The 4th week's younger brother was about to take action.

But Ace stepped forward, and with him as the center, a huge flame field quickly burned out.

Surrounding everyone.

In this circle of fire, the flames around were burning fiercely, and Ace's body was also on fire.

His voice was scattered, "You'd better not move, otherwise you will be reduced to ashes under this flame, I can't guarantee it."

He whispered again, "Firefly, Fire Daruma."

On his hands, he created many glowing green fireballs similar to fireflies, floating around everyone.

This can all gather on the opponent, and then explode in one breath to cause damage to the enemy.

But it can also cause damage to all people.

Silver Fox Fox's pupils shook violently, and he immediately recognized the man in the distance.

The ability of the flame on his body, and the hat with a smiley face and a crying face.

Isn't this the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace of the Fire Fist?

Didn't he die?

How is he still alive now?

Obviously, everyone recognized Ace immediately.

All of them were shocked. This was the most vicious pirate, Fire Fist Ace!

He had rejected the offer of the King's Seven Five Seas.

Silver Fox Foxy couldn't help but ask, "Ace, why are you still alive?"

He looked at Fire Fist Ace with fear in his eyes.

Fire Fist Ace didn't answer, but waited for Bai Jing's next instruction. In this team, Bai Jing had already begun to take the lead.

Because he was stronger, people with strong strength would always be respected wherever they went.

Bai Jing slowly put Silver Fox Foxy down and turned to leave.

And the pirates of the Silver Fox Pirates stared at Bai Jing as he left, not daring to say a word or breathe heavily.

After all, they were surrounded by infinite flames, and they might die on the spot if they were not careful.

When Bai Jing slowly left and disappeared from everyone's sight, Fire Fist Ace turned around and left, following behind Bai Jing.

The two boarded the pirate ship and called Little Oz.

The pirate ship set sail again, sailing farther and farther.

The huge flame field surrounding them slowly disappeared.

Silver Fox Foxy felt as if he had walked through hell.

Bai Jing, that indifferent look, and the power of lightning and fire all made him palpitate.

He had been a pirate for so many years, and he had never felt this way.

That look was like a god looking down on an ant.

Everyone's backs were soaked with cold sweat, that was Fire Fist Ace!

They actually met the famous pirate.

Moreover, the news that Fire Fist Ace had died many years ago was actually false!

This heavy news immediately caused an uproar, and it would not be long before it would spread throughout the pirate world.

The pirates of the Silver Fox Pirates were shocked by the news of the appearance of Fire Fist Ace, but Fox was not.

What shocked him was why the young man could use the power of two fruits.

Moreover, Fire Fist Ace was actually led by him.

The two people on the pirate ship could not help but drink wine again.

Bai Jing was obviously in a good mood and hummed a little song.

"yohohoho, yohohoho,"

"yohohoho, yohohoho~"

"I send you Binx, a long-brewing fine wine."

(Binkus no,/Spread it, Toudou Kenny/Yoku to)

"It exudes the fragrance that men of the sea often have."

(Homophony: Wumi Ka who, key maka who, nano maka who)


This song immediately attracted Ace's mind.

Ace listened to the beautiful song quietly.

After Bai Jing finished humming the song, Ace looked at Bai Jing and said, "What's the name of this song?"

Bai Jing smiled and said, "This song is composed by a great musician."

"It's called "Binx's Wine", and this musician has some connection with your brother."

Ace took a sip of wine and stopped talking.

The two looked at the sea view quietly at night.

Bai Jing roughly estimated that he had killed only more than 300 people in the past few days, and the Nine Nether Qi in his body had only condensed more than 30 strands.

It was only 5 hours for him to go in and out of Huangquan, and it was still unrealistic to find people.

He had to find some more vicious pirates, and then accumulate the Nine Nether Qi to go to Huangquan world and revive some people.

In this vast sea, there were only him and Ace in the entire pirate ship.

Little Oz couldn't get on the boat again, so he could only float on the water, always feeling a little lonely.

"Wait until he is resurrected, and then go recruit some crew members, preferably musicians, chefs, etc.So I can cook on the sea."

Ace looked at Bai Jing's thoughtful expression and asked, "Are you trying to revive someone?"

Bai Jing nodded, "Whitebeard should be in other cities in Huangquan City."

"But I don't know which one it is, so it will take a lot of time to find it."

"And the same goes for other people who want to be resurrected."

"To be on the safe side, I will accumulate enough Nine Nether Qi to at least guarantee that I can stay in Huangquan World for three days."

"Then I will go to the Nine Nether World next time and look for those people to see if they can be resurrected."

He turned his head and looked at Ace seriously, "Do you know that there is such a saying in my world?"

Before Ace could speak, Bai Jing spoke.

"Family affection is no more than Dadan, and regret is no more than Desolo. "

"Man is no better than Von Reck, love is no better than Senior, gentleness is no better than Corazon, and gentleman is no better than Sanji,"

Ace heard strangely that there was even Dadan.

He was very curious about Bai Jing's origin.

Bai Jing knew that he didn't know him, so he stood up and looked into the distance.

Thinking of the flamboyant man in the swan skirt.

There was reminiscence in his eyes, and he spoke.

"Man is no better than Von Reck, it's not just talk."

"He was locked in Impel Down for your dear brother."

"In Impel Down, in order for Straw Hat Boy to escape from Impel Down and go to the Navy Headquarters to save you, he pretended to be Magellan."

"Go to the underground control department, open the gate of Impel Down and let Straw Hat Boy and his group leave."

"In addition to this favor to your brother, he also had Straw Hat Boy freezing to death in the infinite snow in Impel Down. ”

“It was also he who carried the Straw Hat Boy across the snow, found the Shemale King, and saved the Straw Hat Boy.”

“In the end, he was trapped alone in that sunless place.”

“That’s why I say that men are no better than Feng Rek.”

Ace listened more seriously and fell silent for a rare moment.

For his brother, he was able to pay so much, he deserves admiration.

He sighed, “This is a real man.”

“I really want to meet him and thank him.”

“He did so much for my silly brother.”

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