"Could it be that you are the descendant of those two pariah slaves?"

Feigaland Terry's tone suddenly changed, and his expression became intriguing.

He immediately looked at Lorne's expression and found that the other's eyes were full of murderous intent.

It seems to be true.

Who would have thought that Lorne Jibek, the great pirate who has been in the limelight recently, is actually the descendant of pariah slaves?

In addition, Lorne and Rocks, the two great pirates, are brothers!

In other words, Rocks and Lorne are the descendants of the two slaves he captured back then?

Rocks and Lorne just happened to correspond to the slave couple back then, holding two children in their arms!

"Hahaha, interesting, very interesting!"

Fergaland Terry burst into laughter for a moment, and his laughter was very hearty.

After all,...Two men with bounties of over 2 billion berries were once slaves in the Holy Land!

This is so interesting.

As a Celestial Dragon, he naturally feels proud of it!

Even the pirate with a bounty of 2 billion was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons!

Fegaland Terry was almost floating in the sky. Everything proved that the Celestial Dragons were undoubtedly the gods of this world!

"hehe....Is it funny? The pig-dog-like Celestial Dragons"

"If you fall into my hands today, I will make you pay back a hundredfold for everything you did sixteen years ago!"

Lorne sneered, his eyes projecting an extreme killing intent.


Before Lorne could make a move, a figure quickly flashed in the middle of the battle between Lorne and Fergaland Terry.

""Luo En, let me do it!" A familiar voice sounded, and then a strong domineering aura instantly spread out.

""Hao Lie!"

A fist wrapped in the domineering color was thrown out like a cannonball, with great force, as if it could smash a town with one punch.

Seeing this, Feigarand Terry hurriedly held the Supreme Sword [Divine Wield] horizontally in front of him, wrapped in armed color domineering, trying to resist the fist.

But the opponent's strength was so great that even if Feigarand Terry successfully blocked the fist with his weapon, he was still pushed back hundreds of meters by the terrifying force!

"Brother...."Loen looked at his brother in front of him. At this time, his brother's eyes were red and he stared at Fergaland Terry in front of him.

"Brother, catch him and torture him well. Don't let him be killed so easily!"

Locks' voice was full of anger!

He still remembered that his parents died in pain after being tortured with dozens of tortures.

After being greatly stimulated by that scene, Rocks awakened his domineering color and escaped from the holy land with his brother!

His ultimate goal of going to sea is to bring down the Celestial Dragons!

As for becoming the king of the world, it is natural to bring down the Celestial Dragons.

Now he meets a member of the Knights of God here, and he happens to be the man who arrested his parents.

When enemies meet, they are naturally jealous.

"Haha, untouchables are untouchables!"

"As a pariah, you want to rebel against the Celestial Dragons? What a joke!"

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Fegaland Terry did not forget to sneer.

As a member of the Knights of God and an emperor-level strongman, he was not the kind of person who would not fight back when being beaten.

Holding [Divine Wisdom], he held his breath and concentrated his mind, wrapping the Domineering Color around [Divine Wisdom]. The originally pitch-black blade and the dark red Domineering Color mixed together, and the blade became darker and deeper.

Fegaland Terry planned to use up all the Domineering Color in his body in one breath!

Of course, Fegaland Terry did not want to go head-to-head with Rocks and Lorn, two pirates with a bounty of more than 2 billion.

He just wanted to use this trick to buy himself some time, time to escape.

""Fear of God!"

Immediately, a sword was swung out.


A terrifying slash with a diameter of several thousand meters, as if it could split an island in two with one sword, whistled out.

The striking dark red arc lightning kept flashing in the slash, which was the roar of the domineering aura of the overlord!

This sword is definitely not inferior to the world's number one swordsman, the Navy Admiral Black Hawk.

If this sword falls, I'm afraid the entire Tian Shang Jin will be destroyed.

In addition, the members of the Rocks Pirates below and all the bystanders will be swallowed up by this sword energy.

He wants to see if Rocks and Lorne will abandon their crew and Tian Shang Jin to chase him.

"hehe....Is this all the strength of the Celestial Dragons?"

At a glance, Rocks and Lorne saw through Fegaland Terry's little thoughts, and they both showed the same brotherly smile.


Rocks and Lorne rushed towards the terrifying slash without fear.

Immediately, the two of them burst out with domineering aura at the same time and rushed towards the slash.

Crash, crash!

Something Fegaland Terry didn't expect happened.

The slash that he was proud of was dissolved by Rocks and Lorne in a flash and turned into mist!

After all...In front of him were two pirates with bounties exceeding 2 billion berries.

Lorne's current strength was already firmly at the level of an admiral.

Not to mention Rocks, anyone who could kill an admiral alone had already surpassed the level of an emperor general!

And Figarand Terry was only an emperor general. It would take at least several days and nights to determine the winner if he fought Lorne one-on-one.

Moreover, there was Rocks, who was even more terrifying than an emperor general.

If Rocks and Lorne joined forces, Figarand Terry would of course be crushed.


After dissolving the sword energy, Rocks and Lorne rushed towards Figarand Terry from the left and right.

One held a knife, and the other used a fist, and rushed towards Figarand Terry.

"How could it be?"

Fei Jialande wanted to stop the two men, but two fists could not defeat four hands, not to mention that the two coming were two general-level strongmen!


【The God of Wisdom blocked Rocks's fist, but he had no time to block Loen's Sky Feather Slash.

"Iron Block·Jade!"

The Iron Block was activated urgently, but the strong Armament Color Ryusakura still pierced through Fergaland Terry's body!

Blood gushed out like crazy.

""Damn you, lowly people! Do you only know how to bully the weak with your numbers? If you dare, challenge me!"

Fergaland Terry cursed angrily.

"Haha, why am I talking nonsense to a pig-like Celestial Dragon like you?"


Rocks sneered, not bothering to say anything to Fegaland Terry.

For the Celestial Dragons, there is only one word: kill!

""Ba Lie!"

Another fist wrapped in a strong domineering aura smashed fiercely. At the same time, Lorne also launched an attack on the other side.

Fergaland Terry could not take care of both sides and was beaten back step by step!

At the same time, his physical strength was also rapidly consumed!

So, after just a few minutes, Fergaland Terry's domineering aura and physical strength had both reached the bottom!

Swish, swish!


A heart-wrenching scream was heard, and both of Fegaland Terry's hands were cut off by Rocks and Lorne!

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