After a night of absurdity, Noah came out with his hands on his waist. Now Kaya is no longer the soft girl she used to be, but a female warrior.

The next morning.

Noah sat on the throne of the Holy Land, quietly waiting for Gan Foer and Conis to arrive.

There was no divine soldier in the Holy Land. Those divine soldiers had all run away. They were all afraid that after Noah defeated Enel, he would settle accounts with them.

It can only be said that Enel's cruelty made these divine soldiers have a stress reaction. The divine soldiers all subconsciously believed that Noah could defeat Enel, so he must be a more cruel person than Enel.

The door of the main hall of the Holy Land was open.

Gan Foer took Conis into the main hall of the Holy Land.

Noah was on the throne.

At this time, Gan Foer and Conis finally walked in front of Noah.

"It's been a long time since we last met." Noah looked at Conis and said.

"God!" Conis raised her hand and saluted Noah respectfully.

It turned out that Gan Fowl had told Conis that Noah had defeated Enel on the way.

He also told Conis what Noah had said to Gan Fowl yesterday.

In fact, Conis didn't know how to face Noah now.

A few days ago, Noah was still her friend, but now he was a high and mighty god.


"God of Sky Island."

"I am not the God of Sky Island."

"The God of Sky Island is you, Conis."

As soon as Noah's words came out, Conis and Gan Fowl were shocked.

The first to react was Gan Fowl.

"No wonder he said Conis would be the controller of Sky Island. Isn't this the God of Sky Island?"

Gan Fowl muttered to himself in his heart. Now he finally understood what Noah said to him yesterday.

Conis recovered from her shock.

Just as Conis was about to speak, she was interrupted by Noah's words.

"I once told you that it was all true."

Noah looked at Conis and continued.

"If you hadn't become the God of Sky Island, Sky Island under my rule would be more terrifying than Sky Island under Enel's rule."

"You have to think clearly."

Although Noah's words were meant to scare Conis, what Noah said was not wrong.

If Noah were to manage Sky Island himself, he would directly say that those who obey me would prosper and those who disobey me would perish.

In other words, Noah would treat the obedient Sky Islanders the same way as Noah did to the Sky Islanders of "Lovely Street" before, and would worry that his battle with the priests would implicate them, the Sky Islanders.

Noah would treat the restless Sky Islanders by making them do hard labor until they died.

If they were extremely restless, Noah would not mind killing them.

This is how Noah ruled Sky Island.

If Conis became the God of Sky Island and managed Sky Island, then Conis could rule Sky Island however she wanted.

As long as Sky Island is still under Noah's control.

Once Connis becomes the God of Sky Island, she will be a member of the Temple of War.

The same is true for Gan Foer.

Connis also knows this. As long as she agrees to become the God of Sky Island as Noah said, she will become Noah's subordinate.

"I promise what you said to me."

"I will become the God of Sky Island, the manager of Sky Island, and your subordinate."

Connis finally chose to agree to Noah.


"You become the God of Sky Island, this is what I want."

"Gan Foer, you have to assist Connis well in the future. I have only one request, that everyone in Sky Island must know that I am their real ruler."

This is Noah's request.

It is not difficult to see from here that the manager of Sky Island, that is, the God of Sky Island, is Connis.

And the ruler of Sky Island is Noah.

Noah separated the management right and the ruling right.

However, under normal circumstances, Noah would not interfere with Conis and Gan Forer's management of Sky Island.

Gan Forer and Conis also understood this meaning from Noah's words.

"By the way, you should start to take over the staffing arrangements in the Sanctuary and arrange for other people to enter the Sanctuary."

"I won't stay in Sky Island for long."

"If nothing unexpected happens, I will leave Sky Island in a few days."

Noah said to Gan Forer and Conis.

Just when Noah wanted to talk about Ke Ya, Ke Ya just walked into the hall.

Gan Forer and Conis also noticed Ke Ya's arrival.

"Brother Noah." Ke Ya walked to Noah and greeted Noah.

"You came just in time." Noah looked at Ke Ya.

"After I take you to Sky Island for a few days, do you want to stay in Sky Island for a few days?"

Noah asked.

"I will listen to Brother Noah. If Sky Island needs me, I can stay.Come."

If love lasts forever, why should we be together day and night? Ke Ya hopes that she can help Noah's daughter, not a bird in a cage or a vase.

"Okay, then you stay in Sky Island for a few days."

Although Ke Ya is his woman, she is also a member of the Temple of War God, and she has her own responsibilities.

Noah does not need a vase that sticks to him all the time.

"Yeah." Ke Ya responded softly, and then turned her eyes to Gan Foer and Conis.

In fact, Ke Ya had come a long time ago, but she had been leaning against the door of the temple, listening to the conversation between Noah, Gan Foer and Conis.

Ke Ya was not eavesdropping, only Noah could see half of Ke Ya's figure as soon as he saw the door of the temple.

With Noah's familiarity with Ke Ya, Noah only needed to take a look to know that the person coming was Ke Ya.

Regarding the arrangements for Sky Island, Noah has completed all.

"The arrangement of the Sky Island Sanctuary will be taught to you two. "

Noah looked at Gan Foer and Conis.

This is what Noah said to Gan Foer and Conis.

"You can use all the resources in the Sky Island Sanctuary."

After Noah finished speaking, he walked down from the throne and came to Kaya.

"Let's go."

Noah took Kaya's hand and left directly.

Noah did not forget what he promised Kaya.

Now Noah has mastered the "Moon Magic Energy" and can control gravity.

Then Noah can take Kaya to fly and have a good tour of Sky Island. If he encounters any good places, he can also take Kaya down for a walk.

This morning, when Noah got up, Noah went to prepare for today's Sky Island tour.

The open space behind the sanctuary, the Ark Proverbs made by Enel, is now in Noah's hands.

It is true that the Ark Proverbs is a semi-finished product, but its semi-finished product is reflected in the inside, and the outside has been fully manufactured.

Noah brought Kaya to the Ark Proverbs On the deck.

Noah has arranged the items needed for the trip on the deck.

Under Noah's control, the Ark Proverbs took off.

At the same time.

Enel, who was seriously injured by Noah, woke up, but Enel was still imprisoned in the cave.

When night falls, the shadow night bat will take Enel to the sanctuary.

Regarding the follow-up treatment of Enel, Noah is going to hand it over to Conis and Gan Fowl.

Enel lost the natural thunder fruit, and his strength is only one tenth of what it was. He is no longer a threat to Sky Island.

Noah will not kill Enel, but the sins that Enel committed against Sky Island depend on how Conis and Gan Fowl deal with them.

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