According to the coordinates provided by Nami, Li Yi quickly found the direction.

Why did the Golden Lion disappear in the sea after escaping from Impel Down City? And the Navy was unable to find any trace of the Golden Lion after repeated inspections.

The real reason is that the Golden Lion is hiding in the sky and using the power of the Piao Piao Fruit to permanently float several islands in the sky.

It is difficult for even the navy to detect it at an altitude of 10,000 meters, but why doesn’t the Golden Lion appear twenty years after escaping from Impel Down City?

That’s because Golden Lion discovered a plant called IQ on an island. This plant can stimulate the brains of animals and induce different evolutions depending on the environment.

Relying on the potion made from this plant, Golden Lion cultivated countless large animals on the island. The combat power of these animals was not weak at all, and ordinary soldiers could not resist them. According to Li Yi’s judgment, they must be at least school level or above.

The Millennium Dragon was extremely fast. Li Yi soon landed on the floating island. As expected, he encountered various animals that were huge or had powerful attacks.

Huge eight-clawed octopuses, mantises, and orangutans appear one after another. Occasionally, you will encounter bison that appear to be normal. However, in fact, these red-skinned bison have terrifying attack power. A few rounds of impact can destroy a small mountain. Break.

In the lake on the island, there were sea beasts that were as big as Neptune. Looking at the ferocious beasts, Li Yi finally understood why the golden lion had the confidence to return to the sea and promised to destroy the East China Sea.

It is simply stress-free to rely on such a group of ferocious beasts to destroy Donghai, the weakest among the four seas. But if you want to conquer the sea with these giant beasts, that’s really a joke!

For example, Li Yi was too lazy to make a move when facing these giant beasts. A domineering and domineering impact swept over them and they all lay down. In the eyes of the emperor-level powerhouses, they were just random soldiers.

The Straw Hats have no trouble dealing with these giant beasts. I really don’t understand where the Golden Lion has the confidence to return to the top with these giant beasts!

The Golden Lion’s approach is very similar to that of Crocodile. After failure, he became obsessed with foreign objects, which led to his own strength retreating instead of advancing, and he lost his heart as a strong man!

Moreover, in Li Yi’s view, Golden Lion has not discovered the true role of IQ at all. As a plant that can enable animals to evolve, why can’t IQ develop a drug that can enable humans to evolve?

Think about it. After taking this potion, you can greatly enhance your physical strength, and it can also evolve the functions of various parts of the body. This ability is comparable to the increase of the animal devil fruit.

If Doflamingo discovers this plant, he will definitely find huge business opportunities and create an IQ potion combined with an artificial devil fruit. It will be a huge profit!

Li Yi suddenly thought that such a thing could be brought back to the navy, and at the same time it could be left to Sothea to train a large number of powerful warriors. It could be said to kill two birds with one stone!

While Li Yi was wandering around, the Straw Hats had successfully gathered in the village on the island. At the same time, the island also welcomed waves of pirates. These pirates all came to join the Golden Lion and join the Flying Sea of ​​the Golden Lion. Thieves.

When the Straw Hats appeared in the village, they were captured by the surveillance video phone bug.

Through the surveillance video, the phone bug Golden Lion has discovered Nami’s traces, and his figure is floating and flying in the direction of the Straw Hats.

The figure of the golden lion descended on the village under the setting sun. The Straw Hats suddenly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, looking at the golden lion solemnly!

Of course, Li Yi would not miss such a classic 5V1 team battle. Li Yi, who had reached the realm of transparency, perfectly concealed his aura and watched the battle quietly.

Golden Lion: “Hey, baby, I’m here to pick you up!”

The first words the Golden Lion said when he saw Nami were like a bully raping a common girl, even a man couldn’t help it.

The Golden Lion looked at the angry-looking Straw Hats and said disdainfully: “What, you little characters still want to resist me?”

As a once-legendary peak pirate, the Golden Lion didn’t take the Straw Hats seriously at all. How powerful could a group of newcomers who had just gone to sea be?

At this moment, the Straw Hats’ combat effectiveness has deviated from the original trajectory. Although they have initially mastered Haki, their strength is completely different from those who have not mastered Haki.

Facing the powerful enemy Straw Hat Luffy, he turned on the second gear without hesitation, and appeared in front of the golden lion with a “whoosh” sound.

Luffy: “Rubber, Jet Punch!”

Golden Lion (ΩДΩ): “Wow, it’s so fast!”

Luffy’s speed shocked the golden lion. The fast golden lion was hit before he could recover. The jet punch, like a cannonball, instantly blew away the golden lion.

Golden Lion (•́へ•́╬): “Damn it, I didn’t expect you little characters to have a chance, but this is

Do you think you have the ability to compete with me? ”

Li Yi, who was watching in secret, was very disappointed with the performance of the Golden Lion. As a former peak pirate, it was a bit embarrassing to be hit by a pirate who had just debuted.

But this does not mean that the Golden Lion’s condition or strength has seriously declined. Li Yi judged that it was more that the rudder on the Golden Lion’s head restricted the Golden Lion’s performance.

Although the golden lion faced it calmly from the beginning of the battle, if you look closely, you can see that the golden lion has not even used the three colors of Haki. This shows that the rudder of the ship prevents the Golden Lion from using any Haki.

Even if he is old and physically weak, facing Straw Hat Luffy’s attack just now, he can easily predict it using his Haki perception.

“Three-sword style, three hundred and seventy-two troubled winds!”

After Straw Hat Luffy struck first, Zoro swung three swords, and three crescent-shaped flying slashes intersected together, like a tornado attacking the golden lion.

Facing Sauron’s three flying slashes, the Golden Lion, as a great swordsman, didn’t take it seriously at all. Although he lost his legs and used two swords as legs, it didn’t mean that he couldn’t display the strength of a great swordsman. .

Swinging the two famous swords wrapped around the broken legs, Zoro’s three flying slashes were easily resolved.

However, the golden lion did not notice that Chopper had raised his hooves to attack behind him.

“The strength of the wrist is strengthened, Fubuki Sakura!”

“Tap tap tap tap tap”

Both hooves struck instantly like machine gun bullets, leaving hoof prints on the golden lion’s back instantly!

Chopper’s attack caused the golden lion to feel pain, and at the moment when the golden lion was distracted, Sanji’s attack came in an instant.

A kick was directed directly at the Golden Lion’s face. However, this time the Golden Lion had anticipated it and firmly caught Sanji’s kick with one hand.

“What an amazing team, they work well together!”

“Being able to force me to take action shows that you are quite capable!”

“But now that I’ve taken action, don’t expect me to show mercy!”

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