One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 408 - Shocked Another dark horse 34 order

Chapter 408 – ? Shocked! Another dark horse! 【3/4 order】

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Luo Lin above the sky stepped on the invisible and innocuous atmosphere, step by step, step by step.

In the end, he came to Sabo from the Hwaseong squad.

The gentle gaze swept across the very excited faces, and finally he grinned.

“I have seen all of your actions, and they have done a good job.”

Luo Lin nodded, expressing his approval of their bold action.

“Um…oh oh oh”

Listening to the recognition from him, the excitement on the faces of the Hwaseong squad was even greater.

The joy is already beyond words.

On the other hand, the ministers and cadres of Bai Beast and Fang, the expressions on their faces at this time are as ugly as eating dead flies.

The triumphant smiles of Usopp and others looked dazzling in their eyes.

It was like a sarcasm to them, making them angry.

However, no matter how unwilling, no matter how angry, how can they only swallow this breath before their invincible captain arrives…

“Hee hee hee”

The vitality straw hat boy chuckled.

“Tutor, our action this time still has many shortcomings.”

Sabo was not as heartless as his younger brother, and began to reflect.

“Command Sabo, the reflections are still left until after we go back. Here we just need to cheer.”

The shemale Xiao Feng happily turned to circle ballet.

“Yeah, yeah, the boss is mighty!”

Long-nosed Usopp echoes.


Candle 3 flattered unwillingly behind.

The cheers of joy from everyone came one after another.

Even for an old man like Krokdal, the corners of his mouth are unconsciously curved.

Jesus Bu and Laqilu looked at each other, their faces shaking.

Marco took a long breath, and the big rock hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

“This is what Big Brother Tiger once followed…hero!”

Haixia Zhiping stared at Luo Lin unblinkingly, and murmured unconsciously.

“Hero…Mr. Luo Lin.”

Not far away, the green peppers of the Eight Treasures Marine Corps pillar who had recovered a little sense, his old face was also full of excitement.

“Old man”

“Grandpa, do you really know that…hero”

Lao Cai and Abu widened their eyes and asked in surprise.

Regarding… the grandchildren’s doubts, the green pepper seemed unheard of, but the excitement on the old face was even worse.

Especially when Luo Lin noticed his presence and nodded to him.


the other side.(Read more @

The two powerful captains of the new world, Lei Qing Makugai and the traveler Domazi, exhale.

Ace looked at it with a shocked expression on his face.

“What do you guys see me doing”

Ace is puzzled.

“Ace, tell us honestly, daddy…”

“And that…red hair and that…hero are there really no contact?”

Doma, the knight, and Lei Qing Makugeiqi asked.

“How can they contact?”

Ace became more puzzled.

“If it doesn’t matter, why are you and Marco, and the redhead Jesus Bu and Lazilu…”

The doubts on the faces of Thomas and Marku Gay are even worse.



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; “You said this, in fact, the straw hat boy and Sabo over there are my brothers, and the long nose over there is the son of Jesus Bu, they and Luffy are also good friends, as for Marko, probably It’s because of my face.”

Ace smiled naturally.

Doma, Marku Guy: “…”

“Speaking of which, Thomas, I’ll tell you a secret, don’t be too surprised when you hear it.”

Ace pretends to be a mysterious Tao.

“What secret, what secret”

Doma, the knight, asked curiously.

“Although the old man and Mr. Luo Lin do not intersect, but…Golden Lion Shiji is now that gentleman’s younger brother, and Raleigh and the others…”

Even if he knew about it, now speaking, Ace’s face is still full of weirdness.

Not to mention it was Doma and Marku Gay who first heard of this disruptive event.

The two people were shocked to petrified by this huge secret on the spot.

Even a word can’t be spoken.


Supernova Trafalgarro, Magic Hawkins, and Drake looked at the whispering and petrified Ace trio 3, and their faces flashed with curiosity and incomprehension.

Even though they have fought side by side not long ago, it doesn’t mean that each other is a…partnership, so it’s natural not to ask.

“Hey, haven’t the statistics come out yet? I must be the first in the first round of the conference.”

Cavendish, the pirate nobleman riding a white horse, finally spoke.

The focus of attention is very different from what others have always done.

Ling’s people who were familiar with his nature were speechless for a while.

Soon after Cavendish’s question fell, a special sound effect suddenly came from the big screen in the sky.

It represents the completion of the first round of statistics of the conference.

“I’m coming!”

“Who can occupy the top spot!”

“I picked up a lot of heads just now!”

“Although it may not have much substantial significance, but let’s pay attention to the wave for the time being.”

People looked up one after another, their eyes falling on the sky screen.

Then he was dumbfounded again.

Originally, more than half of the top 30 positions in the list of defeats were occupied by the cadres of the two emperors.

In the previous last hour of fighting.

Whether it’s Fosford, Uluti, Owen, Smoky and other top powerhouses, without exception, they fall outside the dozens.

The reason is obvious.

Even if Wu Luti and others were unwilling, they had no choice but to accept it.

In the last hour, it successfully counterattacked, and it was not Luffy, Saab and others who made it to the top of the list.

After all, their opponents are basically the emperor’s cadres.

Naturally, the number of beatings with imperial cadres will not increase.

Therefore, it is Cavendish, Trafalgarro, Drake, etc. that occupy the top positions of the list now…The powerhouses who wander in the outer area and abuse the emperor’s pirates.

For… Cavendish, who is particularly persistent, relies on the second personality, wanders the battlefield like a wind demon and sickle, and focuses on small soldiers of average strength to start.

In the end, a total of five hundred and twelve, 512 heads were captured.

There was a gap of a hundred from the latter.

However, even so, he is still only second.

The person occupying the top of the list has twice as many defeats as the second Cavendish, reaching a staggering one thousand and twenty-four.

It was a man in a fancy dance costume.

Another dark horse of this conference appeared…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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