One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 360 - The sea is boiling (34 Seek Complete Customization)

Chapter 360 – ? The sea is boiling! ! ! [3/4 Seek Complete Customization]

This content was first published on, with the new port of Alabastan as the origin, and the wind of the sea quickly swept the entire world.

The whole sea of ​​Ling is boiling!!!…East China Sea.

Windmill Village.

“Everyone, come and see!”

“Big news!”

A young villager waved the newspaper in his hand and eagerly greeted the simple villagers all over the village.

Not long.

Shocked cheers resounded throughout the entire Windmill Village.

“Unbelievable! The owner of the…Hwaseong Fortress where Mr. Slapp and Mr. Markino went is actually a naval hero!”

“A naval hero like Mr. Karp! Is this true?”

“Is this man really a hero, why have we never heard of it before”

The new generation of young people in Fengche Village opened their mouths in confusion.

“Stupid bastards, what are you questioning”

A villager who was over half a hundred years old suddenly yelled out of his youth in excitement.

“Mr. Luo Lin! It’s really Mr. Luo Lin!”

Another villager in the sixtieth year was even more excited and tears filled his eyes.

“Hero, he is undoubtedly that… Hero Luo Lin! I have seen him before!”

“Yes! I still remember clearly, he is Karp’s best friend!”

“My old lady was Mr. Luo Lin’s number one fan of Windmill Village back then!”

“That guy Slapp must have known it a long time ago, and even the old man kept it secret, and he will never be spared when he comes back!”

People of the older generation in Fengche Village talked and shouted in excitement to vent their inner shock and joy.

Listening to the words of my parents and even the elders of my grandfather.

The young people in Windmill Village were all dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, there was an uproar that burst into the sky.

It’s not just Windmill Village.

There are also Coco Yaxi Village, Shuangyue Village, Silob Village, etc…people under the jurisdiction of Hwaseong Maritime Work Agency.

At this moment, everyone is plunged into a sea of ​​cheers.

Prior to this, ordinary villagers on many islands in the East China Sea still had the last lingering doubts and vigilance about the…

After all, in their cognition, the big boss of this work agency is that… Qiwuhai Krokdal, a pirate.


With the disclosure of the identity of the true Lord of Hwaseong.

The last doubt in people’s hearts instantly disappeared.

Because they know.

I am now under the shelter of a ‘hero’! If you can’t even believe in a ‘hero’, who else is worthy of trust? There is a loess high-slope island in the East China Sea.

The old bald tattooed man wearing sunglasses knocked on the pipe in his hand.

An old face full of wrinkles gradually appeared with a smile.

“It turned out to be you bastard! No wonder no wonder!”

Occupying the East China Sea for the Hwaseong Maritime Work Agency, there is joy at this moment.

The South China Sea is no exception.

It has been less than a month since the end of the Battle of the South China Sea.(Read more @

The situation across the entire South China Sea remains the same.

Because of that war.

The civilians on the islands of the South China Sea also hold strong hostility towards the maritime work agency that came from the great route.

So far, the members of the work club who stayed in the South China Sea are still struggling with the communication problems in the South China Sea.

However now.

With the unveiling of the identity behind the maritime work agency.

The entire South China Sea is boiling over.

The people of the South China Sea resisted the forces of darkness and the Qiwuhai Krokdal, but that was a hero! Who would resist the hero? The problem that has plagued the members of the South China Sea branch for nearly a month was solved with a report.

The entire South China Sea is also boiling with it, turning into a sea of ​​cheers…

West Sea and North Sea.

Due to time


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Luo Lin’s shipping agency has not had time to attack the dark forces commanding the underground world of these two sea areas.

But at this moment.

When the hero’s report came.

Learned that the East China Sea and the South China Sea are now under the shelter of ‘heroes’.

People in these two seas can’t sit still.

The islands and civilians who have long been exploited and oppressed by the underground dark forces rise up.

People are praying, calling for the arrival of heroes.

This situation makes the dark agents in the North Sea and the North Sea feel devastated.

Just killing chickens and monkeys can no longer contain it.

I want a big report to the new world.

But it hasn’t been answered for a long time.

Because at this moment, the leaders of the dark forces in the new world are also exploding…

New world.

The famous Happy Street.

This is a paradise for men.

The largest paradise in the middle of Happy Street.

Today, this highest level of pleasure sanctuary, gathers dark predators from all over the new world.

The king of loan sharks, Lufield, the occultist Gibbson, and the burial company leader Dragu Piedro, etc…

Not long ago, under the anger of the Four Emperors, they were each deprived of a life span of more than ten years.

But in the end he finally survived.

This time the two big four emperors joined forces and are about to jointly attack Hwaseong.

For them, it is naturally a happy event.

They hated the…that Hwaseong Fortress.

Three and two clashes.

Every time it ended with their big defeat.

For…that inexplicable city and organization, they no longer have any temper.

Now that the emperors of the sea have joined forces, in their opinion, Hwaseong is already a dead city.

The people in Hwaseong City, including Qiwuhai Krokdal, were all dead.

The sorrow that has been held for several months is about to be released.

These…the predators of the dark world are very excited.

They gathered spontaneously and came to Happy Street, wanting to celebrate and enjoy in advance.

However…the development of events is always unexpected.

The paradise garden has only been lively for not long.

With the delivery of the latest reports from various newspapers, I fell into an absolute silence.

‘Gudong’ and ‘Gudong’ all around the sunny open-air swimming pool.

The voices of people swallowing saliva hardly came and went.

The sound of ‘huhuhu’ breathing like a bellows broke into a series of films.

Looking at the latest report on the Hwaseong incident in hand.

The crowds of dark power predators gathered here were shocked and shocked.

There was extreme horror and disbelief on each face.

They thought they could see the good news that Hwaseong Fortress was crushed by the sea emperors and turned into rubble today.

Who ever wanted to wait for such terrible news.

“Hero! He said he was a hero!”

Finally, Lufield, who was like a fat pig, was the first to cry out.

“How can this kind of thing be possible!”

“The navy hero is clearly Karp alone!”

“No, no, I know, hero Luo Lin, such a person did exist before!”

“I remember, thirty-six years ago, I saw on the news, he is really a hero!”

“Our enemy…the one we have always wanted to destroy…is it such a terrifying existence!!!”

Some old dark power predators screamed in shock.


One of the dark kings, the queen of Happy Street, Stutsi, exhales, and his beautiful eyes flashed with a different look…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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