One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1169: The fall of the second planet

Β107 Perseus, the capital star of Arden 4, fell into chaos.

The earth was swallowed by terrible monsters, and the entire planet became hell.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and silica-based naphtha spread.

Carbon-based slaves, Palese energy warriors are entangled in a strip of silicon-based vines, wrapped in stone eggs, absorbing their energy and characteristics.

Arton Trinity Star Defense Fleet Commander Aatokes learned of the situation of Capital Star No. 4 and immediately roared at the Trinity Star Defense Fleet Staff Group: "What happened to Capital Star No. 4?!"

"Silicon-based naphtha, the capital star No. 4 was attacked by silicon-based naphtha. The situation is critical and must be dealt with immediately, otherwise..." The garrison fleet staff team said that, dare not continue.

"Otherwise what?"

"Otherwise, Capital Star No. 4 will be destroyed."

"Will be destroyed? By something? Will the silicon-based naphtha?"

"Yes, the spreading area of ​​silicon-based naphtha is very large, and it is temporarily impossible to measure it specifically." The staff team replied helplessly.

"Just two days ago, you told me that all the **** silicon-based brain bullets were intercepted. Why did this happen?" Aatokes roared.

"We don’t know. After accurate calculations, except for the bullet that hit the No. 5 Capital Star Spaceport, all other silicon-based brain bullets were intercepted. There are even accurate numbers, a total of 13200. Two hundred and five thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine. Each one is accurately destroyed by a ray weapon." The staff team gave a very surprising data, accurate to single digits.

"Send a fleet to destroy the silicon-based naphtha!" Aatox made a decisive decision and dispatched all the garrison fleet.


Dark clouds over the capital star No. 4 covered the sky, and the Arden triple star garrison fleet frantically attacked the silicon-based naphtha on the ground from space.

Under the high-energy ray cluster shooting, all the silicon-based naphthas in sight are evaporated to ashes.

However, the silicon-based naphtha is spreading from the ground, destroying the surface part, to no avail.

"Why can't these ghosts be killed cleanly?" Aatox looked at the battle on the screen with a very ugly face.

Now the garrison fleet is attacking Capital Star No. 4. Even if the silicon-based naphtha can be removed, this attack will cause serious damage to Capital Star No. 4.

At this moment.

The Duke of Arden, who was far away on the battlefield of Shield Seat α217, sent a reprimand and scolded the defense commander Aatox.

The battle ahead was tight, the backyard caught fire, and the Duke of Arden even wanted to pinch all the high-level guards in the rear.

Aatox was scolded, and then put all his anger on his subordinates.

He ordered the staff of the garrison fleet to come up with a solution to the silicon-based naphtha within three hours.

"General, this silicon-based ancient creature is also called silicon-based naphtha. The secret archives of the parent star contain the characteristics and structure of this creature. This creature can assimilate everything it touches and transform it into silicon-based naphtha. However, transformation During the process, some of the changes are to release energy, and some are to consume energy..." After consulting the information, the garrison fleet staff began to explain.

Although the secret archive of the Palestine home planet contains detailed information on silicon-based naphtha, this silicon-based paleontology was only active 60 million years ago.

Therefore, before accessing the information, Aatox and the garrison fleet staff had limited knowledge of the silicon-based naphtha.

"Omit the irrelevant nonsense, and just talk about the solution." Aatox interrupted the explanation of the staff.

"Using an element that is heavier than silicon and lighter than iron can seal the silicon-based naphtha. It's just..." The staff team stopped after halfway through the speech.

"It's just what? Say!" Aatox roared.

"It's just that the silicon-based naphtha has spread from the ground. It is impossible to determine the area of ​​its spread. If the area is too large, I am afraid..." The staff team did not finish the sentence, but the meaning is already obvious.

"I don't care, find a way within three hours and solve the problem of silicon-based naphtha within three days, otherwise you will be prepared to bear the Duke's anger!" Aatokes roared.

Just then.

A message from the intelligence team suddenly came: "It's not good, General, there is a silicon-based naphtha on Capital Star No. 5."

"What?! Say it again!" Atoxton showed an angry expression.

"Silicon-based naphtha appeared on No. 5... Capital Star No. 5," the intelligence team replied.

"Two days ago, who told me that all the silicon-based brain bullets were intercepted?!" Aatox looked at the high-ranking fleet present with murderous eyes.

No one dared to take this sentence.

After Aatox's anger passed, he quickly calmed down.

He knew the situation was getting worse.

If the situation is not dealt with properly immediately and the situation continues to develop, the consequences will be disastrous.

He could even think that when the Duke of Arden returned after the victory of the battle, a large group of high-ranking fleets would be killed.

After he calmed down, he immediately ordered: "Send a reconnaissance ship to scan the capital star No. 4 and No. 5 in a deep perspective to determine the spreading area of ​​the silicon-based naphtha and find a solution.

"At the same time, the defense level of Capital Star No. 3 should be strengthened. No dust is allowed to enter Capital Star No. 3, and a reconnaissance ship will be sent to search for the Reconnaissance Ship No. 3. If Capital Star No. 3 reappears with a silicon-based naphtha, take charge of this task Templar warrior, the temple is removed!" Atox arranged the task to solve the silicon-based naphtha crisis of Capital Star No. 4 and 5 at the same time, Capital Star No. 3 also strengthened its defenses, giving no chance.


at the same time.

Beta 107 Perseus, on the sixth planet.

Zhao Yifeng and two other members of the ghost team hid in the pit of the planetary rift valley, evading the destroyer's search, while also conducting wilderness survival.

Fortunately, there are living things on this planet.

It's some quasar creatures.

How these creatures appeared on this planet is beyond question.

However, since it is close to the capital of the Arden triple star, it is not surprising that some **** is thrown here, or the pets that have been thrown away will reproduce an ecosystem here.

It's just that the living resources on this planet are very poor, and there are not many living things.

In order to survive, the three of Zhao Yifeng hunted these star-like beasts and ate them to replenish their physical strength.

These star-like creatures are not suitable for human consumption.

If it is eaten by ordinary people, the stomach will probably not be able to bear it.

The awakened person has stronger physique and stronger endurance, so he can barely endure it.

During these hours of survival, Zhao Yifeng would observe the three capital stars in the sky with abilities every day.

Observed on the sixth planet, the three capital stars are very small.

Just like observing Mars on Earth, it is difficult to see without using telescope equipment.

this day.

The destroyer formation searching for them suddenly withdrew more than half of them, leaving only three destroyers still searching.

Zhao Yifeng felt a little strange. When he observed the three capital stars in the sky again, he finally saw the hellish appearance, with scorching gazes in his eyes, and said to the companion beside him: "It's successful! The leader is successful!"

"Did you destroy the triple star?"

"Silicon-based naphtha appeared on the 4th and 5th stars, and the Arden triple star defense fleet is attacking their own planet." Zhao Yifeng's expression was very excited when he spoke.

"Then what shall we do now?"

"Go! Go back to the Ghost, send a message to the main fleet, and then rush out!" Zhao Yifeng made a decisive decision and ran towards the hidden location of the Ghost with the two team members.

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