One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 479 - The name of the hero resounds through the sea (44 seeking subscription

Chapter 479 – ? The name of the hero resounds through the sea [4/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on, driven by the collective help of the news king Morgons and various newspapers around the world.

The huge events that have occurred in Hwaseong City today, one by one, can affect or even change the direction of the world, spread throughout the world in the shortest amount of time.

As a result, the entire sea was like an eighteenth-magnitude earthquake, which was once again shaken…

“Except for the nickname, a super big event happened!”

“Win! This is the hero’s victory!”

“The hero Luo Lin defeated the alliance between the Four Emperors and the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Pirate Group!”

“The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido and the Four Emperors Lotling Ling were beheaded by naval heroes 36 years ago!”

“It’s great, great, this is great!”

“This is the hero!!! The real hero!!!”

“The world is finally saved!”

“I know! I know! The hero Luo Lin is still the one thirty-six years ago… the invincible hero!”

“Pirates, tremble!”

“Please end this chaotic era of great pirates, hero hero!”

“Heroes are invincible! Long live the heroes!”

The East China Sea, the South China Sea, the West China Sea, the North Sea, the paradise in the first half of the Great Route, and the New World in the second half.

Countless countries, islands, cities, small towns…all the streets and alleys are sung of heroic deeds.

The name of the hero Luo Lin, who had been silent thirty-six years ago, once again circulated all over the world.

Known to the world and sung.

This time, no one, no force can cover it up again!!!…The new world, the kingdom of love, passion and toys.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa, the second-floor highland palace of the royal capital.

The Don Quixote family, who holds the lifeblood of Dresrosa, still gathers in the palace hall.

The atmosphere in the palace hall was extremely condensed and depressed.

Whether it is Tianyacha Doflaming, one of the seven Wuhai.

Or the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

Everyone was silent, nervous about the results of the event from the other side of the distant sea.

Two o’clock in the afternoon: 2:.

After the Hwaseong event ended only.(Read more @

“Master Young Master, it’s coming out! The result is coming out!!!”

The head of the Don Quixote family’s intelligence department shouted anxiously from outside the palace hall.

“So fast!”

“This is only half a day away!”

“How can it be so fast”

“Could it be that… the hero has been defeated by the alliance of the four emperors just in name only!”

The cadres of the Don Quixote family in the hall were shocked and guessed.

“No, no, cadres, big event! A super big event happened! The Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling and the Four Emperors Hundred Beast Kaido were defeated by that…hero alone!!!”

The head of the squad leader of the family intelligence department screamed in surprise.



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sp; “What did you say!!!”

“Do not make jokes!!!”

The cadres of Don Quixote unanimously opened their shocked eyes, and their voices increased more than octave.

“I do not believe!”

Torrepol, the highest cadre of the Plum Blossom Army, shook his head repeatedly, raised his hand to throw out a sticky snot chain, and grabbed a large pile of report materials held in the arms of the intelligence captain.

As the largest dark intermediary in the underground world.

The information network of the Don Quixote family is also excellent.

Only half an hour after the big incident ended, I already obtained a detailed report of the whole process of the scene of the big incident.

It’s much more than what the reporters have reported.

The large stack of data reports of ‘Wala La’, rustled in mid-air like a celestial lady scattered flowers.

The Don Quixote cadres with extremely shocking expressions on their faces subconsciously raised their hands to catch them.

“It turned out to be true! The undead myth of the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beast Kaido has been broken!”

Pikka, the highest cadre of the spades army, spoke with a sharp voice, and his expression changed in amazement.

“That’s the immortal Kaido! He was hit by that…hero! How powerful is that…hero!!!”

Guradius, the fruit-explosive ability, screamed.

“It’s not just Kaido, Four Sovereigns.

That… Charlotte Lingling’s unbreakable golden body was also broken!”

Mahabais, who is capable of crushing fruits, murmured in shock.

“He’s still new… the world’s largest swordsman! Even the Eagle Eye has lost!”

Seneol Piccolo murmured in a deep voice.

“Unbelievable! None of these things are too incredible. Hey! I’m not dreaming, it hurts, it’s not a dream.”

Buffalo’s body with a propeller haircut couldn’t stop shaking because of fear.

“This is… the hero Luo Lin! Unparalleled powerful!”

Jora murmured.

“His strength has exceeded the limit of human beings! Is it a god?”

Rao, the old man of the last era, sighed.


For a moment, Qiwu Kaido Flamenco, who had always been silent on the throne, finally reacted.

He raised his head and laughed wantonly.

“Dover, what are you laughing at”

Torrepol asked puzzledly.

“Furfurfurfur, I just saw some interesting things! Play it, play it, the next sea will be your game battlefield!”

Doflamingo laughed wildly, but the expression on his face was gradually distorted.

“Dover, what interesting thing did you see?”

The top cadre Pika couldn’t help asking.

“Do you know the identities of the two mysterious powerhouses that appeared last?”

Doflamingo asked rhetorically.

“The last two people”

“Is it also the remnant of the sea lord Lockes?”

All the cadres were confused.

“The remnants of Lockes are wrong. Those two people are the highest power in the world-five old stars! Furfurfurfur!”

Doflamingo laughed.


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