One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 9 Forged again, the magic boots appear

The next day, training camp officially started.

The power value test that was delayed by the hammer has also been completed again, although it took a long time.

Zefa was still standing on the high platform, looking coldly at the elites below, whose number had dropped sharply to a hundred.

"You can stay here because you passed the preliminary test, but don't be too happy. The subsequent training will only be more difficult."

"Now, run for me! Run until you can't move!"

With a loud drink, everyone started running around the playground.

Iron Hammer was surprised to find that among the four people seriously injured yesterday, excluding Victim No. 2.

Dolag, Sakaski and Porusalino have returned to the team.

This made Tie Zhui secretly surprised. He thought he was indeed a monster. Is this recovery ability too fast?

The run is long.

Iron Hammer no longer remembers how long he has been running, he only knows that he has been running.

Run until you can't move.

Then everything went dark and I was tired.

Just like him, there are everyone in the training camp.

I thought Zefa would stop when they reached their limit, but no one thought that they would.

Just keep running, keep running.

After the three Sakaskis who were still running at the end were tired, Zefa began to lecture.

"Look at you, you are such an elite?"

"You can be so exhausted just by running, what else can you do??"

"Rest quickly! Keep running for me in an hour!"

Then he ordered the soldiers on the side to bring them salt water that could replenish their physical strength.

"Iron hammer...Iron hammer..."

The unconscious hammer was shaken awake.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was Dorag.

He smiled with difficulty: "Hey, Dorag, have you gone to heaven too?"

Dorag's head was instantly filled with black lines, and he put the cup filled with salt water in his hand.

When he saw it was water, Tie Hammer didn't even want to take a sip.

The next second, he was grinning in disgust.

"Salt water, holy shit! Put so much salt... it's too much!"

Zefa heard his voice, and his fierce eyes immediately glanced over.

Tie Hammer was so frightened that he quickly stopped talking.

This scene made Dorag laugh.

Then Zefa turned around and left, preparing the mysterious props for them to use in the afternoon.

"Hammer, I suddenly had an idea..."

Porusalino suddenly moved his aching legs and came to the hammer, with an unfathomable look on his face.

"Huh? Porusalino, what do you pay attention to?"

The two people instantly hooked up and started talking.

"Iron Hammer, if you can give attributes to items, would you like to try it? Can you give our shoes the ability to take off automatically?"

Hammer:! ?

"Damn it, I find you seem to be a genius, the genius of No. 6 Middle School!"

Hammer roared.

The next second, Iron Hammer took off his two navy boots and smashed them down with his right fist.


One sound, no critical hit was triggered.

Come again!


Just like that, one sound after another sounded.

Looking at the deformed boots, Porusalino's lips twitched.

The surrounding people also noticed Iron Hammer's abnormal behavior, and everyone looked sideways.

Only Sakaski and Dorag seemed to have thought of something, and focused their attention on the hammer.


[Ding... trigger the critical strike grant, giving the navy-style boots the attribute of walking like flying, increasing the movement speed by 50%, and reducing the own weight by 30%. The effect lasts for one day. 】

"It's done!"

He roared loudly after hitting the hammer countless times, and the joy in his heart made him laugh.

Although it is only a time-effective item, it is enough to cope with the current situation. Under everyone's surprised gazes, Tie Hammer put on his boots.

Feeling the almost non-existent weight, Tie Zhui felt very comfortable.

Porusalino's eyes lit up, and just as he was about to ask, he saw General Zefa coming back holding a huge box.

"Are you resting? Then keep running!"

The crowd's wailing sounded again.

Under Zefa's lustful power, he could only move his legs and run again.

Seeing the listlessness of the elites, Zefa showed an evil smile.

The next second, he opened the box and took out a Big Mac.

Tie Zhui looked at it intently, his jaw dropped in shock.

That special one is a Gatling who can emit blue fire!

"You can't run, right? You can't run, right?"

"I'll give you some extra ingredients!"

"Look at my Gatling with blue fire!"

"Chuchu chuchu chuchu!!!"

Under Zefa's maniacal laughter, Gatlin started shooting.

Countless bullets flew towards the soldiers under the blessing of blue fire.

"Ouch! Damn, rubber bullets, that hurts too!"

"Ahhh! Stop fighting, stop fighting, Teacher Zefa!"

For a while, screams came one after another.

Although it is not a real bullet but a rubber bullet, it is extremely painful to hit someone when shot through Gatling.

Everyone pulled up their legs and ran wildly, fearing that they would be greeted by Teacher Zefa's Gatling.

On the other hand, Iron Hammer, with the bonus of "special boots", could run very fast for a while.

The three monsters looked stunned.

Porusalino's eyes flashed and he stared at the boots under Hammer's feet.

"Speed ​​ability? It's so terrifying!"

Teacher Zefa, who was having fun on the sidelines, also noticed something strange about the hammer.

The Gatlin in his hand turned the muzzle of the gun and started shooting at the hammer.

"Damn it! You old Bidden, don't show your face!"

Youyao's hammer was surrounded by bullets in the next second.

An angry curse came out of his mouth, and Zefa's face turned dark with anger.

The Gatling in his hand fired desperately at the hammer.

If this had happened before, Iron Hammer would have been really miserable.

But now he has the characteristic of walking as fast as flying, and he has no fear at all!

I saw Iron Hammer's legs exerting force, and the phantom was instantly stepped out under his feet.

The figure ran tens of meters away in an instant.

And as the hammer's feet hit the ground, the speed became faster and faster.

Unusual footsteps began to appear again and again.

With the help of the flying feet, the hammer ran faster and faster.

Zefa's Gatling can no longer keep up with his speed.

This scene shocked Zefa's jaw.

It even shocked the jaws of all the students.

But something even more shocking happened.

I saw Iron Hammer running desperately, leaving an afterimage of his legs.

He even stepped on the ground at high speed dozens of times in one second.

Along with the sound of heavy footsteps.


The next moment, the figure of Iron Hammer disappeared directly under the eyes of everyone.

When he reappeared, his head was on the ground and his feet were stuck into the soil.

Only two legs were still kicking around.

"Shaving... actually shaving..."

"This bastard Iron Hammer actually mastered one of the six styles of shaving while running..."

"Oh my god.."



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