From the whole world to the inner forces, the most important thing is balance.

It is no problem for Noah to defeat Crocodile, the pirate, as a pirate hunter.

It is no problem for Noah to defeat Crocodile, the old Seven Warlords of the Sea, as the new Shichibukai.

The joining of Noah will make the situation in this sea more balanced.

In fact, the World Government has the ability to pay a price and force all pirate camps, but the World Government will not do it.

It can be said that as long as you don't do things that can threaten the World Government's rule over the World Government, the World Government will not care about you.

The world situation that the World Government has always wanted is balance.

Pirates exist for the meaning of their existence. If there were no killing and oppression by pirates, the lower class people would target the World Government that ruled them.

So pirates are allowed to exist by the World Government, but the World Government cannot let pirates jump too happily.

The World Government has ruled the world for 800 years. If it comes to the way to balance the world, the World Government is the best.

In the eyes of the World Government, the appearance of Noah is just a balancing tool for the Seven Warlords of the Sea system.

Of course, if the World Government knew that Noah could seize other people's devil fruits and knew that Noah had the ability to control sea water.

Then the World Government's plan for Noah would not just be to use Noah as a balancing tool.

The World Government would indeed be interested in seizing the devil fruit of the devil fruit ability user.


There is a great possibility that the World Government also has the ability to seize the devil fruit of the devil fruit ability user and then let other people obtain the seized devil.

This is not just a guess, but also Noah's certainty.

The reason why it is a guess is just because Noah has not really seen it now.

But the future Seraphim is the ironclad evidence.

This is also the reason why Noah did not deliberately hide the fact that he can seize the devil fruit.


Once the World Government knows that Noah can control the sea water, then things will not be so simple.

The World Government will definitely use their means to find out why Noah can control the sea water.

Noah has used his ability to control seawater on two people. As time goes by, it is only a matter of time before it is exposed.

Noah needs the power of seawater, and he doesn't care whether it is exposed or not.

Being timid is not Noah's style.


In the Casino·Rainy Banquet, Noah brought Nico Robin and Michita here and walked in.

During the return, most of the civilians on the street focused their attention on Noah.

Noah is also the center of attention.

But this attention is not all good, because Noah did not reveal Crocodile's true face, so in the eyes of many civilians, Crocodile is still their hero.

Noah knew about this, but Noah did nothing, because Noah was not here to rule the Kingdom of Alabasta. Noah only needs absolute power, not the so-called people's hearts.


Inside the Casino·Rainy Banquet, it was still the house where Noah had stayed.

As soon as Noah came in, he walked directly to the sofa and sat on the edge of the sofa.

Nico Robin and Michita looked at Noah. What they wanted to know most was what Noah wanted to do to them.

But just when the two of them looked at Noah.

Noah attacked Michita instantly.

Like a sudden attack, Michita was caught off guard.

Michita was knocked unconscious by Noah's knife.

"There are no outsiders now, Nico Robin, the son of the devil, I am very curious about you."

Noah directly stated Nico Robin's identity. Not long ago, Noah did not reveal Nico Robin's identity in front of everyone.

Since she was discovered, Nico Robin felt that there was no need to hide anymore.

Nico Robin took off the mask on her face.

Fair skin, delicate face, tall and well-proportioned figure.

Gives a gentle feeling.

(Nico Robin's skin color was wheat-colored in the first animated version, and changed back to the original fair skin color in the second part. Here, fair skin color is used directly.)

Noah looked at Nico Robin, and Nico Robin was also looking at Noah.

The two looked at each other, and each reflected the other's figure in their eyes.

Nico Robin has always lived in the darkness of the underground world. She has joined many forces and has been taken in by many people, but in the end, she has always been alone.

Nico Robin is very smart. He knows that the pirate hunter Noah in front of him left him behind, which should be related to the interpretation of the historical text.

As forWhether Noah was after his bounty of 10 million, Nico Robin knew from Noah's eyes that Noah was not after his bounty of 10 million.

That was the last possibility.

The pirate hunter Noah in front of him was interested in interpreting the historical text.

Unfortunately, Nico Robin guessed wrong.

Noah kept Nico Robin just because he was curious and interested in Nico Robin.

It was also because of Noah's eyes that Nico Robin misunderstood that Noah was interested in her for her ability to interpret the historical text.

Noah walked in front of Nico Robin, looked at Nico Robin with both eyes, and then walked around.

Nico Robin used to be an illusory character in Noah's eyes, but now she appeared in front of him in real life.

Noah was naturally very curious.

There are not many beauties in the pirate world that can interest Noah.

However, although he was interested, at this stage, Noah had no intention of taking Nico Robin under his command.

However, this did not prevent Noah from getting to know Nico Robin.

Noah was now looking at Nico Robin, which made Nico Robin very embarrassed. If Noah looked at Nico Robin with eyes full of greed and lust, then Nico Robin would not be as quiet as it is now.

Noah was looking at Nico Robin, and Nico Robin was looking at Noah openly.

Anyway, Nico Robin knew that she could not escape, and this person did not seem to have any ill will towards her.

This was the first person Nico Robin met who looked at her like this after leaving O'Hara.

As for such a pirate hunter Noah, is he a disguise?

With Nico Robin's experience of survival in the dark world, Nico Robin knew that the pirate hunter Noah in front of him was his true appearance.

After Noah looked at Nico Robin curiously, he came to Mitchita who was lying on the ground.

Noah should do business now.

"You step aside first." Noah said to Nico Robin.

Noah would not take Mickey's devil fruit in front of Nico Robin.

Nico Robin knew that the more secrets she knew, the faster she would die.

So Nico Robin walked out directly and closed the door, but Nico Robin did not dare to leave privately.

Because Nico Robin always felt that there was a force locking her tightly, Nico Robin knew that if she left, the consequences would be very serious.

The shadowy night bat appeared in the shadows and took Mickey out of the room.

The door was opened, and Nico Robin walked in very sensibly and walked in front of Noah.

Now there were only Noah and Nico Robin here.

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