One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1076: These vegetative people are really counseling

"Ten%, I'll go. Or let's make a discussion, the military expenses will be paid to me in the future, and I promise to be more professional than the three-eyed clan." Fang Yuan said solemnly.

"Is this a joke? Your culture is really hard to understand sometimes." Piggs asked with some confusion.

"It's not a joke, I'm serious." Fang Yuan's expression was indeed serious, but what he said could not make people agree with his seriousness.

"You can't use so much military expenditure. With 10% of the tax revenue of the photosynthetic civilization, you can create thousands of your home stars." Piggs said, shaking his head.

Fang Yuan couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth when he heard this.

He is not talking about building thousands of human space fleets, but building thousands of earths.

This is completely two concepts.

However, after a little thought, it became clear.

The Earth’s current comprehensive technology level is only 1.6.

For higher civilizations, this is a backward small mountain village, really worthless.

"Why don't you get a discount, how about a 30% discount?"

Fang Yuan was indeed joking just now, this time he really moved a little bit.

The rewards are really too generous. If human beings can get such a sum of military expenditure, they can simply go to heaven.

Of course, this is just talking.

A primary civilization with a comprehensive civilization level of only 1.6, saying that it will charge a protection fee for a higher civilization is a joke.

Moreover, Piggs had no authority to decide such things.

"If it is really possible, I would be very happy. However, you have to win the three-eyed clan to be possible." Piggs spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

It is indeed such a thing.

If you want to collect protection fees, of course you have to convince the one who originally collected protection fees.

"How bad is it to fight and kill. We are good at convincing people with virtue, um... convincing people with virtue." Fang Yuan's tone sounded like a joke, but also seemed to be serious.

Time is getting closer and closer to the moment of war.

When the photosynthetic civilization fleet approached the wormhole defensive circle of the star α217 Shields for 1,000 light seconds, the fleet began to slow down and began to cruise around the defensive circle to maintain a safe distance.

At the same time, communicate with the Three Eyes and the Mechanical Empire to communicate the final battle plan.

This time, Palese’s shield seat α217 defensive fleet finally moved and placed a defensive formation.

However, there was no attack.

General Kamarik of the Three-Eyed Squashing Furnace shouted in the communication channel: "Wait? Launch a surprise attack!"

After discussing with the fleet commander, Piggs fired a thousand anti-matter projectiles at the Palese defensive fleet within 1,000 light seconds.

However, immediately turned around and prepared to run away.

The distance of 1000 light seconds is a very safe distance.

Equivalent to two astronomical units.

The laser weapon takes 1,000 seconds to hit the target, which is simply too safe.

Thousands of anti-matter bombs were launched and flew toward the Palese defensive fleet like a school of fish.

However, when these anti-matter bombs passed through the asteroid belt defensive circle, they were successively hit by laser defense weapons near the asteroid belt, and exploded one after another, turning into a splendid firework in the deep space of the universe without causing any waves.

Palese’s defensive fleet stayed on the spot, watching the antimatter bombs fly in, and then when they were halfway up, there was a bang bang bang, and none of them could fly in front of them.

After launching the anti-matter bomb, the photosynthetic civilization fleet turned to prepare to run, for fear that it would not be able to run slowly.

However, the defensive fleet in the Alpha Shield Seat of Palerce had no intention of chasing it. It wanted to quietly watch a bug fluttering there, without any intention of going forward and lifting its foot.

The photosynthetic civilization fleet ran a distance.

Suddenly received a scolding from the Three-Eyed Furnace General Kamarik: "What are you doing? Asking you to launch a raid, what are you doing? Are you funny?!"

To be honest.

Fang Yuan felt that the photosynthetic civilization fleet was a bit funny, and could not think of any angle to refute the three-eyed clan's scolding.

Piggs had to discuss with the fleet commander again and fired another anti-matter bomb, this time 3,000.

However, the result is still the same.

When the antimatter bomb passed through the asteroid belt, it was exploded by the laser weapon, and it had no effect.

Immediately after.

It was Kamarik who scolded again: "You are really a bunch of scum! You can't even make a surprise attack!"

Fang Yuan couldn't listen anymore, so he had to communicate directly with Piggs and said, "Fighting harder, firing this anti-matter bomb is just like scratching, it's useless."

Piggs asked uncertainly: "Then launch 10,000?"

He has worked in the Perseus Spiral Arm for three hundred years, and has basically never participated in a decent battle.

For him, war experience is actually zero. All knowledge about war comes from civilized information and the battle to encircle and destroy the Third Fleet of Pegasus not long ago.

Moreover, after the last battle to encircle and destroy the Third Fleet of Pegasus.

He had an illusion that it was too easy to destroy a main fleet of Palestine civilization by firing a few shots.

Ten thousand...

Fang Yuan heard Piggs' answer and covered his forehead speechlessly, and said loudly: "Launch a ball of antimatter bombs, rush up with a gamma spear, and punch their faces!"

"But... in that case, we will be surrounded." Pigston was shocked.

If you rush into the defensive circle of Palerce, you will definitely be surrounded and die ugly.

Fang Yuan thought about it for three seconds and asked a serious question: "First, make sure, if we rush over, will the Three-Eyed Race and the Mechanical Empire stab the knife in the back and not join the battlefield and watch us die?"

Piggs shook his head and replied: "This is impossible. We gave the Three Eyes military expenses."




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