Chapter 218

“Just come back!”

Xiaohu patted Su Bai on the shoulder excitedly.

In a great mood.

Because of Su Bai’s action,

It belongs to the highest level of federal secrets.

He ventured into the crypt alone,

Just to prevent the Demon King from being extremely angry,

Rise and kill!

of course,

Xiaohu also analyzed afterwards,

“With Su Bai’s character, maybe I just want to do something more.”


Su Bai’s trip to the caves,

Whether it’s leading a team to the Devil’s City,

Still making a big fuss in the City of Souls, killing the demons.

Both have achieved impressive results!

The head of the demon grandmaster cut off by one person,

More than the results of the Federation in the past sixty years!

The most terrifying thing is,

Su Bai is only level 299 now!

Already have the ability to face the enemy head-on and absolutely!

In time…

There is no need to take time!

Now Su Bai can beat Xiaohu and Zhao Zizhen with one hand!


Su Bai has grown into a pillar of Terran!

This… only a few days have passed!

Due to the confidentiality of the operation,

The return of Su Bai has not been publicized for the time being.

The moment Su Bai left the crypt,

Feel the shackles of my Level,

Be broken again!

Turn three, become a magister!

Su Bai couldn’t help being curious,

Eternal City,

What will it become?

Accompanied by Liu Wanlou,

5 o’clock in the morning,

Su Bai returned to Baichuan City.

Got home.

Su Bai did not go home directly,

But came to the warrior cemetery.

Not close yet,

I heard an old man roar and say,

“It’s not open! The cemetery doesn’t open until 6 in the morning!”

Su Bai was taken aback.

The warrior cemetery is relatively deserted on weekdays,

So popular now?

Liu Wanlou explained,

“Ahem, Luo Lao has renovated the cemetery.

Now this is an Internet celebrity attraction in Baichuan City…”

He was clearly holding back his smile,

Never stopped at all.

Su Bai doesn’t have to think about it,

It must be the command of Luo Lao, and Qin Lin is the swordsman.

He only found out after walking into the cemetery,

I am still too young!

“You are here to build a children’s playground!”

Looking at the various amusement facilities rising from the ground,

Su Bai didn’t know what to say.

Not seen for two days,

Luo Cheng added a merry-go-round, straw archery, pirate ship…

Su Bai can even see,

There are two scarecrows engraved on the back:

“Crack”, “Empty”.


This is very logical.

“What do you know!!”

Luo Cheng is plausible,

“The Great Caverns, the Federation has a three-day holiday,

Here has become an Internet celebrity attraction,

Hundreds of thousands of people come over every day,

There are too many children, and I can’t stop the old man.

I got these things to send them away! ”

Su Bai looked at Luo Cheng suspiciously.

Don’t you really want to play?

When I came here just now, I saw the merry-go-round moving!

Luo Cheng ignored Su Bai’s gaze.

Debugging equipment only,

Debugging equipment.. Can you call it to play? !


Su Bai also knows,(Read more @

This is the cemetery of warriors in Baichuan City in name.


There is no crypt passage at all in Baichuan City.

In the warrior cemetery,

Those who were buried were Luo Cheng’s comrades-in-arms back then,

They are all clothing mounds.

Even if it’s done like this,

There is nothing to offend or not to offend.

“Well, it’s up to you.”

Su Bai yawned.

“Federal holiday for three days?

No need to go to school, I will go to sleep for a while. ”

“Except for senior year.”

Su Bai:…


When can high school students stand up!

Su Bai can only return to his second choice for sleeping-the desk in the classroom.

After the school guard saw Su Bai,

Said sincerely,

“Students, I haven’t finished playing 6 hours of games.

The college entrance examination is coming soon, so work hard! ”

“Thank you, I haven’t logged into the game today.”

Doorman: …

At first glance, it is a scum, it’s not saved!

Walk into a familiar and empty classroom,

Su Bai originally planned to sleep directly on his stomach,

Suddenly found out,

The blackboard in the classroom has changed.

The title is:

“The Story of Class Two and Su Bai’s College Entrance Examination Together”

Half of the pages are encouraging Su Bai.

Praise Su Bai is the glory of B-level talent.

I think Su Bai has hope to be admitted to TOP2.

It is recommended that Su Bai play games well and communicate with summer camp students.

Su Bai looked very useful,

Quietly clicked a like.

The other half of the blackboard newspaper,

It’s a column [I have something to say to Su Bai].

Each student above has a message:

“Su Bai, Su Bai, who has the same name as you, is on the No. 1 list! Come on!”

“Tyrant is No. 2 on the top ranking list! Su Bai, if you are lucky enough to meet Tyrant in the future, can you help me get an autograph?”

“Upstairs +1”

“Su Bai, play more games and sleep less, so that you can pass the college entrance examination well!”


The students use their own way,

Supporting Su Bai.


They don’t know Su Bai’s true identity,


They know that Su Bai is a classmate in their own class, the glory of the second grade of high school!

Many words of encouragement,

There is a different style of painting:

“Su Bai, once I saw Qin Lin, tell him that the old class is already asking his parents because he absent from class too much.”


“Did this fool not ask for leave?”

Su Bai suddenly felt that Qin Lin was super courageous,

He didn’t dare to absent from class, and Qin Lin didn’t even ask for leave!

Such a comparison,

Su Bai, who was sleeping in class, turned out to be a positive example!

I am honored to sleep, better than skipping class!

After reading all the contents of the blackboard newspaper,

Su Bai likes one by one.. 0

Then he went back to his desk,


Put your head between your arms and go to sleep slowly.

this moment,

He is no longer in the crypt that he needs to intrigue and be on guard at all times.

Return to the world.

It feels good!

Accompanied by melodious music,

Senior three students stepped into the fifth high school campus,

Before self-study every morning,

It should be the most lively time,

Everyone has countless things to say.

Today’s Grade Three and Grade Two,

Extraordinarily quiet.

Everyone is chatting with their mobile phones, no one is talking.

Because Su Bai is back.

Because Su Bai is sleeping on his stomach.

Study committee member Zhao Xue,

Even took the initiative to ran to the radio station.

Soft grinding and hard soaking,

Let the cute girl on the radio station cancel the news feed this morning,

Changed to a lullaby.

The whole teaching building is quiet.

After the teacher walked into the classroom,

Still wondering how the students are so honest today.

After understanding the reason,

He wrote a few words on the blackboard,

“Free review, silent reading.”

Today’s Five High School,

Extra quiet,

Just because of Su Bai alone.

Eternal continent.

The small world where blood elves have lived for generations,

“99 yuan blood elves world 3 days 18 hours tour group,

This trip will definitely make you worthwhile 2.3!

This is a blood jade souvenir shop,

Everyone follow me…”

Listening to the sweet voice of the tour guide,

Ordinary office workers,

dance to tune,

The countdown is displayed on his watch:


“Over this time,

Wages are about to be deducted!

The best employee of the month for 396 consecutive months will also be interrupted! ”

The office worker couldn’t help being a little nervous.

Hurry up and act!

The tour group is about a hundred people,

No one paid attention,

A man disappeared.

at the same time,

The owner of the blood elven world,

An invincible master,

The strongest-the blood elf prince!

He ushered in an uninvited guest,

Dressed up as an ordinary man, he also wears a 99 yuan tour group hat.

“Your hands are beautiful.”

Office workers were given the highest level of evaluation,

“Can you give it to me?”


(The third one, the next one is on the road! Chong Chong!).

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