One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1300: Pursuit from the primary civilized fleet

"It's impossible! Didn't the human fleet just enter the shield seat α443?"

Walkley questioned the various departments of the fleet loudly, then turned to look at the star map.

The red dot about the human fleet on the star map disappeared after a few flashes.

That's right, the red dot is missing, not because it moved its position, but suddenly disappeared.

The reason for this is that the location of the red dot is provided by the Palestine Galactic Distant Star Empire Defense Zone Reconnaissance System.

Prior to this, the position of the human fleet in the Palese defensive area was controlled by the reconnaissance station and transmitted to the Walkley fleet in real time.

Therefore, the position of the human fleet is always marked on the star map of the Walkley Fleet, using a red dot.

This red dot flashes once every three seconds, and the position is updated every time it flashes.

Prior to this, the red dot has been moving slowly on the star chart and its position is very stable.

However, now the red dot suddenly disappeared.

This can only explain one problem, that is, the human fleet has disappeared from the reconnaissance system of the Paleste defense zone.

As for how it disappeared, there are many possibilities.

For example, the human fleet uses anti-reconnaissance methods to block the reconnaissance system in the Palestine defense area.

Or using the stealth fleet skills, the reconnaissance system cannot detect the signals of the human fleet.

In addition, there is another possibility that a space movement occurred and moved to an unexpected place in the reconnaissance area of ​​the defense zone.

Walkley saw that the red dot on the star map disappeared, and instantly understood that the fleet that suddenly appeared behind the fleet was the human fleet.

Because his two standard fleets have been separated from hyperspace routes.

Leaving the hyperspace route far enough is beyond the monitoring range of the reconnaissance system in the defense zone.

The reason why the human fleet disappeared from the reconnaissance system was because it had already left the surveillance range and appeared behind his fleet.

"Quick! Ask for help from the Fleet Base Headquarters, and for help from Commander Kaztic!" At this moment Walkley finally understood how terrible this fleet called humans is.

He has already broken away from the hyperspace route and would rather drift in the deep space of the universe, but this terrifying fleet of primary civilizations has still caught up.


After the reconnaissance signal of the Walkley Fleet was synchronized with the signal of the headquarters of the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire Base.

Red dots reappeared on the star map at the headquarters of the Kaztec fleet.

At this moment, there was a hint of surprise in Kaz'tik's expression, because the human fleet suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared again. This situation was not what he expected.

In the past, in wars, most of the tactics of the two sides' wars were actually calculated by the other side, depending on who had the most cards.

Once one party has a new hole card, it will gain an advantage in the war until the other party thinks of a way to deal with it.

The first time Kaztic saw the red dot appearing behind Walkley's fleet, he knew that the two standard fleets commanded by Walkley were not saved.

Therefore, he did not respond to the call for help sent by Walkley.

"Using the authority of the fleet commander, extract the black box data of all warships in the Walkley fleet..."

Kaztec issued the order, still maintaining a cold-blooded calm: "I want to know how the human fleet allows the entire fleet to span such a long space distance."

Under the transmission of quantum communication, the Kaztec Fleet Base quickly obtained the black box data of all the warships of the Walkley Fleet.

And from the black box data, every detail of the emergence of the human fleet is obtained.

Combined with the image data when the human fleet disappeared, the staff of the Kaz'tik fleet can quickly draw a preliminary conclusion.

"General, from the analysis of the data obtained, this human fleet uses the'Void Gate'."

"'Void Gate', isn't that the ability of the dead alien war beast? I remember this ability only works on one battleship." Kaz'tik showed a trace of doubt in his expression.

"Yes, the'Void Gate' shown in the data really only works on one battleship. However, from the data we have obtained, the 16 warships of the human fleet all crossed through the'Void Gate' The space, the energy response, and the image data all conform to the rules of the'Void Gate'." The staff team replied.

Kaztec pondered: "Sixteen'Void Gates'? This is impossible."

"It should be a certain evolutionary form of the Void Gate." The staff group gave a guess.

Thinking with normal thinking, it is very rare for a rare ability like "Void Gate" to appear one or two at the same time, and it is impossible to have sixteen at the same time.

Therefore, a more reasonable possibility should be the evolutionary form of "Void Gate", which will affect the entire fleet.

"This civilization has experience in studying evolving fleet skills." Kaztic's expression became more serious.

If a civilization can evolve the skills of the fleet, every time a battle occurs, it needs to consider the possible increase in the opponent's combat power.

At this moment, Kaztec felt that this fleet of humans was becoming more and more tricky, even more tricky than any civilization in the Carbon-based Alliance.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Because the other party is just a planetary civilization, and the three civilizations in the carbon-based alliance are all galaxy civilizations.

The gap between the two is like a cloud of mud.

However, a fleet of planetary civilizations puts even greater pressure on him than a fleet of galaxy civilizations.

This situation is totally unreasonable.

However, this is the case.

"General, Walkley has been initiating communication requests." The communication group kept receiving communication requests and had to report upwards.

"Come in." Kaz'tic asked the communication team to connect the signal.

The communication screen of the base headquarters flashed and the image of Walkley emerged.

"General, the human fleet has appeared at a position of 15,000 light seconds behind me, and is rushing towards us, requesting support." When Walkley saw Kaz'tik, he immediately asked for help.

Kaztec said with a deep expression, but calmly said: "Without support, you can disperse the warships and run away separately."

Walkley was stunned when he heard this answer.

It is not the first time that he has fought with Kaz'tik. In fact, he is a capable man of the Kaz'tik fleet. He has fought hundreds of large and small battles. He never thought that one day he would hear from the commander To this answer.

"But, the other party is just a junior civilized fleet." Walkley was still a little unwilling.

As a fleet general of a higher civilization, being hunted down by a fleet of junior civilizations, this psychological gap is too huge, and it is difficult for most people to accept this sense of gap.

"Disperse and flee, maybe you can save one or two warships. If you think you can fight, you can also try it. I can avenge you in the next battle." Kaztic gave a cold promise.

At this moment, Walkley's heart fell into the abyss, his mind was blank, and he didn't understand why he was chased to such a point by a fleet of primary civilizations, as if the whole world was not real.

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