Bartolomeo was defeated by Big Bear.

The fight between the two ended in a whimper, and then Bartolomeo relied on Big Bear.

Big Bear knew that Bartolomeo wanted to become Noah's follower.

Big Bear could not decide for Noah whether to accept Bartolomeo into the War God Temple.

So Big Bear was going to ask Noah.

Fortunately, when Noah left, he left Big Bear with a Den Den Mushi that could contact Noah himself.

Sky Island, Angel Island.

Noah walked to the shade of the trees by the sea with an awakened Den Den Mushi.

The Den Den Mushi looked like Big Bear.

"Palace Master." Big Bear said, his voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

Just a minute ago, Big Bear contacted Noah through the Den Den Mushi.

Noah is now in contact with Big Bear.

"There is a user of the Parahuman Barrier Fruit who wants to join us."

"I wonder what you think."

This is why Big Bear and Noah got in touch.

Bartolomeo's devil fruit ability impressed Big Bear. In Big Bear's mind, he wanted Bartolomeo to become a member of the Temple of War.

But Noah is Big Bear's temple master. No matter what Big Bear thinks, Big Bear will follow Noah's orders in the end.

"Bartolomeo?!" Noah said curiously.

Regarding the Parahuman Barrier Fruit, the first person Noah thought of was Bartolomeo.

"That's right." Big Bear responded.

In fact, Big Bear was very curious about why Noah knew that the person who came was Bartolomeo.

But Big Bear did not ask Noah about this question, but chose to forget this doubt.

Big Bear's answer made Noah sure that Bartolomeo wanted to join his team.

"Could it be that I have become the person he admires?"

Noah muttered to himself, very curious.

Noah came back to his senses.

"Just take him under your command."

"It just so happens that the Temple of War is short of people now, and he can help you share some of the affairs of Tianshu City."

Noah said to Big Bear.

Noah agreed to let Bartolomeo join his command.

"Okay." Big Bear responded.

Then the call between Noah and Big Bear ended.

Noah leaned against the tree trunk and lay down, and then put the Den Den Mushi on the ground next to him.

Now Noah fell into memories and contemplation.

Speaking of Bartolomeo, Noah has met him.

It's a pity that at that time, Bartolomeo was not a superhuman barrier fruit ability user.

Now Bartolomeo is a superhuman barrier fruit ability user, and he has also joined his command.

Bartolomeo's joining made Noah give up the idea of ​​seizing the superhuman barrier fruit. As long as someone joined the Temple of War, Noah would not seize his devil fruit.

Big Bear was an exception. At the beginning, Noah made a devil fruit deal with Big Bear first, and then Big Bear joined Noah.

Bartolomeo's joining made Noah think of the current lineup of the Temple of War.


Noah, the master of the Temple of War, the captain of the Dragon Star Ship.

Mastered "Earth Demonic Energy" and "Fire Demonic Energy".

Mastered "Ghost Mask·Night Bat Mask" and "Ghost Mask·Ninja Mask".

Mastered a total of 600 black shadow troops, including 550 black shadow night bats and 50 black shadow ninjas.

Mastered the tiger spell among the twelve spells.


Big Bear, both physical skills and domineering have been cultivated to a very strong level.

In terms of physical training and domineering, even Noah is not as good as Big Bear.

Perhaps only when Noah unlocks more power in the Panlong Ring and strengthens his own body, Noah can be comparable to Big Bear in terms of physique.


Keya, the third person in the Temple of War, the controller of the "Fire Magic".


Bonnie, she is a little young, and she has the power of the "Horse Spell" in her body.


Nami, she has no fighting ability to rely on now, and she is now receiving the teachings of Big Bear like Bonnie.


Now the Temple of War has one more person, Bartolomeo, who has the ability of the superhuman barrier fruit.


These are the people in the Temple of War that Noah counted in his mind.

There are only six people in the Temple of War now, which is indeed a little short.

When Noah's trip to Sky Island is over, Noah will recruit more members of the Temple of War.

Noah now has a candidate member of the War God Temple, and that person is Conis.

The War God Temple will not only have combat personnel, but also people with talents in other areas, and Noah will also recruit such people, such as the Sky Island that Noah wants to recruit nowConis.

Noah's thoughts returned to reality.

Because Noah noticed that Kaya had woken up.

Noah walked into the wooden house where Conis was.

Kaya was not in the mud house built by Noah, but was with Conis.

Both of them were lively, cheerful and kind girls, and there was a special attraction between them. Conis and Kaya had become friends now.

Noah put the Den Den Mushi in the package first, and then walked to the wooden house.

The door of the wooden house was open. As soon as Noah arrived at the wooden door, he could see Kaya talking happily with Conis.



The two greeted Noah in turn, and Conis was a little reserved.

Since he wanted to recruit the honest and kind Conis, Noah should tell Conis the truth about some things.

"Conis, I'm going to tell you something about the future of Sky Island, so that you can be mentally prepared."

Noah looked at Conis and said.

"Keya, listen to this too." Noah turned his eyes to Keya again.

"Mr. Noah, tell me."

Conis said softly.

"I will defeat Enel, the God of Sky Island, but I will become the master of Sky Island."

"And I want you to assist me and manage Sky Island."

What Noah said to Conis now was the truth.

Although Noah knew that it was very abrupt for him to say this, he would tell Conis sooner or later.

It is better to suffer a short pain than a long pain. Telling Conis now is the best for Conis.

"You, you, you..."

"You are an invader!"

Conis looked at Noah in disbelief.

Conis always thought that Noah was her friend and never thought that Noah was an invader of Sky Island.

But what Noah said now proved that Noah was a genuine invader of Sky Island.

"I am indeed an invader." Noah admitted what he had done.

"It is precisely because I am an invader that I need you to manage Sky Island with me."

"Otherwise I will become a Sky Island God like Enel."

In order to make Conis agree to become the Sky Island manager under his command, Noah used some tricks.

"" Conis looked at Noah, she really didn't know what to say.

Conis, who was honest and kind, had never scolded anyone. She didn't know how to scold Noah, but she glared at Noah, which meant that she was really angry now.

In order to make Conis work for him, Noah had to be unsympathetic.

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