Chapter 150 Chapter 147

At this time, the man who got the black box swallowed the iron piece inside. Then, his whole skin became transparent, and it seemed that there was fire flowing in it.

The man trembled all over, and a burst of energy gushed from his body, seeming to burst his body.

“No, it’s not like that.” The man growled.

“Shavin, help me, help me.” The man reached out to Shavin, the red light on his body was getting brighter and brighter.

“Help me.” The man shouted, his mouth and pupils shining out of light. Then, it exploded.

“Boom!” The outside of the theater was razed to the ground by the flames.

Hapi was lying on the ground, covered in blood.

Shavin walked out of the ruins. Half of his body seemed to melt, and he walked out with a waning pace. As he walked out, his body gradually recovered.

On the night of the theater explosion, Mandarin’s provocation to the America government came again.

“Mr. President, you must have seen the flames of the explosion. I know it’s very frustrating.”

“The terrorist attack is coming to an end, don’t worry, the most important moment is coming, your graduation ceremony.”

Early the next morning.


A doctor walked into the ward and checked that the patient’s condition was normal. Before leaving, she was about to turn off the TV, but a voice surprised her.

“Hey.” The owner of this voice was sitting in the ward, and the doctor didn’t notice it when he came in.

“Can the TV be turned on?” Tony. Stark said.

“Definitely.” The doctor recovered.

Tony got up and watched the TV. He said, “Downton Abbey on PTV on weekend nights. He likes this album. He thinks it’s very elegant.”

“One more thing, to wear a work badge, he cares about this kind of thing, my people will guard it outside.”

With that, Tony. Stark walked out of the hospital.

Although it was only in the morning, a group of reporters had surrounded the hospital.

“We are waiting for Tony. Stark, we want to ask him what he thinks of this attack…”

“Wait, Tony. Stark is out.”

“Mr. Stark…”

“We believe this is Mandarin’s attack.”

“Does Mr. Stark have any thoughts?”

As soon as Tony was out of the hospital, a group of reporters surrounded him, blurting out various questions.

Tony put on the magic mirror and walked to his car.

“Stark, when will someone kill him?” At this moment, a reporter’s words made Tony stop opening the door.

“Do you want to kill him?” Tony looked at the reporter.

“I always wanted to leave a message for Mandarin, but I didn’t know what to say until now.”

“I’m Tony. Stark, I’m not afraid of you, I know you are a coward, so I decided, you are dead, I will collect the body for you.”

“This has nothing to do with politics, it’s just revenge.”

“It has nothing to do with the Pentagon, but you and me.”

“If you are still a man, come to me. My address is 10880 Malibu Beach. My door will not be locked.”

“That’s what you want?” Tony snatched the phone used by the reporter to shoot and smashed it directly on the wall.

“I will pay you.” After speaking, Tony got in the car and left.


Rainbow Island.

In the nearby sea, a figure stands on the surface of the sea.

Feeling the speed of the sea breeze, Li Wei opened his eyes.

Li Wei squatted down and touched the sea with his fist.

“Boom!” In an instant, a huge crater appeared on the sea, and Li Wei rose up into the sky.

“Boom!” A sound burst, Li Wei’s speed broke through the speed of sound in an instant, and the resulting Shockwave caused a huge noise.

This is different from Yuebu, Li Wei is flying in the air.

As Li Wei ascended to high altitude, a lot of ice scum appeared on his body.

“Wow.” Suddenly, Li Wei stunned Roar and fell from the air.

At the moment of contact with the sea, a loud burst sounded, and Li Wei leapt up again.

“It can be higher.” Li Wei quickly lifted off, his speed getting faster and faster.

“Lee, your Flight speed has exceeded the speed of sound.”

In the earphones, Peter’s voice came.

“Boom.” With a loud roar, Li Wei speeded up again, and he had arrived over New York City.

Not long after, Li Wei crossed New York City, made a circle, and returned to the sky over Rainbow Island.

“Roar Roar…” The wind roared, and Li Wei flew parallel to the sea, wherever he went, a long ravine appeared on the sea.

Above the sea, a fighter plane was suspended.

In the fighter plane, Peter and the electric guy are watching Li Wei in front of the screen.

Li Wei fell from the air, hovering in front of the fighter, and his cloak was raised behind him.

“Li, I have prepared what you want.” As Peter’s voice sounded, Li Wei turned his head and looked at the surface of the sea thousands of meters behind him. A huge amounts of ball machine was suspended high in the sky.

Li Wei looked at his fist, and then threw it out.

“Boom!” With a boom, you can see that a transparent light beam that is almost negligible hits the past, exploding a sphere that is thousands of meters away.

This transparent beam is almost invisible to the naked eye, just like a wave in the air.

“Lee, can you still compress your power?” Peter said, “There are also huge amounts of power spreading in the air. If you are in a city, your punch may not only hit the enemy, but also the surrounding streets. Turn to ashes.”

“Come again.” As soon as the voice fell, Peter fired a few orbs again and flew thousands of meters away.

“Boom boom boom!!!” Li Wei threw out several punches, and the ball in the distance exploded again.

“Well… it’s a little better than last time, there will still be a lot of power overflow.” Peter said.

“Well, today’s practice ends here. Some guests are here.” After speaking, Li Wei flew towards Rainbow Island.

The visitor on the island is Doctor Strange Stephen Strange.

“Doctor.” Li Wei slowly landed in front of Stephen.

“Lee, I have thought of what kind of organization to build.” Stephen said, and with a wave of his hand, the scarlet vortex portal appeared.

Entering the portal, Li Wei and Stephen came to the top of a snow-capped mountain.

“Doctor, can’t you change the place you choose to talk to?” Li Wei shivered as the cold wind blew.

“Li, I thought about it. The organization I want to establish is called the Illuminati, Shining, which represents hope.”

“It is an organization that exists to protect the earth and the galaxy. It exists to solve the crises that threaten the earth and the universe.”

“Lee, personal power is always limited. Outside the earth, there are many terrifying enemies that we cannot defeat.”

“There are many people with great power on earth. If we unite these people, we can face these crises.”

Stephen said.

In the short time that Sorcerer Supreme guarded the magical world of the earth, Stephen has seen many powerful enemies.

Dormammu of the dark dimension, Mephisto, the Hell Lord, etc., are also powerful enemies in the universe of Youyu.

As long as these enemies appear on the earth, it is a catastrophe.

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