One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1170: Self-detonation program

Β107 Perseus, the sixth planetary rift valley.

The three of the ghost group scooped away the rock and soil and climbed into the ghost.

After Zhao Yifeng completed the triple detection of fingerprints, pupils, iris, and brain waves, he started the Ghost Master computer.

Immediately afterwards, the quantum communication device was activated and the action plan already prepared was communicated.

Then turn on the power engine, skip the battleship self-check process, and directly enter the takeoff mode.

With full power output of the power engine, the tail of the Ghost ejected a blazing flame tail, rushing out of the mud and rock, and rising into the sky, the sword pointed to the sky.

at the same time.

The three destroyers searched on the sixth planet discovered the whereabouts of the Ghost, locked the target, and pursued it.

The Ghost is a stealth warship, but the premise of stealth is to reduce or even turn off the power engine.

Otherwise, the long tail flame of the engine cannot be hidden.

Three destroyers chased from three directions and fired at 10,000 kilometers apart.

The Phantom relied on the maneuvering advantage of the small warships to change directions irregularly to avoid shelling, but the ship was still pierced by ray weapons.

Zhao Yifeng controlled the Ghost, opened the engine overload authority, once again increased the power of the power engine, and rushed to outer space.

However, the three destroyers chased from three directions, and a stealth warship with almost no frontal combat capability could not withstand the pursuit of the three destroyers.

"There is damage to the port side. The damage is serious. We may not be able to withstand it." The ghost team member No. 3 said quickly.

"Send a distress signal to the main fleet, but don't put hope on the rescue of the main fleet, we can only rely on ourselves." Zhao Yifeng focused all of his attention on driving the Ghost, even when the distress signal was idle. nothing.

No. 3 immediately issued a distress signal, and his finger slammed a few hard times on the control screen: "The electric control of port B3 zone is invalid. I have to go and manually close B3 zone."

He rushed out after speaking.

The internal structure of a space battleship is composed of one area.

Each area is independent of each other and can be completely enclosed to prevent one area from being damaged and all the air inside the battleship leaking out.

Closed passages can usually be controlled by the main control computer, but in battle, any accident may happen.

No. 3 rushed out of the bridge and ran to area B3 to manually close the passage in area B3.

"No, they want to start the curvature engine."

Zhao Yifeng observed the changes in the three destroyers behind, and immediately shouted: "Quick! Shoot the silicon-based brain bullets, even if they die, they will be buried with two ships!"

The Ghost Group No. 4 controlled the kinetic energy weapon and began to shoot the silicon-based brain bullets.

At the moment the silicon-based brain bullet hits, the three destroyers gave up the curvature flight at the same time and opened the energy shield.

Bullets fired by ordinary kinetic energy weapons require a short period of time to fly on the space scale.

The three destroyers were prepared for a long time, and all made defensive actions.

All the bullets hit the energy shield and did not damage the destroyer's hull.

The three destroyers could not use the curvature flight to bypass the front to intercept, and could only chase behind the Ghost to continue the bombardment.

Four warships ejected long flame tails, across the sky of the sixth planet β107 Perseus, and rushed into the deep space of the dark universe.

As time went by, the number of ray weapon shelling on the Ghost increased.

at last.


With a bang, the most lateral engine injection port of the Ghost exploded in the shelling, and six tail flames went out.

The Phantom's power decreased, and its speed began to decrease.

As the destroyer chased closer and closer, the outer armor of the Ghost was shattered and dismembered into a skeleton under the attack of the ray weapon.

The second engine stalls, the third engine stalls...

The Phantom's speed is getting slower and slower, and the damage speed of the hull is getting faster and faster.

All three of the ghost group knew that they couldn't escape this time.

Zhao Yifeng released the control lever and pressed the communication channel and said: "Ghost Zhao Yifeng requested communication, and the ghost team completed its mission. With the help of the Palese mineral carrier, it successfully dropped the silicon-based naphtha on the capital star of Arden 4 and 5. Know.

"The Ghost has no hope of escaping and is about to detonate the antimatter reactor and die with the enemy ship."

After he finished speaking, he entered the password, unlocked the highest authority of the ghost, and prepared to start the self-detonation program.


at the same time.

Busy on the counterattack.

Because of the ghost, which had been missing for more than a month, a message finally came.

"Captain, received the Ghost message, the ghost team leader and the No. 2 crew committed a personal risk and threw the silicon-based naphtha into the Arden No. 4 and No. 5 Capital Star."

"Captain, received the Phantom distress signal. They are on the sixth planet β107 Perseus."

"team leader……"

A series of information bombardment.

As soon as the main human fleet received the information, it had already begun to approach the sixth planet.

Because the Arden Triad garrison fleet is busy suppressing the silicon-based naphtha, there is no more time to manage the human fleet.

As long as it does not invade the Sanlian Star's defensive restricted area, the Sanlian Star defense fleet cannot chase it out.

"Start the curvature engine and run at full power. You Wei, the photon jumps, go to save the ghost." Fang Yuan's voice was calm, but his eyes were cold and resolute.

The fleet has just started the curvature engine and is preparing to enter the curvature flight state.

At this time, I received the ghost message again.

"No! The Ghost is about to explode." Zhao Anya called out in shock.

Fang Yuan's eyes condensed, he stood up fiercely, and shouted, "Tell the Ghost, and hold on for another three minutes! Lang Xiaonian, how far are we from the Ghost?!"

"3000 light seconds, it may not be too late..." Lang Xiaonian's tone was very solemn.

The activation of the curvature engine requires a process, and it does not enter the curvature flight state in an instant.

Moreover, the speed of curvature also needs time to accelerate.

However, the news from the Ghost was about to explode.

This shows that the Phantom has reached its limit and will be sunk if it does not explode.

Therefore, it is very difficult to persist for three minutes.

However, within three minutes, the human fleet could not reach the sixth planet β107 Perseus at all.

Fang Yuan thought quickly in his mind, turned his head fiercely, and asked: "Youwei, how long can you cross the limit state."

"Theoretical 1000 light seconds."

Han Youwei clenched her fists, feeling a little uncomfortable.

She hates that her level is too low, using "Void Gate" can only cross a distance of 1000 light seconds at most, and the activation process will take a while.

"That should be enough! The Counterattack left the formation, and the curvature engine ran at full power, bringing the distance closer to 2000 light seconds. You Wei was preparing for the'Void Gate'." Fang Yuan made a decisive decision and issued an order.

Han Youwei did not ask any questions, and immediately began to prepare for "Void Gate".

When she was preparing for the "Void Gate", Fang Yuan stretched out and held her hand, star power penetrated and began to copy the "Void Gate".

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