One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1301: Archaeological legend, natural disaster civilization

boom! boom! boom…

The extreme explosive fire from the outer circle of the Kuiper Belt of the alpha 443 Scutum star system is still so gorgeous when viewed from hundreds of light seconds away.

Kaztick saw the entire process of the collapse of the Walkley fleet in the black box data sent back.

Even if they were scattered and fleeing, the two standard fleets only lasted for 23 minutes, which was faster than the last time the four-dimensional space crystal **** fleet was destroyed.

Kaztic's expression was very serious, and he began to realize a problem. This planetary civilization called "Human" was unusual.

"How many warships can the fleet allocate to perform missions?" Kaztic looked at the chief of the staff.

"If you want to hold Sagittarius α115, it will be more difficult to deploy a standard fleet." The chief of the staff gave a helpless answer.

The Palestine civilization is indeed strong, but the available power in Kaz'tik's hands cannot crush the Carbon-based Alliance and can free up his hands to do other things.

Especially when he wants Sagittarius α115, there is really no extra power.

What's more, after the destruction of the two standard fleets led by Walkley, the number of fleets in his hand decreased again, and he was stretched unconsciously.

Of course, this kind of stretch refers to the fact that one hand is crushing the carbon-based alliance, and there is no way to spare the other hand for other things for a while.

"What is the commander's plan?" The chief of the staff saw that the commander obviously had any plans to implement.

"This civilization called'humanity' is very problematic. At this level of civilization, when destroying the capital of the Triad of Arden and annihilating the fleet of the Earl of Tallinndal, you should be aware of this, but it has been ignored until now. Zitic's tone was very serious.

The chief of the staff gave a puzzled expression:

"Is there anything wrong with this civilization called'human'? Their fleet is indeed very powerful, but the warships they drive are all obtained through seizures and purchases. Their civilization itself is just a planetary civilization. There is no problem.

"In this case, this human fleet is actually like a very powerful fleet of lone wolves, relying on plundering and trading to increase the fleet's combat effectiveness.

"However, this kind of fleet has no foundation. As long as it is defeated once, it will be submerged in the deep space of the universe."

In this vast universe, there are countless civilizations and fleets.

In the past history, there has been a similar fleet of lone wolves more than once.

In this cold universe, there is nothing greater than the benefits of plunder.

Therefore, a fleet of lone wolves, through plundering and trading with higher civilizations, can indeed increase its combat power to a very high level in a short period of time.

Although this kind of situation is rare, there are still several cases in the historical records of the Palestine civilization.

"No, this human fleet is not the same. They are not a lone wolf fleet. They have a home star, and the home star is an active civilization during the technological explosion." Kaztic did not agree with the chief of the staff.

In the universe, there are certain laws in the development of civilization.

The development of civilization is a parabola, with a period of rising, a period of flattening, and a period of decline.

The civilization in the ascending period is active, while the civilization in the declining period is relatively less active.

In Palestine civilization, there are detailed information about human civilization.

Since the first washer spacecraft arrived in the solar system, every piece of data clearly records the development process of human civilization.

From the initial 0.8 level civilization to the current 1.9 level civilization.

Although the level 1.9 civilization is still only a backward and weak planetary civilization in the eyes of higher civilizations.

However, if you block the civilization level and just look at the development speed, you will find that the speed of the civilization level is incredibly fast.

Kaztec highlighted some of the data in the record and showed it to the staff.

After the staff watched it, they finally saw the development speed of human civilization, which was indeed too fast.

"This is not the most critical thing. This human civilization also has a fleet that can fight head-on with the main fleet of higher civilizations. This means that they have the possibility of developing into higher civilizations in a short time. In other words, this human civilization is very likely. It's a natural disaster civilization." Kaz'tik said his thoughts.

"Civilization of natural disasters?" The staff member suddenly discussed.

The term “natural disaster civilization” was not coined by the Palese civilization.

It is the Palestine civilization's excavation of some civilization relics in the universe, and it is obtained from the archaeological documents obtained from the civilization relics.

Some documents found in a high-dimensional civilization relics contain records of natural disaster civilization.

Describe that the natural disaster civilization is the most dangerous civilization born in the universe. Once it emerges, it will quickly develop into a dangerous civilization, sweeping the entire galaxy and devouring all surrounding civilizations.

In the archaeological literature, some of the characteristics recorded include the out-of-normal combat effectiveness, the rapidly developing civilization...

Of course, the records of the natural disaster civilization are only archaeological records of the Palese civilization in the remains of the high-dimensional civilization.

Moreover, the accuracy of archaeological content cannot be guaranteed.

Therefore, these archaeological documents, most of the time, are not used as a standard to measure the form of civilization.

In a way, the natural disaster civilization is more like a legend circulated in the Palestine civilization, and no one takes it seriously in normal times.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the Palestine civilization will not just see a civilization and consider it as a natural disaster civilization.

Even the vast majority of Palese living organisms have not read these archaeological documents, and naturally they will not associate human civilization with the natural disaster civilization in archaeological documents.

Naturally, a large part of the staff of the Kaztec Fleet knew the legend of natural disaster civilization, but at the beginning, no one regarded human civilization as natural disaster civilization.

"The records of natural disaster civilization are all archaeological documents. This is more like a legend. Is it too cautious to regard human civilization as a natural disaster civilization?" The chief of the staff remains skeptical about this view.

"No, this human civilization is abnormal. There are many places that are very similar to the natural disaster civilization in the archaeological literature. You have to deal with it early, otherwise it may affect the civilization pattern." Kaztec insisted on this.

"If you are really worried about this, you can send warships to destroy their home planets. It's not difficult. It's just that if you deploy more warships, it may have an impact on the frontal battlefield. However, since the opponent is only a planetary civilization, one or two warships It should be enough." When the chief of the staff group thought that the goal was just a planetary civilization, he felt that the problem was not big. If one or two warships were sent, the impact on the frontal battlefield should not be too great.

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