One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1271: Stalker's combat power data

The λ207 Scuti star system.

The 24 ships of the Palese Galactic Far-Star Empire responded to the fleet, and the entire ship’s engines were overloaded, as if fleeing the death sickle.

This 24-ship fleet is the main fleet brought by Kaztec from the Palestine home planet.

They have very rich experience in the main battlefield, so although the order they received was to evacuate at full speed with overload, none of the defensive measures they had to do was left behind.

While they were evacuating, they dropped a large number of proton observers and other high-end reconnaissance methods on the route to observe what "things" were chasing them behind.

On the flagship Raphael, Captain Raphael commanded the fleet to evacuate with a solemn expression.

"Reconnaissance results, when will the reconnaissance results come out? I want the reconnaissance results!" He asked loudly.

Since both fleets are flying with curvature, the speed of curvature exceeds the speed of light. Therefore, ordinary optical reconnaissance cannot see the opponent's fleet at all. Quantum communication must be used to calculate the specific position of the opponent's fleet through band analysis. , And fleet data.

"The results of the reconnaissance have come out. We are pursuing a total of 16 warships in our fleet, mainly medium-sized high-speed destroyers, and the flagship is a high-speed star destroyer, which should be modified. The combat power data of the entire fleet is 96,000 points. Less than one. The combat effectiveness of a standard fleet." The Raphael Fleet’s intelligence team quickly gave the reconnaissance results and calculated combat effectiveness data.

Among the combat power data of the higher civilization fleet, there is a set of theoretical formulas that can calculate the approximate combat power data of a fleet.

The combat effectiveness data of this fleet cannot fully represent the combat effectiveness of a fleet, but it can reflect a general idea.

Under normal circumstances, a standard 12-ship fleet consisting of battleships, cruisers, and destroyers has a combat effectiveness data of around 120,000.

However, the human fleet is dominated by high-speed destroyers. Although there are 16 warships, the overall combat effectiveness of the fleet is lower than that of a standard fleet.

"Only 90,000 combat power? Then why did we escape? Our fleet's combat power is as high as 250,000!" In the Raphael fleet, many fleet generals were suddenly surprised.

This Raphael fleet has 24 warships, which is equivalent to two standard fleets. In addition, their flagships are stronger than ordinary battleships, so the overall combat effectiveness data is 250,000 points.

A fleet with a combat power of up to 250,000 was hunted down by a fleet with a combat power of only more than 90,000.

This incident immediately surprised the high-level generals of the Raphael fleet and did not understand why they wanted to escape.

"Wait a minute, behind their fleet, followed by a giant cosmic beast. Looking at the appearance and the detected data, it should be the behemoth Kogaen domesticated by the Earl of Tallinndal." Raphael's fleet intelligence team gave another one. New information.

"Even if we add that giant Kogaen, the combat power data of this fleet is at most 120,000, which is only half of ours. Why should we escape? Who wanted us to escape?" An arrogant temple The samurai expressed dissatisfaction with this.

"This is the order of General Kaz'tik. Our task is not to fight, but to **** strategic materials back to the capital of Alpha 217 of the Shield." Raphael corrected the templar's words.

"Our mission is indeed to **** strategic materials, but why should we be chased by a fleet with such a low combat effectiveness? Wouldn't it be better to sink them all back and return to sail?" The templar fled to this famine. The situation is very dissatisfied.

Especially when he was being chased by a weak fleet, this feeling of fleeing in despair made him very unhappy.

Raphael said in a deep voice: "Regarding this human fleet, the data records that it is this fleet that successively destroyed the capital stars of the Duke of Arden, the Earl of Arnis, and the Earl of Tallinndal, including the capital of the triple star of the Duke of Arden. .

"Also, the fleet of Count Tallinndal is also completely destroyed in the hands of this human fleet.

"If you look at the record, the record of this fleet is very beautiful, you can't underestimate it, maybe this is a fleet that cannot be fully evaluated by combat effectiveness data."

This General Raphael has carefully read the information about the destruction of the three noble capital stars, so he is very clear about the record of the human fleet.

"Judging from the record of this human fleet, General Kaztic ordered us to retreat. It was the right decision." Raphael added again.

After listening to his words, the fleet executives present did not raise any objections.

After all, they are all generals in the main battlefield of the Palestine civilization.

Even if they are very disdainful of the fleet pursuing from behind, they are able to fight on the main battlefield and they are inherently unique. Therefore, since the full retreat is the order of the Kaztec commander, they will not disobey and continue to be overloaded. Run the engine and evacuate the shield seat λ207.

"The other party's speed is getting faster and faster, and it's approaching us quickly!" Raphael's fleet intelligence team reminded them urgently.

"How long is it expected to be overtaken?" Raphael's expression became a little dignified, and immediately asked when he was intercepted.

"If you continue to sail at the current speed, you will be overtaken by the fleet behind you in 30 minutes." After calculating, the fleet intelligence team gave a rough data.

Raphael was slightly surprised when he heard this time.

On the cosmic scale, a fleet is chasing another fleet. Even if it is faster to pursue the fleet, it usually takes a few days to intercept the fleet ahead.

However, the answer given by the intelligence team now turned out to be half an hour.

It was about half an hour to be overtaken, which was beyond Raphael's expectation.

He asked solemnly: "Are you sure there is no calculation error?"

"Make sure there is no error, the other party's curvature speed has exceeded 100 times the speed of light, and there is a tendency to continue to increase." The intelligence team gave a positive answer.

Raphael began to feel that things were worse than expected.

The speed of the fleet behind him is very abnormal.

Because under normal circumstances, the fastest sailing speed of a standard fleet is 30 times the speed of light with curvature.

This is a standard fleet sailing speed recognized by advanced civilizations.

There may be some difference in this maximum speed due to technology, but the difference will not be too great.

However, the speed of curvature of the fleet behind them can reach 100 times the speed of light, which is already three times the speed of their curvature.

If it is calculated at a speed of 3 times the curvature, it would not be surprising to be caught up in half an hour.

Half an hour was not enough for them to withdraw from the Shield λ207.

Raphael became solemn and ordered: "The entire fleet is obedient and ready to fight."

His thinking is very clear. According to this situation, it is impossible to escape a safe distance within half an hour, so the only way to protect himself is to retreat while fighting and wait for the Kaz'tik commander to send reinforcements. The fleet comes.

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