Noah's words really made Gan Fowl suddenly realize and made Gan Fowl think of another way to protect Sky Island.

"Yes, I was wrong."

"I can help you rule Sky Island."

Gan Fowl said.

Noah's words directly made Gan Fowl think clearly about what he should do.

Gan Fowl's understanding and intelligence made Noah very satisfied.

Because Gan Fowl knew that no matter what he did, he could not resist Noah.

After all, Noah even defeated Enelu.

Noah likes to communicate with smart people the most.

"You made the most correct choice."

Noah continued.

"By the way, Conis, you train her for a while. She will be the manager of Sky Island when I am not in Sky Island."

"And you, Gan Fowl, the old god of Sky Island, are the one who assists Conis in managing Sky Island."

Noah directly told Gan Fowl about Conis.

Gan Forer was relieved when he heard that Noah was going to hand over the management of Sky Island to the honest and kind Conis.

Gan Forer didn't know the future of Sky Island, but he saw the hope that Sky Island would return to peace.

Noah's arrangement for Conis made Gan Forer feel much more at ease.

Gan Forer was not a person who liked power. Noah gave the management of Sky Island to Conis, and Gan Forer didn't mind at all.

This was even something Gan Forer was happy to see.

"I will train Conis well."

Gan Forer replied.

Gan Forer wanted to train Conis to be a Sky Island manager like himself.

This was also a little selfish of Gan Forer.

Even if Noah knew Gan Forer's plan, Noah would not say anything, because Gan Forer wanted to do what Noah wanted to do.

Speaking of selfishness, Kaya actually has her own selfishness, and Kaya's selfishness is called "Noah".

Noah doesn't mind his subordinates having their own selfishness.

Noah came back to his senses, looked at Gan Foer, and said: "So, it's decided."

"Go and bring Conis here."

Noah said to Gan Foer.

Since Gan Foer was willing to be his subordinate, he was his subordinate, so what Noah said to Gan Foer naturally turned into an order, since Noah's tone was not an order.

"Yes." Gan Foer turned and left.

Noah found that Gan Foer had something he wanted to do in his heart, and he was like a different person. Perhaps this Gan Foer was the former God of Sky Island.

Noah and Gan Foer had finished talking, and both of them achieved their respective goals.

After Gan Foer left, Noah also left here and walked back to where he had just rested.

Noah closed his eyes and continued to rest.

In the shadow of the surrounding woods, he still guarded the Black Shadow Corps. This was Noah's normal action when he was resting in the outside world.

Time passed.

In the cave near the Sky Island Sanctuary, Enel, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, had not yet woken up.

Angel Island, by the sea, Gan Foer and Conis had not yet set out, they were just packing their luggage.

Conis was still very hesitant, but under Gan Foer's painstaking advice, Conis finally took the first step to become Noah's subordinate.

According to Gan Foer's plan, he and Conis arrived at the Sky Island Sanctuary and appeared in front of Noah at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Sky Island, near the Sanctuary, Noah's side.

Kaya woke up, as for Noah, he woke up earlier than Kaya.

As soon as Kaya woke up, Noah took Kaya into the Sky Island Sanctuary.

Today is the day when Noah officially takes over Sky Island.

After a while.

At this time, Noah and Kaya were already standing at the highest point of the Sky Island Sanctuary.

A mysterious purple lotus appeared in Noah's hand, and the purple lotus broke away from Noah's hand and slowly merged into the ground.

When the "Moon Magic Qi" God's token was completely integrated into the land of this island, Noah could feel that he could control half of the area of ​​the Sky Island land.

Such a range is the limit of this God's token.

However, Noah has "Moon Magic Qi" in his body, and he can exert gravity on the land of Sky Island by himself, so as to achieve the point of controlling the entire Sky Island.

However, this will cost Noah a lot of physical strength.

Now Noah is a bit like Kaido, the beast, who controls the entire Ghost Island to rise into the sky with his own flame cloud.

The formation of Sky Island is very special. The reason why Sky Island is formed is because of Sky Island Cloud.

There is a special factor in Sky Island Cloud that allows Sky Island Cloud to have actual bearing and floating functions.

Once Noah lets Sky Island land break away from Sky Island Cloud, then only Noah canTo personally control the land of Sky Island.

What Noah is doing now is to test the range of the gravitational control of the God's token.

Noah will find an island in the pirate world below Sky Island that is just suitable for the control of the God's token.

Because at this stage, Noah does not need to let the entire Sky Island appear in the eyes of the world.

Moreover, with the current number of people in the Temple of War, the entire Sky Island is completely unnecessary.

So why should Noah apologize for the entire Sky Island at this stage.

The Sky Island that Noah wants to control is the land on Sky Island, and the land is very important to the people of Sky Island.

In summary, at this stage, Noah will not transfer and control the entire Sky Island.

The God's token of "Moon Demon Qi", Noah temporarily left it on Sky Island.

Noah will use this God's token when he finds a suitable island.

Ke Ya is next to Noah, watching what Noah has just done.

"This is the new power that Brother Noah has obtained."

Ke Ya said.

Noah told Kaya that he could take the devil fruit and gain other powers.

Given the relationship between Kaya and Noah, this secret is not a secret to Noah.

As Noah's power increases, the World Government and other forces will also know about Noah's ability.

Don't forget that Noah is a highly watched Shichibukai.

Just like the current Tianshu City, there are several spies in it.

Noah came back to his senses and looked at Kaya: "Yes, this is my new power."

"It is the same type as the fire power I gave you."

"You have the power to control fire."

"And now I have the power to control gravity and control earth and stone."

Noah told Kaya all the powers he had.

This is not a secret. When Noah uses it later, everyone will know.

In addition, Noah and Kaya have a close relationship.

So there is nothing wrong with Noah telling Kaya about the power he has in advance.

Ke Ya suddenly approached Noah, took Noah's right hand, and snuggled up to Noah.

"Actually, brother Noah, you don't have to tell me."

Ke Ya said softly.

Ke Ya knew a lot of Noah's secrets, and sometimes Ke Ya was very conflicted. She wanted to know, but didn't want to know.


"From now on, we will be people walking side by side."

Noah stroked Ke Ya's hair, and the hair passed through Noah's fingers.

The scene at this time was so warm.

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