One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1075: Protection fee for photosynthetic civilization

The sky of the universe is mostly dark, empty and lonely.

Even if it takes a hyperspace route and rushes to a battle, it takes three or four months.

All these times need to be consumed slowly in an empty and lonely state.

However, not everyone is idle.

Eve has work every day, because the earth will send technical update documents every day.

The comprehensive technological level of human civilization is still around 1.6.

However, he has mastered some level 3.0 technology, which makes the level of human technology very confusing.

And a technological breakthrough will drive the rapid development of nearby technologies.

Especially after the successful development of quantum computer, Yang Yuping almost simulated the human science and technology route for the next two hundred years with his own power.

This allows human beings to have technological updates every day.

Among them, many technologies are used in space battleships.

Eve checked the technical update documents received by the Shenzhou every day, and then began to tinker with the Shenzhou.

Moreover, she herself is a senior engineer of the Academy of Military Sciences, plus the "Machine Heart" and the "Metal Controller", she can do almost anything she wants on the battleship.

Although there are occasional glitches, there is always a way to remedy them in the end.

"Mechanical Heart" is such a rogue, and even if you encounter a problem, you can self-check and recover by talking to the master computer.

In the past, the old Shenzhou was tossed and changed all the way.

Now the new Shenzhou ship cannot escape this fate.


Two and a half months later, the combined fleet arrived in the α211 star system Scutum.

This is the nearby galaxy of α217 Scuti, which is 2.05 light-years away from α217 Scuti.

At the extreme speed blessed by the "photon transition", the combined fleet can reach the alpha 217 Scutum star system within half a month, approaching Palese's hyperspace defense circle.

After the combined fleet arrived in the α211 star system in the constellation of the Scutum, Piggs communicated with the Mechanical Empire and the Three-Eyed Civilization to confirm the time for joint operations.

After the time was accurate to the minute, the combined fleet began to determine its course, proceeded at full speed, and flew straight to the shield seat α217.

This time, getting closer and closer to the powerful enemy, the atmosphere in the fleet gradually became tense.

Especially for the army of the photosynthetic civilization, they are used to following the powerful fleets of the other two carbon-based civilizations. For them, the pressure on this combat goal is much greater than before.

On the 10th day of the voyage, the photosynthetic civilization obtained feedback from proton observers.

"We have been discovered." Piggs notified Shenzhou of this situation for the first time.

"Is there any movement in Palese's defense fleet?" Fang Yuan asked.

"No, their fleet did not move, but they have already discovered us, and when they entered the range of α217 Scutum, they were noticed by their proton observers." Piggs was still very nervous.

This feeling of being discovered by a powerful enemy and being attacked at any time is very bad, and there is no strong fleet support around him.

"When you find out, you will find out. What is strange about being found out." Fang Yuan had an indifferent expression on his face.

In fact.

The movement of "photon transition" is already big.

This is not an ability that can hide whereabouts, but uses a much faster speed than the enemy fleet to seize the opportunity.

Therefore, being discovered is not critical.

The key lies in being discovered, the enemy can't do a better response.

At least, now that the Palese civilization has discovered the photosynthetic civilization fleet, there is no time to send a fleet to support it.

The Carbon-based Alliance reached the α217 Scutum from the spiral arm of Perseus, a total of more than four months.

There are still five days to reach the battlefield. In such a short period of time, even if Palerce sends a fleet to support it, it will take three to five months, which is too late.

"The Palerce defensive fleet at Shield #217 really didn't react at all?" Fang Yuan asked again.

"No, I didn't even move it. I just parked above the planetary fortress." Piggs replied, and transmitted the information obtained by the Proton Observer to the Shenzhou.

"I said you were too frustrated? With such a large fleet, there is no way to make the other party move. Palese really doesn't put you in his eyes." Fang Yuan vomited.

Piggs was startled, a little bit ignorant of what he meant.

Although he can understand some human cultures, it is a completely different civilization after all. He really can't understand the meaning of some words.

Especially these words with special emotions, coupled with the fact that Chinese is really broad and profound, the same sentence, said in a different tone, has completely different meanings.

"Our fleet is indeed relatively weak in the carbon-based alliance," Piggs replied helplessly.

"So, in the past tens of thousands of years of war, you all played soy sauce?" Fang Yuan couldn't help laughing.

Piggs felt that there was a ridicule in this, but he was not very sure, and quickly defended: "The photosynthetic civilization emphasizes the development of prosperous technology, and the military technology is indeed weak. This is determined by the type of civilization. We are just unfortunate. Was born in the war galaxy."

Fang Yuan actually agreed with Piggs.

Taking the development direction of photosynthetic civilization, if it were born in a quiet galaxy, it would be very beneficial to them to develop steadily.

This is a bit similar to humans.

But there are some differences.

When human civilization was purged by Palese, it learned to fight back and showed its fangs like a beast.

This is a change in the direction of civilization development.

This may also be related to the fact that human beings often fight back and forth.

Fang Yuan asked curiously: "Does wars rarely occur within your civilization?"

"There is a war inside the civilization? Why is there a war inside?" Piggs asked in amazement.

Fang Yuan could actually think of it.

For a mild civilization like the photosynthetic civilization, the main body of their civilization is very gentle, and it is very comfortable to basking in the sun lazily, so why bother to fight.

Moreover, when there are powerful foreign enemies, the civilization inside will indeed become united.

Just like humans.

After being baptized by the Star Beast Civilization War, human beings have undergone a structural adjustment within the civilization. The civilization is very stable, forming a centripetal force of civilization to jointly oppose Palese.

Sometimes, foreign enemies are indeed a very strange factor.

This kind of factor can not only unite within civilizations, but even unite several civilizations that have a normal relationship with each other.

"Then I'm even more curious. You have been playing soy sauce during the war. Three-eyed civilization will definitely not do it. How much military expenditure do you give them a year?" Fang Yuan asked again.

"This...According to the official data released by the home planet, it is about 10% of civilization tax." Piggs answered a number casually.

Fang Yuan couldn't help but be speechless when he heard this number.

10% of the tax revenue of a higher civilization is a very exaggerated military expenditure, and it is not spent on one's own fleet, but sent to other civilizations.

No wonder the three-eyed civilization can tolerate the photosynthetic civilization hiding behind and making soy sauce, it turned out to be charged for protection.

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