At night, Ke Ya had already set off from the border gate of Sky Island.

Now, Noah was lying on the beach with Conis to watch the stars.

Noah was telling Conis about the world under Sky Island.

Noah could clearly feel that Conis was very curious and yearning about the things under Sky Island.

Conis was a good person.

Noah suddenly had an idea, that is, to take Conis into the Temple of War, train Conis well, and let Conis manage Sky Island.

For Sky Island, that is, the "Temple of War" in the future, it will be a paradise where everyone can have enough food and everyone can live happily.

For such a Sky Island, the people who manage it don't need to be strong, they just need to be able to manage it.

Conis is upright and kind, and is a qualified Sky Island manager in Noah's ideal.

The management of Sky Island requires a person in charge, and this person is the manager of Sky Island.

As for other people who handle government affairs, they are just people who assist the manager of Sky Island.

Conis's position in the Temple of War is a manager, not a fighter.

Regarding the fighters in the Temple of War and the Dragon Star, under normal circumstances, Noah would not recruit a fighter who needs to be trained by himself before Kaya and the other three have the power to stand on their own.

In Noah's imagination, the fighter he wants to recruit most now is Boa Hancock, who is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea like himself.

But Noah is now a Seven Warlords of the Sea, and it is difficult to get Hancock's favor if he contacts Hancock now.

Although Noah joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea as a pirate hunter, the Seven Warlords of the Sea are still under the World Government.

Hancock has no good feelings towards the World Government.

If it weren't for the Nine Snakes Island, Hancock would not be willing to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Noah is now thinking about how to get Hancock's favor and then recruit Hancock.

"Mr. Noah, can you tell me your story?"

Connies called out, bringing Noah's thoughts back to reality from his wild imagination.

"Okay, my story starts from the East China Sea..."

Half an hour later.

Noah whispered to Connies about himself.

Noah suddenly felt very quiet around him. Looking back, Connies fell asleep without realizing it.

Seeing this, Noah picked Connies up and put her on Connies's bed.

Noah walked out of Connies's wooden house and returned to his own mud house.

According to Noah's habit, Noah still let the black shadow night bat secretly guard around him.

In the order Noah gave to the black shadow night bat, only Connies and Ke Ya could get close to Noah.

Noah fell asleep soon.

It was late at night.

Ke Ya flew from the night to the mud house where Noah was under the leadership of the black shadow night bat.

The two shadowy night bats following behind Kaya took the package that Noah and Kaya brought to Sky Island.

The most important thing in the package was various Den Den Mushi.

Kaya walked into the earth house, spread the blanket in the package on the wooden bed next to Noah, and fell asleep.

These days, Noah was not by Kaya's side, and Kaya always felt insecure. Now Kaya was sleeping next to Noah, and she felt that this was the sense of security she wanted.

Tonight, Kaya just looked at the sleeping Noah, and then slowly fell asleep.


The night passed, and the day came.

This was Noah's fourth day on Sky Island.

When Noah woke up, the first thing he saw was Kaya sleeping on the wooden bed next to him.

Kaya was very tired from this battle, and Kaya felt safe sleeping next to Noah, so Kaya slept very deeply this time.

Noah did not disturb Kaya and walked out of the earth house lightly.

It won't be long before Noah and Kaya will set off.


Sky Island, Sanctuary, where Enelu lives.

Enelu has been making Ark Proverbs here for some time.

Ohm and Shura walked to Enelu together.

Originally, Ohm came back earlier than Shura, but Ohm was afraid that he could not stand it alone, so Ohm waited for Shura to come back.

The outcome of Shura's battle was the same as Ohm's, they both lost.

Enelu usually looks very lazy, often likes to yawn or pick his ears.

But Ohm and Shura, as priests who are close to Enelu, both know that Enelu has an extremely cruel character.

Ohm and Shura both know that Enelu already knows that they have lost the battle, but the two of them still came to Enelu to confess their crimes.

As soon as Ohm and Shura appeared in front of Enelu, they were about to half-kneel down and talk, but they were directly hit by a lightning from Enelu.

The lightning disappeared, and Ohm and Shura fellOn the ground, they were in a mess, with burns from lightning.

Although they were beaten, Ohm and Shura dared not say anything, but continued to kneel in front of Enel.

Then the two of them told Enel the details of the battle.

After the business was over, when Ohm and Shura wanted to apologize to Enel.

Enel directly attacked Ohm and Shura with a "Thunder Welcome".

This was the second time Enel attacked Ohm and Shura.

"You two take the other two priests and go to welcome these two invaders together."

"Either you die, or they die."

"Let's go."

Enel, who was wrapped in lightning, said coldly.

Ohm and Shura did not dare to stay, and ran away.

Enel looked in the direction of Angel Island.

"The power of fire, like me, belongs to God."

"But I am the only God in this world, so you deserve to die."

If Enelu previously only thought that there were invaders on Sky Island, it was very interesting.

Then now, Enelu really began to pay attention to the invaders, and Enelu really wanted to kill the girl who controlled the power of fire, that is, Kaya.

Enelu now sent out four priests under his command, which is Enelu's attitude towards invaders.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

As the God of Sky Island, Enelu naturally has the majesty of being a god, but now is not the time for him, the God of Sky Island, to take action personally.

At the same time.

In the first half of the Grand Line, the Kingdom of Alabasta, the former Tea Flower Harbor, is now the Temple of War, Tianshu City.

Bartolomeo came to this city.

Bartolomeo made a big fuss as soon as he entered Tianshu City, and his barrier fruit was very tricky.

So Kuma personally came to the scene, and Kuma came to Bartolomeo.

Facing the barrier created by Bartolomeo, Kuma used his right hand to use his Armament Haki, and with one punch, he knocked back Bartolomeo and the barrier, and injured Bartolomeo.

Bartolomeo's barrier fruit is indeed very strong, and even Kuma, who is as strong as Kuma, cannot directly break the barrier created by Bartolomeo.

How strong is Kuma.

If Kuma still has the Parahuman Meat Ball Fruit, then Kuma is the one who can rival Hawkeye among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Even if Kuma does not have the Parahuman Meat Ball Fruit now, his Haki and physical skills are still very powerful.

Kuma is not an ordinary person, and he has the blood of a powerful race flowing in his body.

Kuma's physique can be compared with the Four Emperors.

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