"Mr. Jian told me that someone is looking for me."

"I don't know who you are?" Nokigo asked doubtfully.

Nokigo often pays attention to the news outside the village. In her own memory, she did not find any information related to Noah.

She did not see the pirate bounty order for Noah, which made Nokigo feel relieved.

Nami is a cadre of Along's group. She has been in the East China Sea, stealing pirates' treasures.

The boy in front of her came to the orange orchard as soon as he came to Cocoa West Village. Nokigo was really worried that Nami had offended this boy.

As for Nokigo herself, she didn't know Noah at all.

"My name is Noah."

"I am Nami's friend. Nami asked me to borrow Bailey, so I brought Bailey here."

Noah not only said his name, but also told a white lie.

Noah knew that the 50 million Bailey that Nami asked him to "borrow" must be to fulfill the 100 million Bailey agreement with Along and redeem Cocoa West Village.

If Nami hadn't raised 100 million Baileys yet, Noah would really lend Nami Baileys again.

The 50 million Baileys that Nami took from the Dragon Star Ship were all paper money. These 50 million Baileys of paper money were the funds to maintain the daily expenses of the Dragon Star Ship. In order to facilitate the withdrawal of money, these 50 million Baileys of paper money were specially taken out from the safe room by Noah.

On the Dragon Star Ship, there is a safe room made of fine iron. The key to the safe room has always been on Noah. There are a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in the safe room.

The gold, silver and jewelry on the Dragon Star Ship plus the paper Baileys have a total value of 200 million Baileys.

Ke Ya's parents have always regarded Noah as a real family. Ke Ya's parents often go out. They sail on the East China Sea and trade. While the risks are great, the benefits will also be great.

So Ke Ya's parents saved a sum of money for Ke Ya and Noah early on.

Noah is going to go out to sea and even go to the dangerous Great Route. Ke Ya's parents gave the saved money to Noah.

Noah did not deceive Nokigo, he really wanted to lend it to Nami Bailey.

So Noah's eyes were particularly sincere, without a trace of malice.

This made Nokigo a little confused.

After all, Nami was a "little thief cat", a cadre of Arlong's group, and a pirate.

Could it be that the boy in front of him was really a friend that Nami met on the sea?

Nokigo's heart was a little confused.

But the visitor is a guest, and Noah's attitude was very good, so Nokigo directly welcomed Noah in.

As soon as he entered the wooden house, Noah was attracted by the group photo on the table. This group photo was a group photo of Nami, Nokigo, and Bellemel.

Except for this group photo, Noah only glanced at other things in the wooden house.

"Nami hasn't come back yet, you have to wait for a few days."

Nokigo took a glass of boiled water and brought it to Noah.

"I'm near the orange orchard. When Nami comes back, remember to ask her to come find me."

"I'll leave first." Noah drank the water in the cup in one gulp and put the cup on the table.

Then, Noah turned around and left.

Nokigo is Nami's sister. The two of them have a very deep relationship. Noah wants Nami to be his navigator, so he naturally has to meet Nokigo and get familiar with her so that he can do things later.

Noah came suddenly and left very casually.

Nokigo really didn't think that such a boy would be Nami's enemy, unless the boy was hiding very deeply.

There is a stream in the forest near the orange orchard, which Noah saw when he was visiting the orange orchard just now.

Noah cut down some trees by the stream in the forest and built a simple house.

Noah will live here for the next two or three days.

He also found a piece of bluestone, and used the armed color domineering and iron blocks to make a stone sword with the same size and weight as the Fiery Sword.

Under the shade of the tree, Noah was holding the stone sword in his hand and practicing sharp sword moves. Noah had a premonition that his first battle at sea was coming.


In a blink of an eye, a day passed, and it was now noon on the second day.

During this period, there was no news of flares over the seaside area where the Dragon Star Ship was anchored, so Noah was relieved.

Today was the day when Nami returned to Kokoa West Village.

As soon as Nami got the huge sum of 50 million Baileys, she rushed back to Kokoa West Village.

Nami's sailing speed was not as fast as Noah's on the Dragon Star Ship, so Nami naturally arrived at Kokoa West Village slower than Noah.

When Nami came back, she did not go directly to Along Paradise, but returned to Kokoa West Village as soon as possible.

In the orange orchard, buried is the money and treasure that Nami stole from the pirates..

Nami naturally had to put the 50 million Baileys in the treasure house of the orange orchard first.

Every time Nami stole a few million Baileys or even more, she would return to Kokoyasi Village and store the treasure in the underground treasure house of the orange orchard.

As soon as Nami entered the orange orchard, she went directly to the underground treasure house and put the 50 million Baileys in.

She had been paying attention to the amount of money in the treasure house. Once the 50 million Baileys of banknotes were put in, the Baileys in the treasure house just reached 80 million Baileys.

There was still 20 million Baileys short of the 100 million Baileys agreed by Nami and Aaron.

It was a big step towards redeeming Kokoyasi Village.

"Nokigo, why are you here?" Nami stood up and turned to look at Nokigo.

At this time, Nami had buried the treasure house again.

Nokigo came a few minutes ago, and she saw the extra tens of millions of Baileys in the treasure house.

During these few minutes, Nokigo was thinking about what to say, but he hesitated.

When Nami found Nokigo, she finally spoke.

"A boy came to the orange orchard yesterday."

"He said he was your friend and knew you needed Bailey, so he came to the orange orchard and said he wanted to lend you Bailey."

"The boy is by the stream in the woods near the orange orchard."

"If you want to see him, remember to tell me and Mr. Jian and let us follow him."

Nokigo said in a serious tone.

Nami has her own things to do. Nokigo understands everything Nami has done. The only thing she can do is to protect Nami with all her strength.

"So soon?"

Nami stood up, and there was no fear on her face.

After borrowing 50 million Baileys from Nami and leaving the "indenture" and the sea chart she drew, she knew there would be a day.

What Nami didn't expect was that this day would come so soon.

The owner of that ship actually came directly to Kokoa West Village.

Before "borrowing" 50 million Baileys from the Dragon Star, Nami thought that the Dragon Star was a pirate ship without a pirate flag.

However, after Nami looked through all the rooms in the Dragon Star except the safe, she was sure that this ship was definitely not a pirate ship.

It looked more like a ship for a rich kid to go on a sea trip.

Nami is a "little thief cat". She doesn't know how many pirate ships she has visited and how many pirates she has seen.

Nami still has this little bit of knowledge.

But facing 50 million Baileys, Nami was still tempted, even though she knew that this was not a pirate's treasure and violated her "little thief cat" principle.

So Nami "borrowed" 50 million Baileys from the Dragon Star.

And, she deliberately left her "indenture" and sea chart.

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