The trip to Sky Island soon came to an end.

For Noah, the trip to Sky Island was a journey.

For Nami and Bonnie, it was also a happy journey.

For Kaya, this was indeed a test from Noah.

At this moment, Noah and his group were no longer on Sky Island.

Devil's Triangle.

During the days when Noah was away, Kuma had defeated Gekko Moriah.

Because Kuma defeated Gekko Moriah openly and gave Gekko Moriah some breathing time, this also led to Gekko Moriah contacting the World Government and the Navy.

"Contact" also meant to complain.

Gekko Moriah thought that Noah, who was also one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, would not do anything to him, but Kuma directly defeated Gekko Moriah and seriously injured him.

Now the World Government and the Navy know that Gekko Moriah and Noah, the two Shichibukai, have fought, and Gekko Moriah seems to be destroyed.

The World Government handed this matter over to Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters, but this time the World Government is very strange, because the World Government did not give any instructions to the Navy about this matter.

It seems that the World Government really handed this matter over to the Navy and let the Navy handle it.

Regarding the fight between the two Shichibukai.

Originally, such a thing would not alarm the World Government and the Navy.

It’s just that Noah wants to completely destroy Gekko Moriah, so the World Government asked the Navy to intervene in this matter.

Noah doesn’t know about this yet.

However, as a time traveler, Noah should be able to guess something.

It’s just that Noah doesn’t know anything now, so naturally he can’t guess anything.

Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku is very distressed.

Not long ago, the Alabasta Kingdom incident was resolved after a Marine Headquarters Admiral Aokiji went there.

Now something has happened again, and it has something to do with the Alabasta Kingdom of Noah.

Because of the relationship between Noah and Cobra.

So Marshal Sengoku classified Noah into the same camp as the Alabasta Kingdom.

Crane is still by Sengoku's side.

"I can't believe it."

"That Noah is so restless."

"It's not like the World Government chose this Shichibukai."

Sengoku said speechlessly.

"Speaking of Noah."

"This is the World Government's intelligence organization, which was passed to the Marine Headquarters, and it's about Noah."

"You can take a look."

Crane handed the information to Sengoku.

Three minutes later.

Sengoku had finished reading the information.

"I never thought that Noah could take away the Devil Fruit power of others."

"Mogami Moriah is the user of the superhuman Shadow-Shadow Fruit. No wonder Noah's people would attack Mogami Moriah."

Zhan Guo said in surprise.

Now, Zhan Guo finally knew why Noah would attack Mogami Moriah.

"His power should not be the power of the Devil Fruit, but the power in exchange for the Devil Fruit."

"According to the information sent by the World Government, Noah now has two powers, one is to control gravity, and the other is to control soil and rocks."

Tsuru said.

Because Noah has not used the power of "Water Magic" for a long time, the World Government does not know that Noah can control sea water.

Crocodile knows about the power of "Water Magic", but the strange thing is that Crocodile does not know why Noah kept this secret.

"Gravity, the earth."

"It's a tricky ability. If he continues to take the devil fruit, an extremely powerful person will be born."

"The balance of the sea will be destroyed."

"We must send someone to warn Noah and then restrain him."

Sengoku said.

"Yes, I think so too."

"It must be someone at the level of admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

"Then let Aokiji go."

"Aokiji knows how to do things. If Akainu goes, he may get really angry. If Kizaru goes, it's the same as not sending anyone."

He gave his suggestion.

"Then let's do it this way."

"It's just that Aokiji will be busy during this period."

Sengoku said.

Now Sengoku has the idea of ​​training the next generation of the Navy's Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

And the person Sengoku wants to train is Aokiji, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

"Aokiji is still in the first half of the Grand Line. I will tell him about this mission."

He said.


"By the way, Gekko Moria's affairs must be kept secret."

Zhan Guo reminded.

He ZhiIt is the most appropriate for Crane to be in charge of the entire intelligence department of the Navy and keep secrets.

"I understand."

"Then I will leave first."

Crane stood up and left after saying that.

As for Crane's departure, Sengoku watched Crane leave.

Given the friendship between Sengoku and Crane, the communication between them is somewhat casual, like now, even at work.

If they are not at work, the communication between Sengoku and Crane will be more casual.


Noah didn't know that Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters was about to come to him.

Last time, Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters went to the Kingdom of Alabasta to find Cobra.

Speaking of Cobra, one has to think of the current Kingdom of Alabasta.

Because of Aokiji's warning, Cobra's cleansing of the noble forces was suspended.

However, both Aokiji and Cobra knew that the suspension was only temporary.

But what does that have to do with Aokiji.

With Aokiji's personality, his mission has been completed, so what happens next has nothing to do with him.

However, Aokiji came to the Kingdom of Alabasta to crack down on Cobra, which still worked.

At least Cobra's desire to continue cooperating with the Revolutionary Army will be done secretly and more covertly.

This will also slow down the progress of cooperation.

This is the place where Aokiji's visit to the Kingdom of Alabasta has the greatest effect.

Devil's Triangle.

Noah and his party have arrived.

Because Noah has the life card of Big Bear and Noah can fly, it is very easy for Noah to find where Big Bear is.

The Horror Bark.

Now this place is under the control of Big Bear.

Because Big Bear defeated Gekko Moria early and took over here.

Now, all the zombies in the Horror Bark have been used by Big Bear.

Because Big Bear needed his zombies to help him do things, Big Bear did not destroy Moonlight Moriah and let Moonlight Moriah spit out all the zombies' shadows.

When Noah came to the Terror Bark, it was just dark outside.

So the sea area near the Terror Bark was even darker.

But there was light on the Terror Bark.

Following the light, Noah came to the center and highest castle of the Terror Bark.

Big Bear was in this castle.

The fact was indeed as Noah thought.

Relying on the life card in his hand, Big Bear also knew the information that Noah came to the Terror Bark.

Therefore, Noah was waiting for Noah at the gate of the castle early.

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