Noah looked at Nico Robin, "Tell me, how do you think I will deal with you?"

"Is it imprisoning you and interpreting the historical text?"

"Or handing you over to the World Government? If I hand you over to the World Government, I will definitely get a lot of things."

Noah said with a smile, without any murderous intent.

It was said to be a threat, but it seemed like a joke to scare Nico Robin.

"I can become your person and interpret the historical text for you. There are clues about the ancient weapon Pluto in the Kingdom of Alabasta."

"I have found the historical text that records the ancient weapon Pluto."

Nicole Robin said directly, she was tempting Noah.

Mastering absolute power is a huge temptation that is hard to refuse!


"As expected of Nico Robin, she is really smart."

"Unfortunately, these are not what I want."

Noah said with a smile.

Nicole Robin is a qualified secretary-type talent, which is the most lacking talent in the "War God Temple" now.

However, the time to recruit Nicole Robin has not yet come.

Besides, for Nico Robin, becoming Noah's subordinate is not something she cares about, and she is very casual about it.

When she was surviving in the dark world before, Nico Robin didn't know how many forces she joined.

Noah and Nico Robin only met twice. Nico Robin is a living person. She has her own thoughts and her vigilance is particularly high.

Such Nico Robin will not really become Noah's subordinate at this stage.

For Nico Robin, the current scene is the same as when Crocodile recruited her.

Whether it is the trouble behind Nico Robin or Nico Robin herself.

Now is not the best time for Noah to recruit Nico Robin.

Nico Robin is now in deep thought, because she knows what her value is, but what does the pirate hunter in front of her want from her.

Is he greedy for her body...

What Noah expressed made Nico Robin think about it.

In Nico Robin's eyes, Noah in front of her was an extremely strange person. With her own experience, she couldn't see through Noah.

Noah could feel that Nico Robin had already felt some of the kindness he showed.

And this slight favorability was enough for Noah.

Noah was now going to tell his true purpose.

"I do want you, I want you to be my partner, to be my secretary to help me manage my power."

"But I won't recruit you now."

"Because even if I force you to be my subordinate, you don't have enough power to live under the sun."

"So, you can go now."

"When I have enough power and power, I will find you."

"When I find you, no matter where you are, in that power, I will take you away."

"You will be an excellent partner."

"This is our agreement!"

"A promise you can't refuse."

Noah spoke his mind. For Noah, this was the first time that Noah was so shy.

Noah was so shy and strong, and that was his true self.

Noah's words touched Nico Robin deeply.

Nico Robin looked into Noah's eyes, and she saw the sincerity in Noah's eyes that she rarely saw.

This was the first time someone said such words to Nico Robin, and Nico Robin's heart was in turmoil.

"Perhaps you will be a partner worthy of entrusting your life." Nico Robin looked at Noah and said.

"I remember your promise."

Then Nico Robin turned and left. When she walked out of the room, Nico Robin put on her mask again, and she was going back to the darkness.

Noah just watched Nico Robin leave quietly.

Noah is such a greedy person!

He wants both Nico Robin's person and Nico Robin's sincerity.

Now Nico Robin has left, the affairs of Baroque Works have been completed, and Noah has also obtained the devil fruit he wanted.

The only thing about Alabasta that is worth Noah's nostalgia is Bell's animal-type devil fruit.

It just so happens that Noah is going to build a base for the "War Temple" in Alabasta, so Noah will stay in Alabasta for a while.

Regarding the base of the "War Temple", Noah has already had a preliminary idea. He wants to build the "War Temple" base in Rapeseed Harbor.

And all the treasures in the Casino Rain Feast will become the funds for Noah to build the "War Temple" base.

At this time, Princess Vivi and BellCame to Noah.

Noah could just hand over the task of looting the treasure of the casino and the Rain Feast to Bell.

As soon as Bell came to him, Noah told Bell about it.

Bell was very grateful to Noah for defeating Crocodile and completely destroying the Baroque Works.

So Bell obeyed Noah's orders very well and went to do things directly.

At this time, there were only Noah and Vivi in ​​the room.

In fact, Vivi felt a little embarrassed, because in her heart, she had always been skeptical that Noah could defeat Crocodile.

But now Noah really defeated Crocodile, which made Vivi embarrassed to face Noah.

"Last time, when you saw me, you had something to say to me, why don't you say anything now."

Noah looked at Vivi and said softly.

Noah is gentle now, which is how Noah treats his friends and partners.

After listening to Noah's words, Vivi only reacted at this time, and she found that she had nothing to say to Noah now.

Last time, the topic that Vivi wanted to talk to Noah was related to Crocodile, but now Crocodile has been defeated by Noah.

In addition, Vivi and Noah have only met twice, and they are not familiar with each other.

All these have caused Vivi to not know what to say to Noah now.

Noah saw Vivi's confusion.

In this case, Noah can only take the initiative to bring up the topic. Noah is not interested in glaring at Vivi.

"Crocodile does have intentions towards your Alabasta Kingdom. The drought is also Crocodile's handiwork, and many heroic scripts are also directed by him to confuse civilians."

"However, Crocodile's name does protect the Alabasta Kingdom from the invasion and harassment of pirates."

"From now on, my partners and I will establish a base in Camellia Harbor, which can be regarded as inheriting Crocodile's only help to you."

"You can go and tell your father to discuss how to treat me and my partners in the future."

Noah said.

This is Noah's next plan in the Kingdom of Alabasta. Cobra is the king of the Kingdom of Alabasta, and Vivi is the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta. Noah always has to say hello to Cobra and Vivi.

"Okay." Vivi responded to Noah blankly.

When people interact with each other, the first impression is very important.

Vivi's first impression of Noah is that Noah is a good person.

Noah didn't know that he was given a good person card by Princess Vivi.

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