Chapter 149 Chapter 146 [Extremis (seeking subscription for monthly pass)]

There were only four people in the Ten Rings ambush. As soon as they came out, they launched a fierce attack.

“Whoosh!!!” Rockets rushed towards Li Wei, his figure flickered, and Li Wei disappeared in place.

The Iron Patriot got up from the ground, the engine started, and he rushed towards the enemy.

The weapon system aimed, fired, and instantly killed four enemies.

“Wait.” At this moment, Rod was surprised to find that the four enemies killed just now stood up from the ground again.

These guys were glowing with flames in their bodies, and they were like okay people, and then they rushed towards him.

“Boom!” The bullet shot and shot at several guys, but it only stopped them from moving forward, and the guys were all right.

At this time, the four enemies had rushed to the front of Rod.

Rod flew up, only to find an enemy grabbed the steel patriot’s leg.

This guy was so powerful that he directly smashed the Iron Patriot to the ground.

Rod quickly got up and hit the enemy with a punch.

“Dang!” The steel patriot’s fist was held by the enemy, and then Rod found that the enemy’s arm was red, generating a very high temperature, and instantly burning the steel patriot’s arm red.

“Damn it, what the hell are these guys?” Rod was astonished. Who are these guys?

At this time, the four enemies controlled the Steel Patriot.

The data given to Rod by the Iron Patriot showed that the armor was severely damaged, and a scorching sensation passed through his body.

“It’s over.” Colonel Rod’s only thought at this time.

“Boom.” At this moment, a golden light flashed, an enemy flew out, and Li Wei appeared behind the Iron Patriot.


“Is this Extremis.” Li Wei looked at the guys whose bodies were shining red.

It’s almost the same as in the movie, it looks right.

Extremis is a biological weapon that can make a person’s body indestructible. Except for the head and heart being exploded, other attacks are almost non-fatal, with abnormal recovery Ability.

In the performance of the movie, an arm is interrupted, it can grow out instantly, and it can also generate extreme heat.

An enemy attacked Li Wei, Li Wei raised his fist and struck out, and there was a harsh sonic boom in the air.

The next moment, this guy’s body burst open.

The few remaining guys were frightened, and after looking at each other, Qi Qi rushed towards Li Wei.

Li Wei blasted out a punch, and the lives of several guys disappeared.


“Is this the mysterious East?” After solving the Ten Rings personnel, Li Wei and Gwen walked on the streets of Hong Kong.

Gwen started a big purchase again, anyway, it wasn’t her money that she spent, this time she must make Li bleed a lot.

“Oops, our money seems to be dollars.” Li Wei said suddenly.

“Ah, what should I do?” Gwen obviously couldn’t put down the gold chain in her hand.

“There is a way, but…”

“But what.” Gwen asked.

Li Wei stretched out his hand, and a piece of gold appeared in his palm, “Buying gold with gold, I feel something is wrong.”

“Boss, can you pay with this here?” Li Wei pointed to a piece of gold in his palm.

The store manager is a young woman in her thirties. She watched both Li Wei and Gwen warily.

She had never seen anyone using gold to buy a gold chain, and she suspected that these two were liars.

In the end, it was determined that the gold was real.

They are all very professional personnel, and can basically tell the true and false of gold.

Although strange, the sale was completed. After all, the gold Li Wei gave was more valuable than the gold chain they sold.

After the last stop in Hong Kong, Li Wei and Gwen returned to New York.

“Li, are we dating?” Suddenly, Gwen, who was drinking milk tea, turned his head and said to Li Wei.

The milk tea in Li Wei’s mouth almost squirted out, how can this be linked?

But there seems to be some such feeling, no wonder Gwen thinks so kindly.

In Gwen’s expectant eyes, Li Wei looked at Gwen seriously and said: “Gwen, I take you as a brother, but you only want to sleep with me?”

“Go to hell.” Gwen’s small fist hammered Li Wei’s chest.

“Cough cough, I’m about to vomit blood.” Li Wei coughed deliberately, but Gwen was not weak.

Especially when she was exerting force, these few small punches produced tons of power.

At the same time, in a Chinese theater.

A man is sitting outside the theater. He doesn’t seem to be very calm in his heart, holding the cross on his neck with both hands.

At this time, a man in a suit walked towards him.

“Can you control it?” Chavin asked, the man in the suit.

“Yes, I can.

“Are you sure?” Shavin said.


Shavin nodded and handed a black box in his hand to the man.

“There are many in it.” Shavin pointed to the black box.

Hearing this, the man smiled.

“Don’t say I didn’t help you.” Shavin said, then turned and left.

“Thank you,” the man said, “Thank you for your understanding.”

Shavin didn’t know, a fat man followed him.

The fat man’s name is Hapi, Tony. Stark’s former driver and bodyguard.

After Tony became Iron Man, he is now Pepper’s driver and bodyguard, and the safety director of Stark Building.

Hapi came with Shavin, who was an attendant of Aldrich Killian who came to Stark yesterday.

He was able to become Iron Man’s driver and bodyguard, which originally demonstrated the strength of Harpy. His keen observation told him that these guys are acting suspiciously.

Hapi walked over on purpose and bumped into the man who got the black box.

The black box fell on the ground, and the things on the ground caught Hapi’s eyes. It seems nothing strange, just some iron pieces.

But then Hapi saw a scene that surprised him. There seemed to be some red light flowing under the skin of the man’s face.

Hapi was surprised. After helping the man pick up something, he hurriedly turned and left, holding a piece of iron in his hand.

At this moment, Shavin, who was in the distance, frowned when he saw this scene.

Obviously, he was followed by Hapi.

If you let this guy know their secrets, it wouldn’t be good.

Shavin walked over and bumped into Harpy.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Shavin pretended to recognize Harpy inadvertently. “I’m alone? Or waiting for someone? Going to the movies?”

“Yes.” Harpy nodded. “The title is “You’re Over.”

“It’s played by you and your poisonous friend. This is the ticket.” Harpy held up the iron piece dropped by the man just now.

“Listen, this is not your thing.” Shavin reached out and grabbed Hapi’s arm.

How could Hapi give something to this suspicious guy, he punched Chauvin in the face.

Harpy’s strength is not small, and Shavin’s nose was beaten to bleed.

But to Harpy’s surprise, Shavin’s face was the same as the guy just now, with fire flowing under his skin, and the scar on the bridge of his nose disappeared.

Hapi was stunned. He attacked Chavin again, but Shavin grabbed his arm and threw it seven or eight meters away, hitting the wall severely.

“Is this guy still a human?” Harpy felt his bones fall apart.

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