One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 10 Hammer a pair on the spot


Indistinct voices slowly came from the painful cry. 【】

Only then did Zefa react, and the hammer was stuck headfirst into the ground.

Not daring to neglect, Zefa suddenly took action and appeared next to the hammer like a phantom.

He held one of Hammer's legs with his right hand and pulled him out of the ground with a strong force.

"Ha ha..."

"Almost died..."

The freed Iron Hammer was breathing heavily, with an expression of lingering fear on his face.

Zefa looked very crazy.

This bastard is obviously very talented and has outstanding abilities, but why is he so unwelcome?


Zefa threw the hammer aside speechlessly, causing a cloud of dust to rise.

Then he looked at the hammer very seriously.

"Do you know what you just did?"

Those words made the hair on Iron Hammer's body explode.

No, didn't he just forge his own boots, and this damn old man discovered this?

Thinking of this, and thinking of the way Zefa's arms were stained black, Iron Hammer was ready to confess and be lenient.

"I confess!"

"Teacher Zefa, I forged my boots for running, allowing him to trigger the attribute of walking as fast as flying, so that he can run fast!"

After finishing speaking, Tie Zhui put his head in his hands and squatted down, looking like he was confessing his guilt.

Seeing this, the corner of Zefa's mouth twitched.

Forged boots?

No wonder this kid can run so fast.

Could it be that this guy didn't notice the shaving just now?

"That's not what I'm talking about. Do you know that you just used one of the six types of shaving in the navy?"

Tie Zhui raised his head in confusion, with a look of confusion on his face.


Six styles?

He knew the Sixth Form of the Navy.

It refers to six moves: Shave, Iron Block, Paper Painting, Moon Step, Lan Kou, and Finger Spear.

Shave: In an instant (0.36 seconds), continuously stamp on the ground at high speed dozens of times to generate explosive reaction force to move at high speed. From the perspective of the enemy, it seems like teleportation.

Iron block: Insert strength into the body through intensive training, making the body have iron-like hardness. Not even bullets or swords can break it.

Paper Painting: Removing the strength of the whole body, through the changes in airflow caused by the opponent's movements, the body can become as light and thin as paper, and the body can be controlled easily and easily, and it can dodge attacks directed at itself.

Moon Step: Use strong foot power to step on the air to generate strong air-holding force. You can walk in the air like stepping on stairs, but you cannot stay in the air for too long. As long as you use this high-altitude movement technique, you can attack from the enemy's blind spot in the air.

Arashi Kick: Instead of inflicting damage to the enemy through kicking skills, it uses ultra-high-speed and powerful kicking skills to create a vacuum to create a slashing attack on the opponent, which can easily split the target in half.

Finger Gun: Concentrate all the strength of the whole body on the fingers, and use the hardened fingers to fire a blow with lightning. The fingertips have the attack power of bullets and can easily penetrate the human body.

Zefa actually said that he had just shaved?

How is this possible? He doesn't know how to do it.

"Teacher Zefa, it's impossible. I've never learned the six moves at all, let alone used them."

Zefa looked at the shock on Tie Hammer's face and saw that he was telling the truth.

So what happened to the shave just now?

Suddenly Zefa focused on Hammer's boots.

"What properties are triggered by your boots?"

"You can walk as fast as flying. Increase your speed by 50% and reduce your own weight by 30%."


When Zefa heard this effect, he understood it instantly.

The principle of shaving is to step on the ground at high speed.

The shoes are forged to increase their speed and reduce weight.

Great for shaving ties.

In addition, the physical quality of the hammer itself is very good, and it is not impossible to use it occasionally to shave it down.

"Try again and see if you can shave it off."

Zefa looked forward to commanding the hammer again.

Iron Hammer could only nod his head when he saw this.

Then I thought about the principle of shaving.

His legs suddenly began to move in place.


The next second, the figure of Iron Hammer disappeared again with a loud explosion.


The hammer appeared again and had hit the horizontal bar on the side.

The whole person hung on it.

Zefa was overjoyed to see this, but he planned to try again.

"Hammer, take off your boots. Sakaski, here you go."

Iron Hammer swayed off the horizontal bar, and then followed Zefa's instructions to take off his boots.

Sakaski, who was on the side, had already watched eagerly, and quickly stepped forward to take the hammer's boots.

"Sakaski puts on his boots and you try shaving."

"In an instant (0.36 seconds), step on the ground dozens of times at high speed, I believe you can do it."

Sakaski nodded heavily and quickly changed his boots.

Sakaski felt a different feeling instantly after putting on his boots. He felt that his whole body became lighter, which was very satisfying.

Under the gaze of Zefa and many students, Sakaski yelled:


I saw his legs exerting force suddenly, and the afterimage flashed past.


The next second, Sakaski's figure disappeared.

"Hahahaha! This feels so good!"

I saw that Sakaski had risen into the air and appeared ten meters away from the ground, and was now in free fall.

"Hahahaha! Iron Hammer, you little bastard can always bring me unexpected surprises. Your fruit power is so useful!"

"Leaving you in the training camp is definitely my wisest choice!"

Zefa laughed crazily, as if he had obtained a unique treasure.

Iron Hammer scratched his head in embarrassment.

Sakaski became obsessed with the experience the boots gave him.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The playground was instantly filled with dust, and Sakaski was running around with his shaver.

"Within digging, I obviously came up with this idea. Hammer, you have to forge a pair of boots like this for me."

Porusalino looked at the running Sakaski with envy, and quickly came to the hammer.

Unexpectedly, Zefa also heard this.

"Yes! Porusalino is right."

"Hammer, give me a pair of hammers now! Just hammer Sakaski's pair."

Iron Hammer was depressed. He was asked to hit him with a hammer on the spot and get a critical hit.

You know, he hammered the shoes just now for a full hour. God knows how long he had to hammer these boots.

"I know, I know, Teacher Zefa, but I don't know how long it will take for me to hammer it properly. Don't rush me..."

"Don't worry, just keep hitting your neck."

Zefa looked very happy and directly told the hammer to start now.

As for the others, sorry, keep running!

Just like that, with the hammering sound of the hammer, running started again.

At the same time, there were also the familiar whistling sounds of Gatling and Zefa's angry curses.



Asking for collection, asking for bookshelf, asking for likes, asking for everything! ! !

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