One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 453 - Nami defeated the aunt (44 seeking subscription)

Chapter 453 – ? Nami defeated the aunt? [4/4 seeking subscription]

The first release of this content on is just a short moment.

The final battle above the sea has undergone a decisive change.

After the four emperors and beasts Kaido.

Another sea emperor, Luo Te Lingling, also lost within a few tricks.

Even her inherent tough body.

The steel balloon body that would bounce off the giant swords was also breached.

Under Luo Lin’s highest realm of “All Things and One Sword”.

The myth of the four emperors breaking through the five, the tough body is now cut open for the first time.

The wound is grim.

Blood dripping.

This result is simply incredible, beyond people’s imagination.

But… but it makes sense.

After all, the person who did this was the hero Luo Lin.

Not long ago, the hero Luo Lin, who broke the undead myth of the Four Emperor Kaido with a punch, and killed him overbearing! Now he has just broken another sea myth.

People were shocked thinking…


Witness the pictures of the four emperors Charlotte Lingling blood-stained in the sky.

In the ruined Jedi venue, all the ministers of the thieves were shocked, their expressions were shocked, and they were shocked to the extreme.

“How could this happen! Mom was injured!!!”

The eldest son Perrospero screamed in surprise.

“That’s our mother! Why was that… the indestructible steel body like a myth was broken!”

Long-legged Star Smoky yelled in disbelief.

“Mom, cheer up!”

Owen, Dafu and other ministers also yelled again and again in horror.



The chef Long Bread and other aunts and ministers on the Queen Mother’s Anthem also screamed in shock.

Under the shocking gaze of countless people.

The blood in the four emperors Charlotte Lingling spurted out as if she didn’t need money.

The body that looked like a little giant flew backwards weakly, and fell straight toward the sea.


Little Sun Prometheus shouted again.

Compared to before, the voice seemed a bit weak.

This is also natural.

Like Leiyun Zeus and Napoleon in the double-horned hat, he is the highest level Homitz who has given life to the four emperors Charlotte Lingling’s own soul.

It is closely related to Charlotte Lingling.

Now their master Luo Lin was hit hard by the sword, and he was close to the edge of coma.

Naturally, they were also severely affected, and they were about to go to sleep.

But as long as you don’t let Charlotte Lingling fall, “Don’t worry… Give it to me.”

Thunder Cloud Zeus also responded weakly.(Read more @

Use all my strength to fly towards Xia Lingling.

“Can catch up.”

Finally, Thunder Cloud Zeus arrived one second before Charlotte Lingling was about to fall into the sea.

As long as you move a few meters forward, you can catch it steadily.

But at this moment.

Abnormal regeneration.

The girl’s voice that originated from a few kilometers away called him again.

“Stop and let her fall into the sea like this.”

Thundercloud of Zeus


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A charming girl’s command sounded in her ears.

In the past hour.

He had heard this command sound more than once that made him seem to surrender.

Just because of the protection of the souls of the four emperors, he can completely ignore them.

However this time.

With the four emperors Charlotte Lingling’s coma, his soul power has also dropped to its lowest point.

It was already impossible to defy this order.

Under the furious gaze of Prometheus, the four emperors, Charlotte Lingling fell into the sea.

The blood stained the sea.

“What are you in a daze, fool Zeus.”

Prometheus shouted.

“I… I don’t know…”

‘Puff’ and ‘Puff’ fell into the sea with Charlotte Lingling as a capable person.

Zeus and Prometheus, the products of the two soul-soul fruit abilities, made two soft noises, and they stopped.

at the same time.

Hwaseong headquarters building thousands of meters away from the battlefield.

“Yeah, it finally succeeded!”

Watching the four emperors Charlotte Lingling fall into the sea on the big screen of the live broadcast, Nami suddenly jumped three feet high with joy.



Listening to the tender voice of the little sister Nami.

Weiwei, Kerla, Robin, Keya and others couldn’t help but scream.

Tina, Gion, and Ahe couldn’t help but look sideways.

“Could it be that……”

Kerla seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes widened in shock.

“Nami, you are a person with Yunyun Fruit Ability. Didn’t the previous… Thundercloud Zeus catch that… Nami, did you do it?”

Robin spoke in surprise.

Listening to Robin’s conjecture, the girls and girls in the stands couldn’t help but stare at their beautiful eyes in shock.

“Did you really do it Nami.”

Weiwei’s mouth opened, “It’s amazing, Nami!”

Keya, Markino and others were also amazed.

“It really deserves to be the eldest sister Nami who said the “Four Emperors”.”

Girl Alice gave Nami a thumbs up.

Even the alternate generals Gion, the female emperor Hancock, and the lieutenant general Ahe are unavoidable at this moment.

“Hey hey”

Nami immediately scratched her head in embarrassment.

“I just try it casually, that… has already been defeated by Luo Ling.”

“Don’t be humble!”

“Sister Nami!”

The little girls suddenly laughed and made a fuss.

“Ha ha”

Above the sky.

After Luo Lin froze for a moment, he saw the domineering look spread and listened to the noise of the little girls in the headquarters building.

Luo Lin also understood the whole story and couldn’t help but shook his head and chuckled.

At the moment when Luo Lin defeated the last formidable enemy, the spirit was most relaxed, the abnormal change regenerated.

This world, the sea, and the entire world are all dyed with a grayish white color.

Countless purple and black ghost claws were born in the void, and the tentacles were phantom.

Like the evil spirits at the gate of hell, they exited the gate and eroded towards Luo Lin in the sky.

‘Ding’… Please download to see the underlined version


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