One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 480 - Red hair These two people are five old stars (14 seeking subscription)

Chapter 480 – ?Red hair: These two people are five old stars [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on New World, Universal Totland.

This is the base camp of the Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling.

At this moment.

When news reports of the Hwaseong event arrived one after another.

Thirty-five islands centered on Cake Island are all in chaos…

“How could such a thing happen, the invincible mother was defeated!”

“Not just my mother, but even that…Kaito, the beast, is dead!”

“That…how powerful a hero is! Is he a god? Some people sigh.

“Mom and ministers, can they come back alive?”

Some people are worried.

“If Mom and the others can’t come back, we who have lost the protection of the Four Emperors, will it be……then we will be invaded by other pirates!”

Someone is desperate.

“Shut up! You idiot! Why can’t mom and others come back?”

“That’s right, the news only clearly reported the death of the beast Kaido, and the mother was only defeated. If the life and death is unknown, then he must be still alive.”

“Yes, besides, even if my mother is away now, there is still Kata Kuri in the country! If Kata Kuri is here, there is absolutely no problem!”

The 34 food islands in the territory of the world are full of people.

The Cake Island, located in the center of the world, was shocked by the people, and the panic and the uproar were also rushing into the sky.

At this moment.

Central Cake Castle Basilica of Cake Island.

The thief ministers and officials responsible for staying in the nations gathered together.

The leader is the second in command of the thieves, the undefeated superman that the Charlotte family is proud of.

The head of the star-Charlotte Katakuri.

This time I went to Hwaseong.

The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts and Pirate Group dispatched Captain Kaido, two major disasters, six volleys, and powerful real fighters. In addition to… the barbarians who are performing tasks outside, the elite of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates almost came out.

Those who stayed in Wano and were responsible for guarding the family, the highest level is real fighting.

The Hundred Beasts and Pirates dare to do this, except for the natural dangers of the country of Wano.

There is also the samurai legion of collaborator Kurotan Orochi.

Even if the beasts are not there, relying on the warriors of the country of Wano can resist the invaders.

In contrast.

A thief who has no geographical advantage and no collaborator naturally cannot come out like a beast.

When the ministers and combat cadres of the family set out on a large scale, it is natural to leave a strong force to guard the home.

Only the strongest family-Kata Kuri is qualified to guard one side.

Coupled with the same strong support of the biscuit army of Starcracker to assist the thieves on the front line, they can have no worries and go out boldly.

It’s just that no one in Ling had expected it.

The base camp behind them is stable and stable, with no changes or omissions.(Read more @

Instead, bad news came from the front-line expedition army led by his mother.

When a detailed report of the Hwaseong incident came, it was known to the remaining ministers and officials of the thief.

The whole cake hall fell into a dead silence for a moment.

The dead silence lasted only a moment.

Next second.

The ministers and cadres of the Cake Hall, just like ordinary people outside, couldn’t help but yell in amazement.

“Mom was defeated! How could this kind of thing happen?


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“Mother’s body of steel has never been able to break through! It is a myth! How can it be easily cut away by someone!”

“I don’t believe it! This is definitely fake news!”

“That’s the invincible alliance formed by our mother and that… Kaido of the beasts!”

The ministers and cadres in the hall shouted in shock.

“Stop arguing, shut up everything.”

The rugged biscuit man suddenly drank the starcracker.

Ling’s noisy cake hall suddenly became silent.

After a while.

“Brother Kata Kuri, we…what shall we do next”

Brin, the thirty-five woman of Charlotte’s family, looked at Katakuri with teary eyes.

“Brother Kata Kuri”

The other brothers and sisters also turned their eyes to Kata Kuri.

At the time when the four emperors lost their connection, Kata Kuri was their backbone.

“Mum is not dead yet.”

Under the collective gaze of the younger brothers and sisters, Kata Kuri, who has always been silent, finally speaks.

“Wait next!”

An uninhabited island in the New World.

The Redforth Pirate Ship, in red, is quietly moored on the shore.

The ship crew of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Group moved in unison to repair the deck that was penetrated by the laser of the general yellow ape.

Not far from the beach on the coast.

Taking advantage of the time between ship repairs, a banquet can be held anytime, anywhere.

Two hours later.

The joyous banquet turned into a shocking conference due to the constant arrival of news reports.

“Boss, this is really incredible!”

“That… Hawkeye, who is on par with the leader, is actually defeated in the most proud swordsmanship! The world’s number one swordsman has changed hands!”

“It’s amazing! That…hero! He defeated Kaido’s alliance with his own power!”

“This is really the biggest event of this era! It’s a pity that we were not able to be there, and witnessed with our own eyes.”

“I really envy Lu and Bu and the others! I knew I had signed up too.”

The red-haired people were all shocked and cried out strangely.

“Speaking of which, the next four emperors of the new world will really become double emperors.”

“That lunatic aunt doesn’t know, but the guy Kaido is really dead, the kind that is so dead…, even the fruit power is attributed to others!”

“Blackbeard! It’s the one from Whitebeard’s house… Blackbeard Titch! It’s really a freak as the boss said!”

“Shanks, what’s the matter with this Tickey’s body, how did he capture Kaido’s dragon fruit and how does it carry two fruits at the same time”

The red cadres looked at the four emperors with red hair, hoping to learn the secret from him.

It’s just for…the crew’s questions, the red hair is unheard of.

He looked very interested, looking at the mysterious powerful page of the newspaper.

“Shanks, do you know the identities of the two mysterious powerhouses that appeared last.”

Ben Beckman, the number one think tank of the sea, asked.


The four emperors red-haired Shanks smiled, raised his hand and pointed at the blurred photo in the newspaper.

“These two people are five old stars!”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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