At this time, Warring States looked at Li Yi sleeping soundly and hated the iron. It was enough to have the fish-fishing general Kizaru among the naval generals, but now there was another one, and it was even more bizarre than him.

Thinking of having two fishing generals working in the future, Warring States became increasingly worried about the next navy marshal. Whoever would be replaced would be unbearable!

Warring States stood up and signaled all the generals to quietly leave the conference room with a look, and then gave a look to Garp and He.

As comrades-in-arms for many years, the two of them naturally understood immediately what Seng Guo was going to do, and followed him one after another.

Sengoku (•́へ•́╬): “Xiaohe, take Taotu away!”

Hearing this, He pulled up Taotu who wanted to wake up Li Yi. After the two walked out of the conference room, He very considerately hung a sign in front of the door saying “Excuse me!”

Li Yi, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt cold, and felt for a moment that he seemed to be in trouble. The two old men Warring States and Garp were standing behind him at this time, and they looked like they were gearing up.

“Hey, why don’t you see Sister Taotu!”

“You didn’t even call me after the meeting, how cruel!”

As the saying goes, as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed. After getting up, Li Yi pretended not to see Warring States and Garp behind him, and golden lightning erupted under his feet.

Li YiΣ(⊙▽⊙"a: “The wind is tight, pull!”

Garp^_^: “Boy, there’s no way you can run away!”

Li Yi(•́へ•́╬): “Old man, don’t block the road!”

Garp(#^.^#): “Look behind you, kid!”

Li Yi: (⊙_⊙)?

I saw golden light shining behind me, and a huge figure slowly emerged. Fortunately, it stopped growing when it was about to touch the ceiling, otherwise the ceiling would have burst. You didn’t need to turn around to look at Li Yi to know that the old man from the Warring States Period had transformed.

Sengoku(•́へ•́╬): “You kid, you’ve been so cool lately!”

Sengoku(•́へ•́╬): “You dare to sleep in my meeting, even Kizaru wouldn’t dare to do that!”

Li Yi╮(╯▽╰)╭: “Marshal has been working overtime a lot recently and is a little tired!”

Garp^_^: “Kid, do you think Sengoku will believe it? You want to fool the admiral with your lame excuse. You really think we are old!”

Li Yi-_-||: “Then what do you want!”

Sengoku(•́へ•́╬): “Of course I’ll beat you up!”

Garp^_^: “Accept the iron fist education I love!”

“Big Buddha, impact!”

“Fist bone, meteor!”

“Don’t slap me in the face, old man Garp!”

“The old man from the Warring States Period didn’t respect martial ethics, but he actually carried out a sneak attack!”

“Bang Peng Bang Bang Bang”

“Boom boom boom boom boom”

The three of them struggled together, and the whole building began to shake slightly, and a crackling and roaring sound erupted in the conference room.

He who was outside the building looked at the conference room, shook his head, and said to a naval soldier: “Send someone to renovate the conference room later, and all other expenses will be deducted from Major General Li Yi’s salary!”

Half an hour later, the shaking stopped. Nuo Da’s conference room was already devastated. The walls were cracked and the ceiling was almost broken. This was only caused by the huge suppression force of the three people.

In the conference room, Li Yi had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and he was holding two bags on his head. He had a majestic head that looked like the Four Emperors!

Garp didn’t get there either. His eyes were shot like giant pandas, and he was still laughing and eating donuts.

Among the three, only Warring States was not injured at all. The reason was that the old Yinbi was hiding behind Garp and doing crazy damage, which completely shattered Li Yi’s view. It’s outrageous for a tank like you to do damage!

Li Yi→_→: “The old man from the Warring States Period didn’t talk about martial ethics, but you, a tank, are actually doing damage!”

Warring States Period (ˉ▽ ̄~) Che~~: “Fighting requires not only hands, but also brains. Do you think my title of wise general is in vain!”

Garp^_^: “I think I was the one who rushed forward, and Sengoku and Xiaohe were behind me!”

Li Yi-_-||: “It’s a miracle that you can survive so long playing with two old Yinbi!”

Warring States: “Okay, stop talking nonsense, let’s get down to business now.”

Warring States: “I leave the Golden Lion to you!”

Li Yi(ΩДΩ)

Li Yi╮(╯▽╰)╭: “Can I refuse?”

Warring States →_→: “Do you have the right to refuse!”

Warring States: “Work hard. After you do this well, you will be promoted to lieutenant general. Throughout the entire history of the navy, you will be the youngest vice admiral.”

Li Yi→_→: “Would you like a salary increase?”

Warring States Period -_-||: “It’s vulgar to talk about money. Don’t imitate your uncle. The future of the Navy depends on young people like you.”

Li Yi (ˉ▽ ̄~) Tie~~: “Stop drawing cakes, the refrigerator can’t fit them in!”

Sengoku(•́へ•́╬): “How to say

Yes, this is the key to training you. Don’t stick to Taotu all day long. Men just want to make contributions! ”

Li Yi╮(╯▽╰)╭: “I know the marshal, let’s set off immediately!”

After receiving the iron fist education and painting guidance from Sengoku and Garp, he directly punched through the large window of the conference room. He whistled to the sky, and the next second the Thousand-Year Dragon King flew directly from the training camp of the Sword Team.

He jumped from the window and landed gracefully on the dragon’s back. The Thousand-Year Dragon roared, spread its wings, and flew into the distance with a “whoosh” sound.

Warring States looked at the figure gradually disappearing into the sky and said: “Garp, do you think this kid can defeat Shiji?”

Garp picked his nose and said: “It’s hard to say. Shi Ji is now old and missing both legs, and his strength is not as good as before. But in a life-and-death battle, a person’s potential will explode, and it is not impossible to return to his peak state at that moment. possible!”

Warring States: “Shiji is no longer as powerful as he used to be, otherwise he wouldn’t have come to Malinfando to show his face and left!”

Warring States: “This is a test for that brat, and it also shows the sea the powerful combat power of the new generation of the navy, shocking the strong from all walks of life!”

After leaving Malinfando, Li Yi flew in one direction based on the intelligence from the navy headquarters. Although the intelligence concluded that the golden lion was probably hiding in a certain sky island area, it was embarrassing that he flew for several days without finding anything.

“You were careless. If I had known earlier, I would have asked the old man from the Warring States Period for more information!”

Li Yi, who was lying on the back of the dragon, was eating some dry food. Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound on the phone in his arms. He took it out and saw “Nami” written on it.

Li Yi^_^: “Hey, beauty, do you miss me?”

Nami(•́へ•́╬): “I miss you so much, come and save me!”

Li YiΣ(⊙▽⊙"a: “You couldn’t have been caught by the golden lion, right?”

Nami (ΩДΩ): “How did you know that I was captured by the Golden Lion?”

Li Yi^_^: “If I said that I sensed that you were in danger, would you believe it?”

Nami (✿◡‿◡): “I believe it, it turns out you are thinking of me all the time!”

Li Yi(#^.^#): “You also called me when you were in danger!”

Fortunately, I left a phone bug for Nami when I was in Alabasta, and now I can finally locate the Golden Lion. But Li Yi didn’t expect that the Straw Hats would be targeted by the Golden Lion so quickly. To be precise, the Golden Lion only targeted Nami.

Nami’s sharp sailing skills made Golden Lion shine. Although he has the ability to float the pirate ship, he only lacks an excellent navigator, which is the only pain in his heart.

Reminiscing about the time when Ed Wohai had an overwhelming advantage in the battle and the Golden Lion lost to Roger. The Golden Lion never imagined that his own pirate fleet could not defeat Roger’s pirate ship.

The real reason was that a sudden huge wave helped Roger and dispersed the Golden Lion’s pirate fleet. The Golden Lion was completely defeated. What was even more tragic was that his head was pierced by a rudder that flew from nowhere. Most people would have died long ago, but the golden lion has managed to survive for so long despite this weird decoration.

But even in this case, the Golden Lion can still play with Warring States and Garp for three days and three nights. It is difficult to say whether this rudder will affect the performance of the Golden Lion.

After all, the head is where a person’s spiritual will is, and the overlord color is where the will is reflected. So Li Yi very much suspected that the Golden Lion lost to Straw Hat Luffy because of the rudder stuck in his head!

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