One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 452 - Break the myth again bigmom loses 34

Chapter 452 – ? Break the myth again! bigmom loses! 【3/4】

This content was first published on “Do you want to die?”

Luo Lin’s cold and killing intent mixed with a drink sounded.

The words are concise and concise.


As a result, the four emperors Charlotte Lingling’s laughter stopped abruptly, and the smug smile on her face gradually disappeared.

“Do you mean to refuse”

Charlotte Lingling asked coldly.

“In this case, there is no way, I can only use my strength to make you succumb.”

Four Emperor Charlotte grinned confidently.

“If you can do it, try it.”

Luo Lin said with a relaxed grin.

“Asshole Rollin”

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling shouted in fright and anger.


“Come on, mom!”

Homitz, the little sun who has been following Charlotte Lingling, responded loudly.

Then it suddenly changed, from a round of harmless little sun to a huge flame that burned the sky.

In the center of the flame, there is a big face like a devil.

The raging flames burned above the sky, illuminating the dim sky.

The terrifying high temperature and the burning atmosphere in it are all slightly distorted, “Heavenly Fire”

The palms of the four emperors slammed down.

In an instant, the monstrous fire turned into a fierce flame tornado.

Covering Luo Lin’s location in all directions, releasing terrifying heat and burning power.

“Hmm, he didn’t even hide, he deserves it, turn into ashes under my flames.”

Little Sun Prometheus laughed confidently.

“Little Sun, can’t your flame temperature be higher, just this level is far from it.”

Luo Lin’s relaxed and free voice came from the flame tornado.


The five senses of Prometheus, the little sun, were almost twisted together, and immediately his eyes widened, and extreme horror and disbelief appeared on the face of the flame.

“This kind of thing, how…how could it be possible that you are not afraid of my flames”

Prometheus the little sun yelled in shock.

It clearly sees.

How easy is Luo Lin, standing in the sea of ​​fire, to be freehand.

This is simply unreasonable.

“I don’t believe it, turn me to ashes!!!”

Prometheus the little sun roared.

However, no matter how it increased the intensity of the flame, it still couldn’t hurt Rolin a bit.

After all, as early as decades ago, Luo Lin’s high temperature and flame resistance were already full.(Read more @

For… Luo Lin who had bathed in magma.

The temperature of Prometheus is naturally not worth mentioning.

“Ha ha”

Luo Lin smiled slightly.

At Prometheus’s panic gaze, he grabbed his hand.

Little Sun Homitz, the body of Prometheus, fell into Luo Lin’s hands.

“Let go of me, let me go, bastard.”

Prometheus struggled fiercely, but he couldn’t escape Luolin’s’devil’s clutches’.

Luo Lin is generally used as a toy to make a round.

“Asshole, what are you doing to my Prometheus!”

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling yelled angrily and sounded Elbuff’s gun: –Weiguo! Charlotte Lingling made a bold move.



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sp; On the blade of Napoleon in the double-horned hat, dark purple blades gathered together, and struck out with Charlotte Lingling’s swing.

The ‘boom’ air shook sharply under the power of her knife.

‘Wh,’ facing this domineering knife is a jet of black light.

The black sword Qiushui unsheathed and swept across the four directions with unmatched sword power and sword intent.

The rush of power and swordsmanship only lasted for a while.

Charlotte Lingling’s prestige was crushed and defeated by Luo Lin’s one.

Even Luo Te Lingling’s body staggered backwards.

Even if they are both great swordsmen, the level gap is huge.

Next moment, don’t wait: should come.

Luo Lin’s figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

The right fist was swung out boldly.

‘Boom’ Charlotte Lingling’s tough body like a steel balloon–a body that is impenetrable, invulnerable to fire and water, and will never be injured even in the rain of bullets and bullets.

At this moment, there is a change that has never been seen before.

The fat belly accumulated by the intake of a large amount of sweets swayed like water waves under the ‘blow’ of the fist wind.

Every piece of Charlotte Lingling’s body was trembling, and she let out an overwhelmed whine.

In the end, it flew backwards heavily.


The little sun who had regained his freedom screamed in surprise.

“Don’t worry about it.”

Zeus responded in a loud voice, and the speed suddenly skyrocketed.

Before Charlotte Lingling fell into the sea, she steadily caught it.

“It hurts, you bastard.”

Charlotte Lingling let out a cry of pain, but even though there was pain in her mouth, she still couldn’t see any scars on her body.

Even Luo Lin’s high-level armed punches can only make her feel a little pain, unable to break through her steel balloon-like body.

This inherent physical strength is truly abnormal.

“I’m really angry, Prometheus.”

Charlotte Lingling yelled.

“Here, mom.”

Prometheus, the little sun, knew it, and attached the whole to his head, setting off her like a demon of fire.

“It’s indeed time to end.”

Luo Lin’s calm eyes flickered.

The original gentle aura changed in an instant, like Shura returning from hell.

Killing Qi rushed into the sky, unconsciously heart palpitations.

Luo Lin at this moment is many times more dangerous than before.

The strong men of Perrospero and other aunts, just looking at the figure in the sky, they are terrified, as if their souls are trembling.

Even the four emperors Luo Te Lingling, who has always been extremely strong, is unconsciously heart palpitations at this time.

In front of that figure, her dignified sea emperor unconsciously gave birth to a retreat.

“Don’t get too smug, the Emperor’s sword-breaking five, breaking five, blade!”

With a roar, he dispelled the fear in his heart, and slashed a forty-meter long flame sword at Luo Lin.

At the same time, Luo Lin also swung his knife.

Everything is a sword!!! The powerful 40-meter flame sword touched the black sword Qiushui in Luo Lin’s hand that had reduced all the brilliance.

In an instant, the giant sword collapsed! Almost at the same instant.

The Fourth Emperor Luo Te Lingling let out a scream.

A fountain of blood exploded from her body.

A hideous wound almost cut her whole body diagonally away.

Another myth is shattered! The steel body of the four emperors Luo Te Lingling has been smashed!!!… Fei Lu reminds you: Three things to read.


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