According to Noah's previous thoughts, Noah would return a portion of the natural elemental power to Big Bear.

Then this is the power of demonic energy.

So the power that Noah is going to give Big Bear will be the power of wind, or the power of thunder and lightning.


A few hours later.

Noah brought Bonnie and Nami to Sky Island.

Noah went directly to the center of Sky Island.

Noah fell from the sky with Bonnie and Nami.

Ten divine soldiers approached and surrounded Noah and the other three.

At this time, the divine soldiers suddenly realized something.

"Greetings, Lord." All ten divine soldiers saluted Noah.

It turned out that these ten divine soldiers recognized Noah's identity.

So why can these divine soldiers who have never seen Noah recognize Noah?

This has to do with Ke Ya.

It turns out that all this was done by Ke Ya.

Ke Ya was not idle on Sky Island.

The divine soldiers of Sky Island are no longer the same as before. Now they are the divine soldiers of the Temple of War.

When Ke Ya recast the divine soldiers, Ke Ya let all the divine soldiers know Noah.

So these divine soldiers would recognize Noah, the master of the Temple of War, whom they had never seen before.

This is what Ke Ya did.

But Ke Ya can only do this.

The training of the divine soldiers and other things are all in the charge of Gan Fuer.

Now Ke Ya is still in charge of the golden things on Sky Island.

The government affairs of Sky Island are basically handled by the little girl that Gan Fuer and Noah once appointed.

Ke Ya is not in the Temple of War now.

The Temple of War on Sky Island is not just a name of a force, it is also a palace complex.

Noah waved to the divine soldiers, and the divine soldiers all retreated.

One of the divine soldiers has told Gan Fuer the news of the arrival of Noah, the master of the Temple of War.

Gan Fowl was walking out of the Temple of War. He was coming to greet Noah and meet Noah.

Noah was touring the Temple of War on Sky Island with Nami and Bonnie.

Noah's power was not strong enough, otherwise he could control the entire Sky Island with gravity.

The power of "Moon Magic Qi" can even control the moon, but the power of "Moon Magic Qi" that Noah has now is naturally not the limit of the power of "Moon Magic Qi".

When Noah can exert the limit of "Moon Magic Qi", then Noah will be able to come out of the mountain with the power of a magic.

Noah was walking in the Temple of War, and no one stopped him. Nami and Kaya looked at the surrounding environment curiously, with a look of curiosity.

Curiosity is normal.

After all, this is the legendary Sky Island.

Who wouldn't be curious?

After a while.

Gan Fowl walked in front of Noah and the other three.

Noah asked Nami and Bonnie to continue to visit, and he stayed.

"Palace Master." Gan Forer said respectfully in front of Noah.

But he didn't do any ceremony.

This was Noah's intention, and also Ke Ya's intention.

In the Sky Island War God Temple, anyone who saw Noah only needed to respectfully call him "Palace Master".

Why did Gan Forer come to Noah?

This is because Noah is the Palace Master of the War God Temple. Even if Gan Forer has nothing to do with Noah, Gan Forer must come to Noah.

Because Noah is the only ruler of Sky Island and the God of Sky Island. Even though Sky Island no longer has the title of "God" on the surface, many people still think and call Noah the God of Sky Island in private.

"What do you think of Sky Island now?"

Noah asked Gan Forer as he walked.

Gan Forer followed Noah.

"Better than when I was the god of Sky Island."

"I am not as good as the War God Temple. I don't have the courage like you."

The courage that Gan Foer mentioned is because the power of the War God Temple can suppress everything on Sky Island.

It is precisely because of this power that the War God Temple has the courage to carry out major reforms on Sky Island, and many reforms are forced, but in the end they are all for the betterment of Sky Island.


"We in the War God Temple have the courage, and you, Gan Foer, the old god of Sky Island, have management experience."

"Only if we work together can Sky Island truly become a paradise."

Noah admitted this.

"You should not regret becoming the manager of Sky Island now!" Noah asked Gan Foer with a smile.

"Yes, I don't regret it."

"But at the beginning, I was still a little repulsive."

Gan Foer told the truth, even if these words were a little bit unpleasant to Noah.

But Gan Foer didn't care.

Of course, Noah didn't care either.

"I understand."

"That's right."

"The future of Sky Island still needs"Noah's words determined Gan Foer's position in Sky Island. Gan Foer thought that the development of Sky Island was on the right track. Now that Noah returned to Sky Island, his position in Sky Island would be taken away. To be honest, Gan Foer did not want Noah to take back his management rights in Sky Island. It was not that Gan Foer was greedy for power, but now that Sky Island was in power, only with enough power could Gan Foer have management rights and a say in the development of Sky Island. Gan Foer's original intention of doing everything was to make Sky Island better and the lives of the civilians in Sky Island better. "You are not taking away my management rights." Gan Foer asked. He wanted to confirm Noah's meaning. Because this was really important to Gan Foer. "Hahaha." Noah laughed. "I never thought of taking away your management rights in Sky Island. "

Noah said with a smile.

Noah's words made Gan Fool very happy.


In the next few days, Noah and his group traveled in the sky of Sky Island on a spaceship.

When they saw the beautiful scenery in that place, the spaceship stopped.

Then Kaya told Noah about the decision of Kaya's parents.

Noah just smiled bitterly in the end.

Since they made such a choice, Noah respected their choice.

This was Noah's answer to Kaya.

Then Noah practiced with Kaya alone for a few days.

This time lasted for a total of half a month.

Half a month later.

Noah, Kaya, Nami, and Bonnie left Sky Island together.

The management of Sky Island and the construction of the Temple of War were handed over to Gan Fool by Noah.

From now on, Gan Fool will be a non-combat member of the Temple of War.

So far, the War There are two non-combatants in the temple, and both of them are from Sky Island.

Noah is relieved to hand Sky Island over to Gan Foer.

If there is any trouble on Sky Island, Noah has absolute power to solve it.

Even now, with the power of Ke Ya alone, Ke Ya can single-handedly kill everyone on Sky Island.

This is Ke Ya's current power.

"Fire Demonic Qi", endless flame power.

In front of Noah, Ke Ya is a good girl.

But in front of outsiders, Ke Ya is a flame queen.

After almost two months of transformation on Sky Island, Ke Ya already has a lot of queen's aura.

It's just that this queen's aura is looming.

Because Ke Ya doesn't want to be a queen, she just wants to be a good girl who can fight.

There is no conflict between a female warrior who can fight and a good girl.

These two are Ke Ya.

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