One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1272: Battleship cemetery

Raphael ordered the fleet to prepare for battle, and at the same time ended the overloaded operation of the curvature engine, ready to open the energy shield.

To prepare to enter a combat state, it is an inevitable process to turn off the curvature engine one after another.

However, this process will cause his fleet's speed to begin to decrease, and the time of interception will also advance.

While ordering the fleet to prepare for battle, Raphael followed normal procedures to communicate with the commander-in-chief of the temporary capital of the Shield, Kaztic.

"The Raphael Fleet is being pursued by the fleet, and the local fleet has a combat power of 96,000. The Raphael Fleet is ready to fight."

When Kaztic heard this communication message from his communication team, he looked a little ugly, immediately connected to the communication of Raphael's flagship, and ordered: "Retreat at full speed, don't think about fighting, if necessary, leave some warships behind. To hold the human fleet, the warship that transported the four-dimensional crystals to evacuate alone!"

When Raphael heard this order, his expression was stagnant, a little surprised and a little dissatisfied.

"General Kaztic, I think the 24 fleet I lead is fully capable of fighting the Chaser fleet. The combat power data of the opposing fleet is only 96,000."

He once again emphasized the combat effectiveness data of the human fleet, and the meaning is already obvious.

Although he had read the information about the human fleet's capture of the three noble capital stars of the Palestine Galaxy Far Star Empire, he also knew that the human fleet was very powerful.

He is also willing to follow Kaz'tik's request and try his best to escape the pursuit and refrain from fighting with the opponent.

However, asking him to abandon part of the warships and let the flagship escape. This apparently abandoning the car to protect the handsome, made him unable to accept.

Moreover, the combat power of this chaser fleet is only half of his fleet, which makes him even more unacceptable.

Giving up part of the warships to drag the human fleet means surrendering without resisting.

If the combat power data of the human fleet exceeds 300,000, he may still be willing to accept this order, but facing a fleet of 90,000 combat power, he cannot accept it.

"This is an order!" Kaz'tik didn't want to discuss with him any questions about the combat effectiveness of the human fleet, and said in an orderly tone.

"General Kaz'tik, I think my fleet has the power to fight!"

Although the opponent is the commander of the fleet, Raphael is also the general commanding the two standard fleets on the front battlefield, and he also has a high status.

"I don't care what you think, as long as I ensure the safety of the four-dimensional crystals, they will never be taken away by human civilization!" Kaztic said in a deep voice, his tone already obviously a little unpleasant.

After Raphael was silent for a moment, he proposed a plan: "I will transfer the 4D space crystal to a destroyer, let the destroyer quickly evacuate, and return to the temporary capital of Scutum α217. And I will command the fleet and fight the human fleet, so that it can be Right?"

Kaz'tic heard this proposal, and he pondered.

In fact, according to his idea, he hopes to leave three or five warships to drag the human fleet, and other warships to evacuate quickly, so as not only to preserve the four-dimensional space crystal, but also to preserve as many warships as possible to maintain the overall strength of the fleet.

However, Raphael is obviously reluctant to do so.

Kaz'tic thought silently.

In fact, he is also very curious about the combat effectiveness of the human fleet.

Although the information provided by the three nobles of the Palestine Galaxy clearly records every process of the battle of the human fleet, as well as the details of the battle between the three nobles, the capital of the star.

However, the combat effectiveness demonstrated by the human fleet still does not conform to common sense.

Therefore, Kaztec believes that the reason for this situation should be due to the weak strength of some of the Three Nobles fleet.

These nobles who were sent to remote galaxies were just average in their own right.

If it were a truly powerful Templar general, he would have been at war with the Carbon-based Alliance on the frontal battlefield, and would not stay in an undeveloped remote galaxy like the Milky Way.

Therefore, Kaztec also wanted to obtain first-hand data on the combat effectiveness of the human fleet.

Moreover, judging from the combat effectiveness data, Raphael's fleet is indeed higher than the human fleet.

After Kaztic thought for a moment, he agreed: "Okay. I agree with your request. I need to monitor the entire battle process."

Raphael received the commander's promise and immediately ordered the entire fleet to prepare for combat, all of which were to transfer the space capsule containing the four-dimensional space crystal on the flagship to a destroyer, and then let the destroyer evacuate first.

The remaining 23 warships formed two combat formations and began to circle around the shield seat λ207, preparing to attack the human fleet head-on.


Ten minutes later, the human fleet observed the changes in the Raphael fleet.

"They stopped and made preparations for battle. However, there are only 23 warships, and one ship should be evacuated alone." Ye Zheyu quickly reported the results of the reconnaissance.

"The battleship that evacuated alone must have run away with the four-dimensional space crystal." Eve interjected.

"What do we do now? Do you want to blow them up? Or chase the crystal?" Niu Dazhi was eager to try.

"Be prepared for battle, first defeat the Raphael fleet, and then consider the crystal matter." Fang Yuan immediately made a decision to put the entire fleet into a combat state.

Although the human fleet is now the identity of the pursuer, in this dangerous universe, in the face of such a powerful and advanced civilization as Palese, any carelessness may lead to irreparable losses.

Therefore, Fang Yuan will face every battle cautiously.

"The battle countdown, 30, 29..." Ye Zheyu started to remind the countdown based on the distance between the two sides.

"Turn off the curvature engine, fully open the energy shield, the main guns of the entire fleet, lock the enemy's flagship, and prepare for battle! What we want is the crystal. This battle will be decided quickly!" Fang Yuan gave the order and then handed over the command. Zhao Anya began to cover the Qinglong armed forces, preparing to attack.

After the distance narrowed to 10 light seconds, both fleets had turned off their curvature engines and began to bombard each other.

Fang Yuan flew out of the Shenzhou, gestured to the giant Korgan behind him to strike, and at the same time copied the "curvature storm", which turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed towards the Raphael fleet.

Since there are only 23 warships left in the Raphael fleet, it is obvious that one has escaped, so if you want to get the crystal, you must solve this fleet as quickly as possible.

Therefore, Fang Yuan had no reservations, as soon as he shot, he used all his strength to pounce on the Raphael, the flagship of the Raphael fleet.

Boom boom boom...

The gamma light cannon roared, blasting on the energy shield of the Raphael.

The Raphael’s combat effectiveness is twice that of ordinary battleships. The combat effectiveness is very powerful. The energy shield completely blocks the human fleet’s gamma light cannon attacks.

At the moment Fang Yuan attacked, the Raphael detected a powerful lifeform approaching.

Raphael locked his gaze on Fang Yuan's position, turned into a storm of energy and rushed out, shouting to meet Fang Yuan, wanting to intercept him.

"Get away!" Fang Yuan snorted coldly, and the Dark Matter Dragon fist shot, blasting a giant dragon, and blasting Raphael's energy storm into ashes, without losing his energy, and blasting into the Raphael with a punch.


Half of the Raphael hull burst into pieces.

In the next second, Fang Yuan smashed the bridge of the Raphael, smashed the deputy captain of the Raphael inside, and blasted all the Palacey warriors in sight.

At the same time, the Kogaen monster also rushed to the other warships of the Raphael Fleet, its claws were ferociously grabbed, and the warships were smashed into pieces.

In an instant, the battlefield became a battleship cemetery.

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