Noah still had some things he didn't understand.

"Since you have seen the appearance of the female thief, then you can tell me what the female thief looks like."

The two did not dare to hide anything. They said what they should say and drew what they should draw. It took more than ten minutes.

Noah can now finally be sure that the female thief is Nami.

"Don't worry, I know where the 50 million Baileys will be!"

"The next stop is to go to the East China Sea, Kokoa West Village."

Noah didn't want to listen to their apologies. After giving the order, Noah was ready to leave.

"Young master, wait a minute, here is a letter left by the female thief."

The helmsman called Noah and took out a letter from his belt and handed it to Noah. This letter was left by the female thief to the captain of the ship. The two of them did not open it to read it.

Noah picked up the envelope and went into the main room of the ship.

Dragon Star Ship, Main Room.

This is the largest, most luxurious and most fully equipped room in the Dragon Star Ship. It belongs only to Noah.

The Dragon Star ship slowly set sail, leaving Rogue Town, and headed for Kokoa West Village.

The two middle-aged navigators and the helmsman on the ship had been sailing in the East China Sea for 20 to 30 years. As long as Noah said a place that was not remote, they could take Noah to the destination.

In the Dragon Star ship's owner's room, Noah opened the envelope left by Nami.

Speaking of which, this envelope was brought out by Noah from Xiluobu Village.

Noah originally wanted to use his own batch of envelopes in the warehouse to write to Kaya. Now Nami has become the first user of that batch of envelopes.

The envelope was opened and Noah read it for two or three minutes.

The content in the envelope was very simple and clear.

Nami explained why she "borrowed" the 50 million Baileys.

She also said her name, identity, where she lived, and where to find her.

The envelope also came with a sea map drawn by Nami. Nami was proving her value to Noah.

According to Noah's understanding of Nami, Noah knew that the information about Nami in the envelope was true.

"She is obviously an extremely smart little thief, but now she looks silly and cute."

"Even if Nami really gave Aaron 100 million berries, Aaron would not sell Kokoa West Village to Nami."

"It seems that my decision is right. I really have to go to Kokoa West Village."

"Otherwise I will lose a lot of money."

While talking, Noah took the envelope, walked to the cabinet beside the bed, opened the cabinet door, and put the envelope into the cabinet.

If Nami did not return 50 million berries to Noah within the specified time limit, then this letter would be Nami's contract of sale.

Noah was reluctant to throw it away.

These 50 million berries were the resources that Kaya's parents gave Noah to go to sea.

If it is really possible to buy such an excellent navigator like Nami with 50 million berries, then Noah would really have to laugh even in his dreams.

After sailing for one night, one day, and one night.

The Dragon Star Ship has now arrived safely in the sea near Kokoa West Village.

It is early morning, and the sun has just risen.

In theory, there should be fish-man pirates patrolling the sea near Kokoa West Village, but Noah did not see a single fish-man pirate.

There is a stone cliff on the seashore near Kokoa West Village, and there is a stone cave under the stone cliff. This stone cave is connected to the sea, and it is just right for the Dragon Star Ship to anchor.

Noah took the navigator and the helmsman to the woods closest to the stone cliff, where they could see the situation of the Dragon Star Ship.

These two people will look after the Dragon Star Ship here.

The two of them are very weak, and facing a fish-man pirate, they may all be destroyed together.

Noah does not expect the two of them to protect the Dragon Star Ship when he is not on the ship.

The two of them only need to watch the Dragon Star Ship, and if anything happens to the Dragon Star Ship, they can fire a signal flare to notify him.

Noah walked along the beach, and soon he came to the entrance of Kokoa West Village.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance, Noah walked in without hesitation.

Kokoa West Village.

A village that was spared from most of the invasions of the fish-man pirates because Nami joined the Dragon Pirates. It is the most peculiar village under the rule of the Dragon Pirates.

All the villagers in Kokoa West Village knew that Nami joined the Dragon Pirates for them and the village and became a cadre of Arlong's group.

However, the villagers pretended not to know and kept calling Nami a cold-blooded woman like a witch.

As soon as Noah, a foreigner, appeared in Kokoa West Village, he immediately aroused the villagers' vigilance.

Under the attention of the villagers, Noah walked along the street to the central area of ​​the village.

Noah stood still at this time, he was looking at the person walking towards him.

This man is Ajian, the sheriff of Kokoa West Village.

Ajian walked up to Noah and asked, "I wonder why you came to Kokoa West Village?"

Ajian's tone was half questioning and half negotiating.

Kokoa West Village was already in turmoil, and Ajian had to be overly nervous.

What if this outsider is a strong man, and then he offends him, causing disaster to Kokoa West Village, what should he do.

"Where is the orange orchard?"

Noah's words were not only heard by Ajian, but also by the surrounding villagers.

At this moment, Noah felt the murderous atmosphere around him.

"You are very good, Nami did not make a mistake in saving her."

Noah said calmly.

Ajian knew from the boy's words and tone that the boy should not be an enemy.

"I'll take you there."

As Ajian spoke, his eyes looked at the villagers around him, and at Ajian's signal, the villagers slowly left.

Next, Jian took Noah to the orange orchard.

As soon as they arrived at the orange orchard, Jian walked in early.

Kokoa West Village, orange orchard.

Noah walked in the orange orchard with the fragrance of oranges.

Noah also took a walk in the orange orchard, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

Nearly twenty minutes later.

Noah finally came to the central area of ​​the orange orchard. There were no oranges planted here, but a small wooden house was built.

This wooden house is the home of Nami and Nokigo.

Noah walked directly to the wooden house.

Just when Noah was about to knock on the door, the wooden door opened.

The wind brought a faint orange smell and a unique fragrance.

A beautiful figure appeared in front of Noah.

The girl had short blue hair, a red headband on her head, and a vest on her upper body, which made the blue pirate tattoos on her arms and upper chest very conspicuous.

This girl is Nokigo, Nami's elder sister.

The Dragon Star ship sails very fast, and Noah has a clear purpose. The navigator and the helmsman are veterans in sailing in the East China Sea. Noah knows that he will arrive at Kokoa West Village earlier than Nami.

Noah knew that Nami had not returned yet, but he still came to Kokoa West Village and even came to the orange orchard.

Noah did this to protect a rabbit like Nami.

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