"It seems we’ve caught up....."

"Gulala, that’s right, CP0 almost succeeded."

"But I didn't expect that even the Knights of God would show up. It looks like we're going to have a big fight this time!"

At the same time, Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate all appeared on the battlefield at the same time, leaving everyone present stunned, their eyes almost popping out!

"Rocks...The Rocks Pirates are coming?"

"how...How is that possible? Wano Country is so far away from here! How could they run so far?"

"hateful...How did it become like this?!"

"What should we do now?"

At once, three men with bounties exceeding 1 billion, two of whom had bounties exceeding 2 billion Baileys, arrived.

Everyone present exclaimed.

Even the experienced and battle-hardened member of the Knights of God, the supreme Celestial Dragon, Feigarand Terry, was stunned!

Three pirates with bounties exceeding 1 billion, this......This is no joke

""My fellow idiots, kill all those who are related to the World Government and seize the Heavenly Gold!"

Without any extra nonsense, Rocks gave an order.

Immediately, under the leadership of Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate, the Rocks Pirates, which numbered nearly a thousand, launched an attack!




Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate rushed into CP0, like a lion into a flock of sheep, and groups of CP0 members began to fall!

In front of the three emperor-level strongmen, even the CP0, known as the [strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons], was as fragile as paper!

Only the captain-level CP0 members could barely resist and not be killed instantly.

But after a few rounds, those CP0 members at the highest level of the imperial group still became the dead souls under the knives of Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate.

"Is this the power of the Rocks Pirates?"

"Worthy....As expected, they are the pirate group that defeated the navy!"

"【The title of"New Overlord of the Sea" is indeed not in vain."

"No wonder they were able to create such a big stir in such a short time."

This scene made the seriously injured Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John, and Amazon Lily King, four supernova captains, mouths wide in astonishment.

The CP0 members who had just put their side in a difficult battle were completely vulnerable to the Rocks Pirates!

"Oh no...."

At the same time, the pride and calmness on Figarand Terry's face had long disappeared, replaced by panic and confusion.

After all, he did not expect that the Rocks Pirates would appear in the [Steel Kingdom] so far away from Wano Country.

Not only did he not expect it, the Five Elders and the Knights of God did not expect it either.

You know, the [Steel Kingdom] is in the first half of the Grand Line, and the first island entering the Grand Line from the North Sea is the Steel Kingdom Waldrey.

Therefore, the pirates here are all"small thieves", and sending a general-level strongman is more than enough.

Otherwise, it would not only require a member of the Knights of God to guard.

But I never expected that the Rocks Pirates would actually rush thousands of miles to attack the [Steel Kingdom]!

Mistake, very mistaken!

An idea quickly emerged in Figarand Terry's mind.

That is to escape from here decisively. After all, three general-level strongmen are not something he can stop alone.

But the price is that the gold in the sky is gone.

For the world government, now is the time when money is urgently needed, especially the military expenses of the useless navy.

If this huge amount of heavenly gold is lost, even a member of the Knights of God might be punished.

After all, this is the heavenly gold paid by the world's richest country. The amount paid by the [Steel Kingdom] alone is comparable to that of more than a dozen countries!

If this is lost, it will be a huge loss!

After hesitating for a while, Feigaland Terry immediately made the decision to escape.

After all, if the heavenly gold is lost, it is nothing more than a punishment, but life is your own!

As a noble celestial dragon, how can you lose your life in this place?

""Moon Step!"

Feigaland Terry decisively used the Moon Step and flew into the air, ready to leave this dangerous place.

"Members of the Knights of God, want to run? Don't dream!"

Just as Figaland Terry was about to escape, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared on the escape route of Figaland Terry.

Immediately afterwards, a large sword wrapped in terrifying armed color domineering and lightning chopped down on his head.

Seeing this, Figaland Terry picked up the supreme large sword in his hand and raised his hand to block the slash!


A terrifying air wave burst out in the air, and the air wave turned into a powerful shock wave that spread around, forming a mighty hurricane!

The two people at the center of the battle were as steady as a mountain, motionless.

"Lorne Gibber! The guy who took away the power of the Thunder Dragon!"

"I seem...Where have I seen you before?!"

Looking at the man with the power of thunder in front of him, Feigaland Terry was a little dazed for a moment!

The eyebrows and eyes of the man in front of him seemed to have been seen somewhere before! But he couldn't remember it clearly.

As if he had sensed what the other party was thinking, Loen was also a little dazed.

The person in front of him seemed to have seen him somewhere before?! But he couldn't remember it for a while.

Moving his eyes downward, Loen found the sword in the other party's hand. In an instant, memories came like a tide!

In his memory, more than ten years ago, when his parents took him and Rocks to escape from the Holy Land, it was a man holding this sword who found and captured his parents!

Loen was still young at that time, and his memory was not particularly clear.

In a daze, Loen only remembered that the man who took his parents away was holding a special sword. Unexpectedly, he met him here!

"It's you! It's you!"

"During the riot in the Holy Land more than ten years ago, you were the one who took my parents away!"

Lorne's voice suddenly rose, and he gritted his teeth, wishing he could eat the man in front of him alive.

"Who are you....?!!"

Loen's words immediately awakened a memory in Fegaland Terry's heart.

About ten years ago, a fire broke out in the Holy Land, causing a riot.

During the riot, many slaves in the Holy Land were ready to flee, but they were all caught by the Knights of God and CP0!

As a member of the Knights of God, Fegaland Terry naturally participated in that operation.

During the operation, Fegaland Terry captured many slaves, among whom a slave couple left a deep impression on Fegaland.

Because the couple were holding two children in their arms!

It is very rare for slaves in the Holy Land to have their own children.

Because of this, Fegaland Terry was deeply impressed.

Looking at Loen's face carefully, in his memory, the eyebrows and eyes of the slave couple are very similar to the man in front of him!

Could it be that.......?

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