

“This will arrange for you!”

“Okay, here are the 720,000 federal currency for the exchange of blood, and 4.28 million IOUs.”

Blood Elf Prince:? ? ?

This ruthless man who said that he would chop his hands,

Even paying the bills respectfully?

It costs a lot to enter the blood pool once,

Need a full 5 million federal currency!

of course,

The Federation takes into account the old people’s nostalgia for life,

There are also special interest-free loan channels, which can be converted first, and the money will be repaid later.


This office worker’s sorrow operation,

It really made the blood elf prince scream “madness”!

An existence stronger than this invincible master,

Unexpected compliance!


Pay, the prince can understand.

What do you mean by paying the IOU!

Can’t you even get 5 million federal coins? !

What a shame! Never seen such a shameful grandmaster! !

4.28 million is also paid in installments,

The annual interest rate is 1.5%,

Each period is also 1,872.35 yuan…

How many years are you going to prepare?

The prince especially wanted to say:

“Give me your hand, I will give you a free bill.”

He dare not…


Under the arrangement of the blood elf prince,

The office workers entered the blood pool.

Before entering,

The blood elf prince did not forget to remind,

“If you change your native race, your strength will decline, you can figure it out clearly!”

Office workers did not expect to have this sequelae,

Asked seriously,

“I am now level 731, will it fall below level 700?”

Blood Elf Prince:…

How did he lose to this guy in front of him? !

“will not!”

“Thank you.”

He walked into the blood pool.

In the crypt,

Emperor Jiu is planning a major event,(Read more @

He has contacted his former subordinates.

The situation is great!


Jiuhuang’s face changed suddenly.

He felt that his only direct bloodline was broken!

“Sura, the shot is so cruel?”

Yuhuang was startled, and immediately looked away!

“Anyway, that grandson refuses to go back to the crypt!

If you die, die! ”

For the demons,

Blood is never the most important thing.

Strength is!

Shura was able to kill his grandson cleanly.

Explain the strength of Shura,

Far stronger than I thought!

Haohuang’s grasp of what happened was a little bigger!

Su Bai slept in the classroom all morning.

A double yolk was added to lunch cruelly.

in the afternoon,

The martial arts class still focuses on fighting.

Take a trip through the crypt,

The genius students also beheaded many monsters during the chaos.

Many people have achieved SS-level transfers!

Among them, Bawang, Pi Broken Leg and others,

Even relying on outstanding performance,

Achieved an SSS-level transfer!

They are all fighters by profession,

The Temple of War raised his eyebrows fiercely!

You have Tyrant in your mage hall, fire worm.

I have four new stars: Bawang, Pi Broken Leg, Gongsun Qi, and Ye Yi!

As we all know, four>two!

Before Su Bai returned to the ground,

The Temple of War God has been arrogant for a long time,

Even planning to rush to the mage hall,

Give that bastard Erno some color and look!

During training,

Liu Wanlou and Su Bai said two things,

One, because these talented students have grown too fast.

Many people are already stronger than Mowu junior students!

The high-level federal decision,

Approval of the establishment of the Baichuan branch in advance!


It may not be a branch school,

Rebuild a century-old college directly in Baichuan!

The final plan has not yet been determined,

Liu Wanlou just came to explore Su Bai’s tone.

In this matter,

The Federation fully respects Su Bai’s opinions!

“Then build the school separately, the branch school is too much trouble.”

Got a reply from Su Bai,

Liu Wanlou promised that the Federation will study carefully,

The final decision will not disappoint Su Bai!

The second thing,

“Forbidden Sea has a large number of Heretic Gods Grandmaster level monsters, need to clean up?”

Taboo things at low tide,

Su Bai only knew.

These monsters are stranded on the ground,

I can’t go anywhere.

It is simply an experience baby delivered to your door.

If you can leapfrog to kill,

The upgrade speed will also be fast!

Such a good thing, of course, give priority to Su Bai.


Su Bai’s talent upgrade also needs to kill the Cthulhu Grandmaster!

The two sides hit it off.

At 6 o’clock this evening,

Su Bai will lead the team on time,

Go to the coast of the Forbidden Sea.


The whole world of blood elves,

Violent shaking occurred.

The members of the 99 yuan tour group have long been offline.

The native elves watched the sky turn blood red,

At a loss.

“That guy, what a strong bloodline is that?!”

“It’s definitely the blood of God!”

“Why not have such a good bloodline?”

In the eyes of the prince expecting,

The office worker walked out of the blood pool,

He soaked in it all day!

The 6-hour eternal game time limit is also invalid for him.

Compared with before,

His skin is healthier, not so white.

The ears are slightly pointed, and the hair is getting longer, and the appearance is a bit strange and beautiful.

More like the blood elves.

The office worker sent a sincere thanks.

“Thank you, I feel that the dirty stuff is finally gone, and I feel much better!”

This time he didn’t move the prince’s hand.

Instead, he said apologetically,

“The blood pool here may be scrapped,

Do I need to pay? ”

“No, no need!”

The blood elf prince only wanted to send away the plague god.

Anything can be promised!

Office workers are happier,

“You are a good blood elf!”

Before the other party left,

The prince gritted his teeth,

Finally asked a question that had troubled me for a long time,

“You are so strong, why are you still…”

He could not find an adjective for a while, 860 to evaluate the performance of the other party.

“Abide by the rules?”

The office worker added for the prince.

The prince could not agree more,

“Yes, just obey the rules!”

This adjective is very appropriate!

The prince reviewed all the experiences of dealing with each other,

Surprised to find,

All the other party’s actions are within the rules!

The office worker frowned slightly.

Start thinking about this problem.

In an instant,

He seems to have changed people,

The expression on his face was dark and hideous,

The sound in my throat also changed

Full of madness,

“I really want to kill, I really want to kill you, I really want to kill the useless old man…”

Listening to crazy words,

The prince’s neck is rooted with hairs,

Why do you ask this question too much?

Are you going to die?


The other’s expression suddenly calmed down,

“…On the first day I got to the ground, a man named Leak Kong found me.”


The strongest of the human race split? !

The blood elf prince’s pupils shrank,

Rip Kong didn’t even kill the blood of the demon god?

What does he want to do, raise Gu?

Office workers continue to talk to themselves,

“Split Kong told me,

If you dare not follow the rules, you kill me. ”

A simple threat,

There is no weight.

It can be said from the rift of the strongest,

That’s different!

The prince was immersed in the great fear of these words,

When he recovered,

The office workers have disappeared.

Demon lunatic with split personality,

Just because of a word from the strongest,

Become a harmless office worker? ?

Listen to his tone, this kind of life… 33 years have passed? !

No rules no standards,

Xeon’s words are rules!

Even if you are better than the other party, you must act according to the rules!

The might of the strongest,

Horrible! !


(Fourth one, come back after a meal, and redo!).

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