A group of three people were heading towards the Shampert Islands.

Bai Jing wanted to find Rayleigh first and learn Haki, at least Armament Haki.

Originally, he wanted to ask Ace for advice, but he always felt that Ace was a little unreliable.

Rayleigh taught him well. He must have something to learn from the vice-captain of One Piece.

He is not strong enough now. If he is strong enough and has enough fruit abilities, he will go to the Navy Headquarters and meet Garp and Sengoku first.

Sengoku's Golden Buddha Fruit ability is also very exciting.

Of course, if he has more abilities, then he will go to the place where the Celestial Dragons live and kill all these beasts.

By the way, collect the Supreme Sword, it will be wonderful.

There is still a long way to go.

After drifting on the sea for another 10 days,

a huge warship in the distance slowly approached them.

On the blue navy warship is the familiar Seagull flag.

Fully automatic, large navy warship, Bai Jing looked at the blue warship in the distance, his eyes glowing blue.

Excitedly, "Ace, look, little Oz has been found."

"Their navy warship is so big, it can accommodate little Oz's huge body."

Bai Jing is definitely the most arrogant pirate. Most pirates run away when they see a warship.

Unlike Bai Jing, he actually wants to rob a warship.

Oh no, I forgot that there is also a fool, he is not afraid of the navy.

(Who do you think I am!)

(I am Jack!)

It was Jack, the big fool, who actually rushed up to hit the warship, and finally broke one of his elephant horns.

Fire Fist Ace put on his hat, his eyes excited, "Navy?"

"I haven't seen it for a long time."

Although Bai Jing wanted to rob the warship, he didn't mean to cause too much killing.

If the navy doesn't know what's good for them, it's not his fault.

As a person who traveled through time, he was the most reasonable. The navy should understand the principle of barter, right?

They should understand something.

Exchange their small pirate ship with their large, fully automated navy ship.

Is this reasonable?

This is reasonable.

"Vice Admiral Mole, there seems to be a pirate ship ahead. Should we shoot it down?"

The naval sergeant behind him looked at Bai Jing from a distance and immediately reported to the vice admiral in front.

Bai Jing was also familiar with this vice admiral, who was the mole that appeared in many episodes of Pirates.

He picked up the telescope and looked from a distance. After discovering that there was indeed a pirate ship, he immediately gave the order.

"Pirates, you should be captured in this sea. Now that we have encountered them, let's bombard them."

"Pass the order, go at full speed, approach this pirate ship, and bombard them into the water with cannons."

After listening to Vice Admiral Mole's arrangement, the naval sergeant behind him immediately straightened up and saluted.


There are a total of 10,000 navy officers on this huge navy warship.

This navy warship, which is 300 meters long and tens of meters wide, makes Bai Jing very fond of it.

Such a large navy warship must be luxurious when it is sailed out.

Anyway, he only needs to use this navy warship to reach the Shampoo Islands, and the rest is not what he needs to consider.

As for being chased by the navy?

Don't make a fuss, he has the Thunder Fruit and the Flame-Flame Fruit on him, plus Ace and Little Oz, three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Unless the admiral of the navy comes, no one can stop them.

"The pirates in front, surrender obediently, there is still a glimmer of hope."

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being merciless under the cannon."

The voice of the navy came from the warship and fell into the ears of the three people.

Ace and Bai Jing had calm faces and drove the pirate ship towards the warship without any intention of avoiding it.

And little Oz moved forward behind the pirate ship, blocking his huge head and preventing the navy from discovering it, which could achieve the effect of surprise.

Although there was only one navy warship, it was enough.

Bai Jing alone was enough, because his body was not afraid of seastone, and he was not afraid of seawater, but he still had the ability of the devil fruit.

This bug setting was destined to make him invincible.

When the warship got closer and closer, the mole saw that the pirate had no intention of repenting, and said, "Fire the cannon and blast the pirates on the opposite side."

At this time, the huge shell was shot out from the dark muzzle.

Dozens of shells were fired at the pirate ship.

A blazing fire ignited on Ace's body, and he stretched out his index fingers and crossed them into a cross shape.

He aimed at the shells and said, "Cross Fire."

He crossed his index fingers to form a cross, and a cross-shaped beam of light shot out from his fingers.

After aiming at the opponent, he followed the cross shape.The light spurted out flames towards the target.

This flame, continuously shot out from the index finger, shot out a column of fire in the sky, and directly pierced through the dozens of shells.

This column of fire swept all the shells.

The shells exploded before they touched the pirate ship in the air.

After doing all this, Ace squatted slightly and tried hard to cross the direction of the distant warship.

While in the air, his hands burned into fire fists and blasted towards the sea surface. With the huge reaction force, they landed smoothly on the navy warship.

Bai Jing looked at Ace who had passed by and couldn't help but say, "I have to go find Kizaru another day."

"His flash fruit can let me pass such a long distance, otherwise it won't be cool."

His thunder fruit has the strongest thunder god form, and when he transforms into the thunder god form, he can also fly for a short time.

He turned into a lightning arc, rushed towards the navy warship, and disappeared on the pirate ship.

The two suddenly came to the navy ship, and the navy had not yet reacted.

When he really saw the faces of the two, the eyes of the Navy Vice Admiral Mole were full of disbelief.

His pupils were shocked, his face was stiff, and his hands and feet were slightly cold.

He said in a trembling voice, "Fire Fist, Ace!"

"How is it possible? Aren't you dead?"

In the battle of the top war, he witnessed Ace being punched in the chest by Akainu and died.

Now he appeared in front of him intact, how could he not be surprised?

And his ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit was still there, which was completely inconsistent with the norms of the world.

Seeing so many people, Bai Jing was still in shock, and he was the first to speak, breaking the silence of everyone.

"There's nothing to guess."

"I opened this mountain and planted this tree. If you pass by, leave me money to pay for your passage."

"My favorite thing in life is to make friends and exchange goods."

"I generously gave you my pirate ship, and you gave me this navy warship in return. Isn't that too much?"

Bai Jing laughed and kept scanning above to see where the warship was.

When everyone came to their senses, they couldn't help but get angry when they heard what Bai Jing said, "Boy, you are dreaming. What are you dreaming about in broad daylight?"

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