One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 409 - Destroy the island Another Locks remnant party 44

Chapter 409 – ? Destroy the island! Another Locks remnant party? 【4/4】

This content was first published on “Look! The first round of the conference has been announced!”

“There are only two hundred and thirty-five people 235 who successfully advanced through the first round of the elimination round!”

The reporters in the live broadcast square shouted out the two major islands.

The people who had been staring at the heroes who appeared in the venue turned their heads and looked at the ranking list projected on the other screen.

“Sure enough, the number one at the end of this conference is that…ka…no!”

“How come it’s not the one…The Missing King Cavendish!”

“The scythe who picked up the leaks in the previous fierce battle was not the first!”

“Hey, hey, just kidding! That… the number of defeats for the first place is twice that of the second Cavendish!”

‘Wow’ when you see the man in fancy dance clothes that is at the top of the list, and his amazing number of defeats over a thousand.

The reporters and the audience in the two live broadcast squares were shocked and uproared.

“Really! He defeated more than a thousand people. How sacred is this man!”

“Isn’t the statistics wrong?”

“Obviously we all pay attention to how this person did it”

“I have never seen it before! Could it be that he solved a thousand people in an instant”

“How could Hwaseong’s statistics be wrong, dark horse!! Another dark horse has appeared!!!”

The live broadcast square was suddenly chaotic…

At this moment.

The least…accepting this result is naturally Cavendish, who is second.


Cavendish fell from his horse, propped on all fours.

“Second, why is it only second! I’m so unwilling!”

Cavendish looked sad and unwilling.

I thought that his top spot must have been stabilized.

I finally have to accept the attention of the world on this stage.

However, in the middle of the journey, another black horse ran in front of him, and he was thrown away in an instant.

That amazing double gap is really helpless.

Looking at the lost Cavendish, Trafalgarro on the side, Drake and others all subconsciously hide away.

The ghost knows if this guy will explode that…dangerous second personality because of a big blow.

However, that… suddenly came out, who is the sacred funny dancer who jumped to the top of the list, what exactly did he do and how to do it is the same doubt among everyone in the field.

Next second.

The answer is revealed.

The astonishing truths stored by the video phone worm were posted on the big screens.

The location is the Summer Island venue, which is four islands away from the Taikoo venue.

In the picture.

Thousands of contestants at the Summer Island venue danced passionately and unrestrainedly following a certain rhythm.

It will turn into a huge dance floor.

The focal point in the center of the dance floor is the man in dance clothes who made it to the top of the list.

“What does this mean”

“Are they all idiots dancing?”

“This is a martial arts competition, not a dance competition! “Who can accept that the top spot is such a funny thing!”

The faces of the contestants in the martial arts venue are ridiculous.

Gathered, “The guy Haiming actually ran there.”(Read more @

Seeing the supernova Arp who accompanies everyone’s dance in the picture, Drake couldn’t help but look stunned.

“What’s wrong, they don’t seem to dance voluntarily.”

The magician Hawkins seemed to be aware of something, and a solemn color appeared on his face.

It’s not just him.

Now all the people gathered in the Taikoo venue are strong.

Naturally, some clues can be seen.

Especially the pirate of beasts


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Everyone couldn’t help but yell.

“That’s Master Quinn, right?”

“Why Master Quinn would dance there!”

“Quin…big idiot, we are fighting here, he is actually dancing over there!”

The poisonous tongue sister Wu Luti’s silver teeth creaked.

“Sister, look carefully, the people dancing in that venue seem to be controlled by some power.”

Peggy Wan said with a horrified expression.

“I don’t know about others, but Quinn, that idiot, definitely enjoys it.”

Wu Luti affirmed.

The thousand people dance party on the screen gradually came to an end.

Under the shocking eyes of people.

The ground at the summer island venue vibrated with a magnitude visible to the naked eye.

“Hey, hey, this is not going to happen badly, right”

Doma, the knight, shook his face.

“Is the truth about solving thousands of people in an instant revealed?”

The monk Urji clenched his fists.

“The earth is shaking, is it the resonant force of that thousand-person dance”

Trafalgarro looked shocked.

‘Boom’ finally.

The final moment of the dangerous dance has arrived.

Following the uniform footsteps of the dancers in the summer island venue, they fell.

The shocking force of horror sublimated in an instant.

The huge summer island venue burst at this moment, and everything is invisible.

I don’t know after the past.

The roar of the explosion gradually subsided.

The smoke and dust in the sky dissipated.

What reappeared in people’s sight was a dilapidated island.

Central summer island.

The man in fancy dance clothes who triggered the crisis of destroying the island leaned slightly like a gentleman, bowed, and seemed to be making the final curtain call.

Not far away, the only one who remained awake was Plague Quinn, who was chubby like a balloon.

Looking at the horrible scenes around, even if it was the plague Quinn, there was no smile on his face.

Some are just scared of seeing a ghost.

The screen ends here.

The truth of everything is clear.

It’s not that Hwaseong’s statistics are wrong.

Instead, another…dark horse really appeared.


“Gudong Gudong”

The air sucked in the room and the sound came and went one after another.

“An incredible monster has appeared again, Dad, do you know who it is”

Usopp looked at his father with a look of fear.

Jesus was silent and shook his head.

“It’s another monster I haven’t seen before. It’s not really the remnants of the sea lord Locks! The group is coming!”

Little Fatty Lazilu guessed.

“No matter who he is, that… weird power is dangerous.”

Even Marco, who is the second-in-command of the White Beard Pirate Group, has a solemn expression at the moment.



“Mr. Luo Lin”

The eyes of Sabo and others all fell on Luo Lin.

So quickly.

Nearby Germa 66, supernova Drake, etc… everyone looked at Luo Lin together.

Looking forward to the legendary heroes to solve their puzzles.

“it has started!”

Finally, Luo Lin spoke.

However, it is not for everyone to confuse, but to announce the opening of the second round of the conference…

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